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Thread: Fuel Moto Map Support

Created on: 07/14/09 08:06 PM

Replies: 4


DEK's Gravatar

Location: Yadkinville NC

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Fuel Moto Map Support
07/14/09 8:06 PM

Been trying for over three months to get a map from Fuel Moto for my PCV and I have received nothing. Their site states that if you buy a PCV from them that they give you full map support but it appears that this is not true. I've filled out the map request form several times and it just goes ignored. This is just a heads up for any one that is thinking of buying a PC from Fuel Moto.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Fuel Moto Map Support
07/14/09 10:14 PM

DEK, There are a few fuel cutters I've been talking to. That is about it. I'm more in the stock mode and really do not see any point short of one for racing purposes. If you think about it, there is no 02 on the exhaust end. The fuel already knows what to deliver.

You write down grid numbers and work in... Well, if I had a fuel cutter like yours, who needs tech line once you bobble on their map. You then read the rpm that thing signs off at, then trim those numbers up or down, depending on the nose dive, seat of the pants, and note the tone on the immediate take off from a dead stop.

The slower you leave, the more you throw fuel at it; until a sound or a kind of tone changes. You might have to hunt for that certain way the bike changes in fuel toning I'm talking about. I am about sick of hearing everyone having problems no matter the fuel cutter. Try that trick if you can catch the tone within feet of moving the clutch out. I mean, that is just the bottom few 1000 rpm's we are talking.

4 bike years deep as of this date. 3 months, no tech support. It is WATT it is. Thanks for the head's up, DEK. Guess I won't bother calling them any time soon. Biz must be about rough times or swamped. Beats me what the hang up is?

I've talked to tech line over at DynoJet and they are pretty quick for all that is a few minutes waiting on tech line. Very helpful too, I might add. So, it is not the product of the PC. I understand they sell the unit and now throw you a bone. I hear ya.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Fuel Moto Map Support
07/14/09 10:19 PM

Already a done deal. I was pissed because I had to pay sales tax but now I'm glad they're located so close. I can just go there - if that helps. Hopefully the map they installed will work for me. If Fuel Moto isn't helping you out, maybe someone else can give you a map that will be good for you. Several others on the board have the PCV and I know some of them ordered from Fuel Moto like we did.

Might be the time to start thinking about Autotune. I know Farmer has his bike dialed in on that and he likes it.


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BadinBlack's Gravatar

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RE: Fuel Moto Map Support
07/15/09 11:34 AM

All I've ordered from Fuel-Moto is the BMC filter for my 14. I called and ordered by phone, the guy I talked to sounded a little harried, but he was friendly enough and they got the filter out to me pronto. I'd call and ask for the map if it was me

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DEK's Gravatar

Location: Yadkinville NC

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RE: Fuel Moto Map Support
07/15/09 10:51 PM

Thanks for the info Hub I may play with it a little like you suggest. And Badinblack, he did email me back and said that he could not find any history of me filling out a map request although I have filled out the form about 4 times already. He told me to give them a call and he would see to it that I got the map I requested so I guess I need to give the guy a chance to make good on his offer. They were very prompt on getting me the PCV shipped and to me without any problems.

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