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Thread: This is Biden

Created on: 11/26/21 10:50 AM

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
02/17/24 7:24 AM

I can barely comprehend what's going on in this world. Our Federal Government is (really) bankrupt and no one seems to care. It's like I'm the only person who see's $34+ trillion in debt as an issue? Most states aren't any better.
The only reason we aren't in a severe recession or depression IS the debt spending and if there is a "positive" effect from all the inflation that it's kept $ higher even if less economic activity is occurring. My last employer we were shipping less product but our sales were higher year over year because of inflationary price hikes.

And IMO, as an arm chair analyst is this is not by chance. No, what's going on is contrived. As a person in IT and trained to identify patterns, I've been trying to warn people about globalism for years now. "AI" which the public is being sold as some kind of independent self-reasoning intelligence that must be right if AI outputs it.

People used to look at me like I was Art Bell/TFH type. At least these days, I can say "globalism" and often at least people recognize the term. But they don't really know what it means. Now I can add terms like WEF, WHO, Clause Scwab, and terms like great reset (which were spoken out of Biden's mouth) and people back to looking at me like tin foil hatter.

I don't get it, EXCEPT as a Christian and the reality is that EVIL rules this world. And that explains WHY people are doing what they are doing, and the useful idiots are falling into line.

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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RE: This is Biden
02/17/24 12:37 PM

Vic, I feel like we are in end times. Things just get worse every single day. The people that vote for this mess are the worst people on the planet...

Ile be damned

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
02/17/24 4:32 PM

Oh and big news this week...Russia is making space nukes or whatever BSOTD... Well maybe we shouldn't have spent the last 4 years concerning ourselves with zims and zers and Dillon Mulvaney types? Maybe we should've been concentrating on what other countries are doing instead of wasting our time, money, and resources because little Johnny likes to wear dresses and pretending to be a girl?

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RE: This is Biden
03/14/24 11:10 AM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
03/15/24 6:25 PM

What does our Frontline social worker think about this lol. Coughla, coughla
Orange man bad grrrrrr

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 3/15/2024 @ 6:26 PM *

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
03/20/24 1:28 PM

Orange man bad grrrrrr

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
03/22/24 11:46 AM

Ile bet coughla, draino and madd have a signed original

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
03/23/24 10:54 AM

Reminds me of the saying even the sun shines on a dogs ass occasionally

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 3/23/2024 @ 10:55 AM *

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RE: This is Biden
04/11/24 8:19 AM


Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
04/14/24 11:01 AM

He really scared them lol. I remember when Trump was elected all the left halfwits screamed he was going to start ww3 and tank the economy. Well, look what they themselves have done. Methinks we knew this outcome going into the voting booth in 2020 lol. Thanks guys...

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 4/14/2024 @ 11:02 AM *

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/11/24 2:12 PM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/14/24 11:48 AM

Ile be damned

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
05/14/24 4:56 PM

It's far too unfortunate, that all the people pro-abortion weren't aborted.

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RE: This is Biden
05/16/24 12:00 PM

Thanks coughla

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/19/24 11:17 AM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/22/24 6:14 AM

You guys gonna vote for him again?

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/23/24 7:15 AM


* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 5/23/2024 @ 7:15 AM *

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/25/24 7:31 AM

Thanks guys

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/27/24 7:12 AM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/29/24 8:14 AM

Paying off student debts wasn't enough lol.

Ile be damned

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
05/29/24 10:46 AM

Anyone notice that Trump is starting to babble just not as bad as King Joe ?

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RE: This is Biden
05/29/24 12:36 PM

Hes just an obnoxious new yorker. The debates are going to be great. I wonder how some of us would hold out if we were the subjects of 8 years worth of witch hunts and investigations that all led no where...

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/30/24 11:57 AM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/30/24 7:01 PM

Ile be damned

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RE: This is Biden
05/31/24 2:56 PM

Ile be damned

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