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Thread: Passion of the Superbike

Created on: 04/09/09 09:04 AM

Replies: 10


Monster14's Gravatar


RedRaiderland...lubbock tx

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Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 9:04 AM

Hey Guys, I wrote this about four years ago, it got published in superstreet bike, but they really edited it down and butchered it, but anyways just thought some of you might enjoy it.

It started inside of me as a little boy, my family made a trip to
Lubbock and I seen "the group" pull up to the light. I was frozen, jaw
hanging open,wide eyed looking at these colorful shiny bikes from out of
this world. These guys looked like super heroes to me, with their colorful helmets and mirrored visors. They started
burning it down and as they rolled out of the smoke I knew some day I
would be "One of Them". If I had only known it would have come this far.
For some it is only a sport, but for me it is a lifestyle. A passion
that flows thought my blood. Its part of who I am, I really can't
remember what life was like before I was a Superbike Pilot. Every friend
I have is because of the same passion we all share. We are a different
breed. A different kind of human. God makes all types, it makes the
world the way it is. Some are just more extreme than others. Some like
myself have to live it right out on the edge, where everything hangs in
the balance. We have all been there before, a place where the average
human will never risk going. You know the feeling, once you fly past that
100mph mark and right on into "God's Country" ...When every sense in your
body becomes one with the bike, where the slightest imperfection could
end it all but still you push your mentality and your bike to the
limits. This is when my faith is all I have protecting me, without it I
don't think I would still be in the sport. We have chosen the most
dangerous sport there is, but yet it's who we really are inside. We have chosen
the most lethal street legal weapon there is, and every weekend we use
it with precision. And we all know the consequences of not striving
toward perfection with it. So here we are, faced everyday with the
knowledge that this could be the last ride, so what do we do??? Love
every minute of it!!!! I am addicted to the adrenaline, to the speed,
the very essence of be a SUPERBIKE rider. So until the day comes that these
machines evolve to that of the performance of our brothers in the sky,
until that day comes when my bike can break the sound barrier, I will be faced
with the eternal question......What performance part should I buy next????

K&N, pcV, full Brocks, 16t Vortex, Muzzy fan, roaring toyz lowered and stretched,EK green chain,Ivans block offs,green LEDs

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 9:30 AM

Fantastic read. Thanks for sharing! -bg

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 11:19 AM

What could they have possibly cut out if that was the whole piece? Thinkgroup the editors. I am with you there Mon14 is read myself. And the editor removed some of you as if we still got the picture? They delete mine altogether is could not retype it as well as the author explained.

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juicey69's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 11:22 AM

Great reading...

Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles ..." - Hunter S. Thompson
08 Midnite Blue

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 12:48 PM

Thank you very much Monster. That is exactly what anyone who just doesn't get the high performance aspects of riding should hear. I think it would help them come closer to understanding. Very exciting to read. I gotta go get on my bike.



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Steven14's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/09/09 2:55 PM

Nice thoughts Monster

'09 ZX-6R
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'07 ZX-14
'08 Vino 125 (hers)

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Hub's Gravatar

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Faz is hiding the good stuff
04/10/09 5:44 AM I don't think he really knew WOT, "FAST" was...

Song of the Brazilian Sausage Monster ~ Read and repeat this song as you read. "Speed is home is where the heart is..."

"I'm so glad you found your way..."

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/10/09 7:24 AM

Monster,Great read. Thanks for sharing.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/10/09 7:41 AM

I'm going to Vague Guess... The Hard Way! I am so glad you found your, Passion of the SuperButts....

Do Not Leave Your Balls Home... Or Find Your Way Home.... No one leaves home wit out dem sticks is berry, berry bent over is her it comes, Linear...

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NedKelley's Gravatar


Hamilton, New Zealand

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/11/09 4:16 PM

Thanks for sharing that Monster14!! I am now inspired to go for a burn!! Happy Easter and keep safe my friend!!


Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow!

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kawnow's Gravatar

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RE: Passion of the Superbike
04/11/09 11:52 PM

Yessir thats about it. I don't know about the rest but if you don't go for a long ride then I don't think you can get it either. I find that after maybe and hour sometimes or whatever you get into your groove At first on a ride corners and decisions are a struggle like you have to push yourself and suddenly the road looks easy. Doubt leaves and replaced by assurance. Its like a movie when the sound is turned off nothing else in your mind just go hard mile after mile. Now there are also different great moments on any ride thats for sure. The other day for example sticks out I was going to pass a couple cars on a short stretch. I shifted into second and as the bike surged through the gear the handle bars wobbled side to side but the bike tracked straight. It didn't feel like the front was off the ground but it was. The pass was from about 50 or so so second was not maxed out. To me that felt like an awesome moment on a ride. Those times leave you grinning all day.

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