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Thread: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R

Created on: 03/26/19 11:52 PM

Replies: 9


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Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
03/26/19 11:52 PM

What is the difference between the ZX14 and the ZX14R?

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Danno's Gravatar


Southwestern Illinois

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
03/27/19 6:11 AM

R has more hp, displacement, 20 lbs heavier, and slightly longer wheelbase. Plastic is slightly different. New paint.

* Last updated by: Danno on 3/27/2019 @ 6:12 AM *

'07 CPB Blue; ZGST windscreen with MRA X-screen adjustable spoiler, tube bar adaptor, PC III, ATRE,BMC air filter, modified stock seat with 2nd Look cover,Scorpion Flame Ti slip-ons, Galfer rotors front and rear, braided-stainless lines, C-F 10R front fender, C-F hugger, C-F inner fairing panels, painted foreman's fins with faux C-F inlay, polished rim lips wired for heated gear and accessories, Givi V35 side bags and E41 topcase with SW-Motech qd mounts

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
03/27/19 6:39 AM

Traction Control and ABS on the 14R too. I'd go for the 14R. 2012 to present.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
03/27/19 8:28 AM

14: 1352cc.
14R: 1441cc.

14: No ABS.
14R: ABS (optional).

14: Body Plastic the same fore and aft.
14R: Side panels only change sans paint schemes.

14: Under 200HP.
14R: Over 200HP.

14: Open Loop.
14R: Closed Loop.

14: Slow moving subthrottle plate openings.
14R: Revised subthrottle movements.

14: Wide seat at inner leg room.
14R: Narrowed seat brings in legs some.

14: Fast bike.
14R: Faster than 1st gen.

14: Initial rod bore/stroke engine family.
14R: 2mm longer rod stroke/bigger bore engine family.

14: Base platform.
14R: Subtle changes during production run.

14: K-Skid features.
14R: K-Skid features.

14: Staging/race settings.
14R: Staging/race settings.

14: Base dash display.
14R: Revised dash displays.

14: Tuner friendly.
14R: So-so friendly.

14: Nissan Brakes.
14R: Brimbo Brakes.

14: Oil drain plug in vertical position... field failures cracking the oil pan at drain bolt.
14R: Horizontal position of oil plug... revised for more ground clearance.

14: Smooth engine balancing system.
14R: Just as smooth.

14: 10 hole injectors.
14R: 12 hole injectors.

14: Interchangeable throughout 1st gen.
14R: Interchangeable throughout 1st/2nd gen bikes, sans some engine parts/some side panels/some electrical parts.

14: The Best.
14R: Mo Better.

14: The Best... what I miss?
14R: Mo Better. what here too?

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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Joined: 02/14/19

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
03/27/19 2:20 PM

Thanks guys, info helpful.

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Joined: 10/06/14

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
05/08/21 6:12 PM

I had an 07' ZX14 and was quite happy with it. Tuned it up, personalized it a bit and rode the heck out of it for a couple of years. Then, in what could only be called a moment of insanity, I sold it while keeping the 08' Sportster 1200 Custom. Both bikes were wonderful, but for obviously different reasons.

Several years later, in another yet moment of insanity, I sold the Sportster. It didn't take long for feelings of despair as the result of not having a bike began to manifest itself. So, while I thoroughly enjoyed the Sportster, (and I'll probably get another one of those as well), I had always had sport bikes, so another ZX14 was on my list. I came across a 2015 ZX14R Anniversary with barely 11,000 miles on it. (Don't people ride anymore)The bike was mint so I picked it up and rode the 360 miles back to my place in full adrenaline mode. Lowered the pegs, raised the bars, a full Yosh R77 and a ECU flash and it is good to go.

The 07' ZX14 was and is a great bike, the ZX14R is just a little bit better in subtle ways, though not really worth ditching an older model for the new one IMHO. Though I do appreciate the ABS, the KTRAC and power modes not so much, though I could see where they could benefit a rider with limited experience. While I still have fond feelings for my old FJ1200, I can see the day when the ZX14R will surpass it as my ultimate ride.

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
05/23/21 2:10 PM

In the UK the ZX14 (ZZR1400) was available with ABS from 2006, ZX1400B6F. I never owned a Gen 1 model but I've spoken to a couple of owners who do and who have ridden a Gen 2 and they said the difference wasn't really worth selling a good Gen 1 for.

* Last updated by: pegscraper on 5/23/2021 @ 2:14 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
05/23/21 5:21 PM

I never owned a Gen 1 model but I've spoken to a couple of owners who do and who have ridden a Gen 2 and they said the difference wasn't really worth selling a good Gen 1 for.

Except for now because there's a new Hayabusa.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
05/30/24 7:10 AM

^^^Well, that didn't end up mattering one bit, now did it? If the Gen3 busa would have outdone the 14R, I'd be buying that bike. What's the difference between the ZX-14, the ZX-14R and the Gen3 Hayabusa? The Hayabusa is slower than the other two. I'll keep my Gen2 busa and be glad to have a ZX-14R after waiting all these years.

I hope the rear axle is the same size between the Gen1 ZX-14 and the ZX-14R. I'll be using my Pit Bull trailer restraint to ptrailer the new bike home and I only have pins that fit the Gen1 ZX-14.

From the Pit Bull website, Pit Bull trailer restraint pins fit all models ZX-14, '06 through '22 so I assume they will work for my 2024.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/30/2024 @ 7:19 AM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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zx9rmal's Gravatar

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RE: Difference between ZX14 and ZX14R
06/06/24 1:18 PM

Let's not forget the 3 lbs lighter wheels on the 14R.

Mal Ft. Lauderdale, FL, '22 ZX-14R, '20 ZL1

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