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Thread: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!

Created on: 11/10/14 07:37 AM

Replies: 19


Cblast's Gravatar

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Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 7:37 AM

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Joined: 03/29/13

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 8:36 AM

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carabuser's Gravatar

Joined: 09/05/12

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 9:59 AM

2012 ZX 14R, Cblast ECU Flash, (RECOMENDED !!!!) 2 Brother slipons, ZG marc 1 windscreen, yosh fender eliminator, Pazzo Levers, Powerbronze hugger, heli bars, competition werks footpegs, Throttlemeister Cruise Control, CF Heel Guards,

Predator Race Team #14
1980 GS 1100
1978 GS 550
1968 CL 350
1972 TS 90
RM 125, YZ 250, CR 500. Taco 22 LOL !

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill

'The trouble with Progressive's is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' - Paraphrase of R.R.

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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 10:18 AM

Yes...Happy B-Day Guys and Gals...thank you for all the years and tears and everything else...GREAT JOB.....

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Renegade's Gravatar


Alberta, Sands baby

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 1:16 PM

Big thank u

2010 Special Edition
Ren Naghizadeh

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wfozx14's Gravatar


Upstate New York

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 3:45 PM

239 Years of kicking ass and taking names. God bless each and every one of you, past present and future.

Ohlins forks,Ohlins shock,GPR steering damper, Brembo brake master cylinder/lever,Brembo clutch cylinder/lever,vortex rearsets, Two Bros carbon race series 4 into 1 exhaust,Dunlop Q3's,galfer ss brake/clutch lines, V1 radar detector,zumo 550 gps,auto com communication,PDM 60 power distribution module,zero gravity DB wind screen, vortex rear sprocket,EK zzz chain, Carpenter racing CCT, Romans flash, Annitori racing quickshifter.

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PHILISTINEgreen14's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 3:45 PM

Wolf told me you're a solid guy. Not a patriot type of cat but thanks for the sacrifice and service


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Nastynotch's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 4:56 PM

Marines are a special breed, and you're no exception Sebastian. Thank you for your service defending our country, and your continued service to the motorcycle community! You da man!

2013 ZX-14R SE
2 Wheel dyno works flash
custom machined bar risers by yours truly
Muzzys black stainless slips
V1 custom mounted
Zero Gravity DB screen
Yoshimura fender eliminator
Black powder coated wheels

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Bobby914's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 5:52 PM

Thank you for all you did and do!!

Full Muzzy, flies out,K&N, black wind screen, pc3, pm wheels, blue led gauges and lights, scorpip alarm, roaring toyz kickstand and lowering links, tinted turn sigs.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 7:01 PM

Big thanks right back, and thanks not to me, but to my brothers in the corps. It is hard to even articulate how greatly I would like to thank all my fellow jarheads. Any marines ever in Washington that need a hot meal and cold couch, my door is always open.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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maverick1441's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 9:30 PM

All my respect you crazy bastards. Oorah!

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Rktsled's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 10:58 PM

The Few and The Proud!!!

Semper Fi to all my brother Marines, we stand together!

2013 ZX-14R with lots of mods, quick and comfortable.

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Rktsled's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/10/14 11:00 PM

Cblast, have tremendous respect foe the work you have done, have even more now that I know you are a Marine.

Knew I liked you for a reason!

2013 ZX-14R with lots of mods, quick and comfortable.

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 4:51 AM

I had no idea the organization has been around that long. Happy birthday. Thank you, all.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Joined: 10/06/14

Posts: 25

RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 10:12 AM

Marine Major General Smedley Butler on how he viewed his time in service....

War Is A Racket

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” Marine Major General Smedley Butler

Sadly, nothing has changed...

Disconcerting to observe the original Armistice Day, which was dedicated to the cause of world peace, to become bastardized into a glamorization, glorification and celebration of war. Rather than promoting peace, many of the speeches and ceremonies seem geared to ensuring a never-ending supply of veterans in the future. That, and the mental gymnastics required to reconcile justification and participation in numerous illegal/immoral wars based on lies and greed. Nothing honorable about serving in a military which regularly engages in the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and CHILDREN... based on lies and profit...

Long past time to honor the peacemakers...

Veterans For Peace

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 10:26 AM

Hmmm...perhaps you'd like to be speaking German right now...or Chinese...or Arabic.Go there em out....why waste your words and energies this terrible land.What I the chant I've remembered from ALL the powers that have oppressed their own people..."It's America's fault you're held down"....big business is big business....being on top doesn't make you 'bad' makes you able to give to don't see that.Or won't.When was the last time you offered a Turkey dinner to someone you didn't even in the street?Or try to find placement for someone...or help a Vet?Or anyone for that matter.

Greed is Greed...whether it comes from "big Business"...or the guy selling drugs for the cartel.You're labeling all American actions as 'bad'...yet you mention NOTHING about the despots around the world murdering their own.Killing...INNOCENT MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN.How about them?They're exempt from your judgements because they "don't have an office in Wall Street"?Get real.Go help on a grassroots level.Get involved someone less fortunate than you.That's where the real American spirit won't recognize it until ya start living it......

"Veterans for peace"....okay..I get that...anyone who's been through a living hell of war feels that way.If it were a perfect know the rest.It isn't.There will always be takers and givers.Selfish people and selfless ones.Blaming establishments....that's a smokescreen for actually doing something personally(and I it's SAFE to do this).You think "blaming America" means anything to some victimized hungry family in some foreign land...where the militias have come through and killed everyone cause they don't believe the same way as the victimizers?America's fault?....while those murderers indoctrinate their kids...and preach hate towards the west...what are they doing to relieve the suffering of their own?I'll tell ya what...they're hijacking the food supplies sent by the wicked American Regime...and selling it on the black market...killing anyone who dare try to 'make things right' for those suffering.You chose to stand by and watch this kind of atrocity go on?Blame big business for it?America?Sound cool?Peace has a price....

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/11/2014 @ 10:48 AM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 11:00 AM

And I might add...WHEN was the last time you saw a murderer in one of these foreign countries driving a vehicle MADE in their country?OR their weapons.Or supplying medical products MADE and CREATED in their own country?That's America's fault,right?Easier to just cut somebody's head off than do the real work of helping.Regardless of creed or anything else.I really don't see any difference between THOSE killers and the Nazi regime...or Saddam's Iraq.And that's America's fault,yes?

You can thank the media for the slanted,destructive views that ALWAYS get prime time coverage.See any GOOD works being reported about America's place in the global effort to help others?That doesn't stop Americans from taking the lead in actually DOING something to change things...why do you think this country has lasted as long as it has...this American way of life?Chance?Big Business's the SPIRIT of WHY we are...not dollars.

If you think that the removal of this country would be the solution to the ills of all're naive.VERY.I'm not sayin...this country is 'giving' peace to other nations and people living their way of life...but I am saying...this country is the balance point for world events and how they're dealt with.Leave things to Russia or China...or any of these other countries that oppress others as a natural course of think that would be okay?No America?Good luck with that;)

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/11/2014 @ 11:18 AM *

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carabuser's Gravatar

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 11:14 AM

Grn, these hypocrites won't leave, they have it good here and they know it, they need to go to a communist country
or an Islamic state (like my grandfather luckily got out of) and try and spout their bullshit and see how long
they are alive. they have NO idea what it like to live under a brutal dictator like Hltler, or Mussolini etc ..
etc ... you either take them out, or fall to them and their dictatorship.
and this bullshit about profit, we could have TOTALLY taken over almost the whole world after WW2 if we
wanted too, we could have leveled the Mid East and taken the oil etc ... as it is, most of the equipment over there
is OURS and was built by US, but these arabs get most of the profits, and they are still in charge of their own
country, we have rebuilt and payed for MANY contries that were former enemies ...

Hopefully this video will come out, it explains a little about war

Click Here for video

* Last updated by: carabuser on 11/11/2014 @ 11:47 AM *

2012 ZX 14R, Cblast ECU Flash, (RECOMENDED !!!!) 2 Brother slipons, ZG marc 1 windscreen, yosh fender eliminator, Pazzo Levers, Powerbronze hugger, heli bars, competition werks footpegs, Throttlemeister Cruise Control, CF Heel Guards,

Predator Race Team #14
1980 GS 1100
1978 GS 550
1968 CL 350
1972 TS 90
RM 125, YZ 250, CR 500. Taco 22 LOL !

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill

'The trouble with Progressive's is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' - Paraphrase of R.R.

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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

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RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 11:28 AM

No video though????...

To Knut...just what WOULD you say is the answer to these things?You haven't said anything about solutions...only faults.

"and this bullshit about profit, we could have TOTALLY taken over almost the whole world after WW2"....ooops;)Be careful might give America a few kudos....Knut wouldn't want that....

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/11/2014 @ 11:31 AM *

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carabuser's Gravatar

Joined: 09/05/12

Posts: 1731

RE: Happy 239th Marine Corps Birthday!
11/11/14 11:48 AM


the video comes out on my ipad ? I put another link that says "click Here for video". Does
that link work ?

Oh, about these progressives having solutions ? No, never, just attack the messenger, or the other person or party
that is telling the truth, most of the time they have NO truth on their side, just Ad Hominem ....

* Last updated by: carabuser on 11/11/2014 @ 11:52 AM *

2012 ZX 14R, Cblast ECU Flash, (RECOMENDED !!!!) 2 Brother slipons, ZG marc 1 windscreen, yosh fender eliminator, Pazzo Levers, Powerbronze hugger, heli bars, competition werks footpegs, Throttlemeister Cruise Control, CF Heel Guards,

Predator Race Team #14
1980 GS 1100
1978 GS 550
1968 CL 350
1972 TS 90
RM 125, YZ 250, CR 500. Taco 22 LOL !

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill

'The trouble with Progressive's is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' - Paraphrase of R.R.

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