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Thread: Obama is an idiot

Created on: 04/08/09 03:00 AM

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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Obama is an idiot
04/08/09 3:00 AM

He thinks "Austrian" is a language

Another comment on dufus president

"April 05, 2009
Entertaining the Europeans
Michael J. Kubat
The Czech online news site iDNES reported a little color from Mr. Obama’s performance at the Strasbourg NATO summit press conference. Apparently, when answering a question from a member of the Austrian media, President Obama stated that he didn’t know “…what the right expression was in Austrian, but in English, we have this saying…”

Another black eye for the multi-degreed Obama Advisory Team but, more importantly, for the image of the United States abroad.

Sprechen sie Austrian? Probably not."


It's official, Obama is dumb

No wonder this moron won't release his school records. Hahahahahahahahahahah...idiot...............

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/08/09 3:09 AM

Check out this Turkish (they speak "Austrian" there) newscast...
The reporter does the Obama story in blackface, of course the American media lapdogs will be screaming outrage right about.......oh never mind.......
Turkish newscast

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/08/09 3:16 AM

Obama Hires Kumar to be his Hollywood Liaison....this is not a fucking joke.
You can't make this up. What's he going to be in charge of, lining up reach-around sessions between Obama and the Hollywood libfucks?......
Link to story
"WASHINGTON - The White House has hired actor Kal Penn as a liaison between President Barack Obama's administration and Hollywood.
White House spokesman Shin Inouye said Tuesday that the actor who has a recurring role on Fox's TV show "House" and has starred in several movies would join the staff as an associate director in the Office of Public Liaison. His role will be to connect Obama with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities, as well as arts and entertainment groups.
Penn starred as Kumar in the movie, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay."
Penn was an Obama supporter during the campaign. The White House says a start date for Penn hasn't been set.
The hire was first reported by Entertainment Weekly."

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 4/8/2009 @ 3:18 AM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/08/09 7:42 AM

Somali pirates just took a Danish cruise liner with 22 Americans on board. I can't wait to see how president Erkel handles this one. God help them all! Remember, bad people don't exist anymore in Obama's world. Everything is wonderful,there are no terrorists or enemy combatants or pirates anymore. Wishing will make it so, just read his book the "Audacity of Hope" for more on this dangerous mindset of self-delusion. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced her plan to open up a dialouge with "moderate" members of the Taliban. Is she that stupid???? These are the same lovely folks that had a 12 year old boy saw a mans head off with a dull hunting knife while he kicked and screamed. How do you negotiate with people that would do something like that?? Folks, this is Jimmy Carter all over again only about ten times worse. Remember what Carter did to our economy, our military and our prestige in the world? Just wait, you haven't seen anything yet. History will repeat itself, the Arabs understand only one thing and that is power, they already perceive Eerkel as a weakling and a pushover. Look at his response to the defiant North Korean missile test. No response, nada, nothing, zilch. When Reagan stepped in, guess what? We got the Iranian hostages back. How come? Cause Ronald Reagan was a patriot and took no crap off anyone, he was a realist and understood you can't reason with madmen. He won the Cold War and defeated the Soviet Union by not knuckling under when things got bad. Folks we need leadership right now, possibly more than any time in our nations history. Our situation becomes more dire with each passing day that this buffoon and his Keystone Cop entourage stay in power. God help us all!


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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/27/09 5:43 PM

Now the chimp-in-chief talks to his teleprompter, hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Monkey talks to screen

"President Obama’s speech at the National Academy of Sciences Monday morning hit a brief snag when Obama got ahead of his script.

Laying his plan for a President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Obama began to name the members of PCAST listed in his prepared remarks – before realizing he’d already introduced them, earlier in his speech.

“In addition to John – sorry, the – I just noticed I jumped the gun here,” Obama said, pausing for several seconds as he looked at the prompter. “Go ahead. Move it up. I had already introduced all you guys.”

The audience, which gave the president a warm reception, responded with a quiet laugh."

Well, why shouldn't they laugh at the clown, aren't clowns funny? Buhahahahahahahahah

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/27/09 5:45 PM

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/27/09 10:29 PM

Well-from his FIRST screw up with the teleprompters(watch on YouTube,"obama loses teleprompter"),I realized that this man DOES NOT HAVE the core values and issues facing our world in his heart.He can't speak from the heart-there's nothing substantial there.He can't talk about the real things because he doesn't KNOW what the real things are.This is a dangerous man.He's going by what his councils are telling him-and they have a very different agenda for America than most people realize.I know this country of ours is going to be fine-but I'm very concerned that some terrible actions await us up ahead.Everyone has forgotten the promise of Bin Laden back in 2001(after the attack on the twin towers).He was interviewed by a British newsman-in secret and in private.At that time he said"There will be something MUCH MORE SPECTACULAR that will dwarf the September attacks,in which MILLIONS will die in the US".As much as I believe Bin Laden is "insane"-I honestly believe that this guy means EXACTLY what he says-He is fully capable in my opinion of carrying out his word-and I also believe if he said it(which he did),it will happen if he can possibly pull it off.I pray that Mr.Obama will somehow come to his senses and get focused on the REAL ISSUES coming to this great country of ours.If he drops the ball on this commitment he's taken,things could quickly turn into a virtual doomsday scenario in short order.The world isn't kidding around-there are those that live and die to see our destruction.They're NOT going away while he sucks up to these world leaders and shows a "pretense"of "co-operation".I don't think he's got the will or the courage to make the tough choices necessary to protect this country-he certainly hasn't stepped up to the plate and assured us that his real intent is to keep this country safe from all enemies,both foreign and domestic.These are indeed "interesting times".Take care my Brothers and Sisters-be good to each other.Stay positive.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/27/2009 @ 10:31 PM *

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/28/09 3:03 AM

Had the shrub done this the outrage from the leftarded Obamabots would have been deafining.

NY Daily News

Plane stupid: Mayor Bloomberg outraged over military photo-op involving low-flying presidential jet

"A "furious" Mayor Bloomberg denounced the dunces who dreamed up the stunt"

"The planes appeared on the horizon around 10 a.m. and sent a chill through the city.

Flying in as low as 1,000 feet to 1,500 feet above New York City, they circled the Statue of Liberty before flying over Manhattan, Staten Island and New Jersey.

Before they vanished, hundreds of frightened people had jammed emergency phone lines, and thousands of terrified people evacuated from buildings in the city and across the river in New Jersey."

"White House spokesman Robert Gibbs appeared taken aback as reporters peppered him with questions about the incident.

"I have no information beyond what I saw" on news reports, Gibbs said at his afternoon press conference"

This administration is the most beclowned in history. Incompetents, boobs, buffoons, outright morons.
Apparently President sissy-boy was all upset. Hahahahahahahah, hope he didn't break a nail, hahahahahahah

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/28/09 9:38 AM

Good Points all Blue07, those are exactly my sentiments. We will be attacked again, it is not a matter of if, it is only a matter of when. Osama bin Laden has proven to be a very, very patient man, what he says he will do..... he will do! I don't know where the next attack will come but it is coming...make no mistake about that and it will be horrific. It will be either nuclear, biological, chemical or a combination of all three and millions are going to perish. This country has not snapped out of it's complacency yet, 9-11 should have been the wakeup call but it wasn't. It seems we have lapsed back into a state of national slumber once again. It's a peculiar kind of complacency, fed by an endless diet of NASCAR racing, reality televison, celebrity worship and cheese snacks. As a nation, America seems lost in a kind of self-delusional stupor that things will pretty much go on for ever like they always have. History begs to differ. I shudder as I watch the clown like proceedings of Robert Gibbs, Nancy Pelosi and the Prez i.e. "The Rockstar", "The Black Messiah", The Chosen One", ad nauseum. God has given this nation exactly what it has earned and what it deserves in the form of leadership. God help us all!


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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/28/09 10:39 AM

Well-I'm trusting that the powers that be are on their game-I think almost everybody (who's got any sense)knows that Obama's NOT calling the shots.Those commanders and military,CIA and such,they're not about to allow Obama's incompetence to jeopardize the lives of Americans.Intelligence is a whole different animal than the Politics going on on the hill.But it still concerns me-this country does have multitudes of believers praying daily for our safe continuance, and I know God is working in spite of how things look at times.I'm going to keep trusting.And I hope they catch Bin Laden one of these days.Stay frosty there-have fun ridin!!!

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/29/09 11:55 AM

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 4/30/2009 @ 1:51 AM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/29/09 12:03 PM

"FAA Memo: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic"


"Sen. Charles Schumer said. "It's what gives Washington and government a bad name. It's sheer stupidity"

"Federal officials knew that sending two fighter jets and Air Force One to buzz ground zero and Lady Liberty might set off nightmarish fears of a 9/11 replay, but they still ordered the photo-op kept secret from the public.

In a memo obtained by CBS 2 HD the Federal Aviation Administration's James Johnston said the agency was aware of "the possibility of public concern regarding DOD (Department of Defense) aircraft flying at low altitudes" in an around New York City. But they demanded total secrecy from the NYPD, the Secret Service, the FBI and even the mayor's office and threatened federal sanctions if the secret got out."

The people who populate the Obama administration really don’t believe in 9/11. They may have read about it, They may know intellectually that it happened. But they view it the same way we may view a lightning strike that hits an isolated golfer: a billion-in-one shot that “just happened.” That’s why the Obama team is renaming the attacks of 9/11 as “man-caused disasters” putting it on the same moral plane as an auto wreck. That’s why the Obama team is not really concerned about revealing what we do to interrogate prisoners with vital information. They don’t believe we haven anything to worry about. Unlike the people who evacuated their buildings during the fly-bys and who ran for their lives, believing that they were under another attack. For Team Obama, it’s always 9/10.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/29/09 2:10 PM

Dont have a zx14 as of yet, but its #1 on my wish list."
Benasaki 02/08/09, 7:53am.

Is that for real?


2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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hamr56's Gravatar

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/29/09 3:56 PM

Dont have a zx14 as of yet, but its #1 on my wish list."
Benasaki 02/08/09, 7:53am.

Its right next to number 2 a Hummer from Barney Frank!

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/30/09 1:48 AM

My sig is a direct quote from Benasaki, it's in the newbie section, currently page 3, check it out before he edits it.

02/08/09 7:53 PM
Nice to see a zx14 site that actually accepts new members :) Dont have a zx14 as of yet, but its #1 on my wish list. Look forward to reading some new posts.

Unlike lieberals I don't have to make stuff up.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
04/30/09 2:07 AM

Everybody is getting in on the act. The first 100 days of the beclowned presidency is something to behold.

With pictures even

Even the CommieNewsNetwork jumps in, better see this before it's pulled.
Click here

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
05/01/09 2:48 AM

Was Obama stoned during interview?
Click here

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 5/1/2009 @ 2:53 AM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
06/01/09 8:52 AM

My thought's EXACTLY!!!!!

The problem with the world today is that there is no one to eat the stupid people!

You taught me hate, I'll teach you fear!

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obama is an idiot
06/01/09 10:58 AM

Excellent letter, too bad you won't get a reply from President Oblahblah....or any of his Obamabots.
While he preach's cutting back, he takes the first Ho out for a $80,000 date in N.Y.
This is an estimate on the total cost to taxpayers for the jet and two heliocopters, the White House refuses to answer questions about it.
So much for "transparency" and "Democracy" Barry-the-liar blathered on about during his campaign of bullshit.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Obama is an idiot
06/01/09 11:23 AM

Well Done!!!Bravo!!!Those guys(and gals)on the Hill must be laughing their a#$%^ off knowing we can't really do anything about any of this.Must be nice.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/1/2009 @ 11:25 AM *

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