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Thread: F'ing would be bike theives

Created on: 07/14/09 02:02 AM

Replies: 22


ttate508's Gravatar

Location: Montgomery, Al

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F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 2:02 AM

Pissed off!
The cops just left my place with the would be theif in cuffs. Did i mention i was pissed. And it was only by chance that the fools didnt get my bike.
I work nights and am usually knocked out 15 minutes after i walk in the door. Tonight i happened to be in the backyard sneaking a smoke before going in. I swear i wasnt home 20 minutes when the alarm goes off on my expedition. The first thing i think is the damn neighborhood cats again. Why cats? Because i live in a great neighborhood, far enough from the city but still within a 10 minute ride to the store. So as the alarm goes off i stroll around the house planning to kick a cat or two. As i got around the house i had to do a double take because i saw this guy crotched behind the wifes car and another running down the street. The fucking theif looks at me and i look at him. He jumps up and runs after his partner. It takes me a second to realize whats going on, they are triing to steal my f'ing truck. I run into the house grab the cell phone and the truck keys and jump in and take off down the street. My neighborhood has only once entrance and exit so thats the way i head. Im driving down the street and i see this fuck dip off the road and hide behind some trees. SO i stop a ways away and call 911. After all the state your emergency, where are you located, whats your name bull i tell them whats going on. The operator says dont get out the problem, I was gonna run the fucker over, and that the police are in route. I have to give it to Montgomery's Finest, they were on the scene within 15 minutes and the half wit was in cuffs in 20.
After they get my story and get his i was asked to return home. When the detective shows up within an hour they say he confessed to triing to steal my bike and not my SUV. That the guy and his buddies (who should be picked up shorty)bumped into the expedition as they were triing to break the steering lock. I usually park my bike in front of my truck, you can see that in my avatar by the way. He also said i was lucky because there have been a "rash" of bike thefts in the city. Lucky and still mad as hell.
Short of drilling an eye bolt into the drive way and chaining my bike down (which im going to do when the sun comes up)what else can i do? DO they make alarms for motorcycles?
Just checked and they have this xena disc lock alarm. Has anyone seen or heard of this and does it work? Going to do more checking but if you guys have any suggestions let me know.
The way i feel, i dont want to have to sit on my roof with a shot gun waiting for the next would be theif.


* Last updated by: ttate508 on 7/14/2009 @ 2:11 AM *

Monster Booty...Energy, Energy

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AussieNinja's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 3:25 AM

That sucks. I've always thought you'd have to be either brave or just really stupid to attempt to steal a bike, because bikers are so attached to their rides and they aren't going to be happy - to put it very mildly - when they find out... especially if they catch the idiot in the act! What a shame you didn't get to nudge him with your truck...

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 3:41 AM

ttate508,nice Save.

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 5:42 AM

Can't abide a theif.
Some folk are only alive simply because it is illegal to kill them.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 7:45 PM

I'm with you man, I live in the woods and take no mercy on those foolish enough to trespass!

If I caught someone stealing my bike it wouldn't be pretty I could tell you that much, so bravo for the self restraint. We take our "Live Free or Die" pretty seriously in these parts, and bullets are cheap! In all seriousness I wouldn't want to shoot anybody over a vehicle, but it goes without saying around here that people are well prepared to defend themselves and their property.

I wonder if they confessed to attempting to steal the bike because of a possible lesser penalty? I mean is stealing a motorcycle just as bad? I have no idea honestly but its certainly worth far less than your Expedition.

First thing security wise that would be both cheap and effective... motion sensor spotlight. Someone comes within 10 feet of your vehicles and they get lit up. You have the right idea parking that way near your truck, but I'm sure you can get an alarm for your bike. I saw a HD Night Rod one time, and they come stock with a proximity sensor built right into the keys... you get off and walk more than 10 feet away and the bike arms itself automatically!!!

Another thing you could do would be one of those motion sensing barking dog alarm things... that would scare away would be thieves and cats alike!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/14/09 9:39 PM

One of the biggest fears I had when i first got the 14 was that it might get lifted. It's in a garage with a chain lock through the sprocket. I use the chain to wrap through the exhaust bracket but I've seen video of how easy those chains are to cut with a 4' bolt cutter. I just hope the bolt on the lock is stronger than the chain. Doesn't matter, there's always the old skateboard technique. If they want it bad enough, they're going to get it.

Glad you caught the ferkers. Glad they were not packing heat on you too...and lucky for them nobody busted a cap in their asses. Getting caught might just have been the best thing that ever happened to them.

&#x27;08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE Now Deceased

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ttate508's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 12:44 AM

When i came in and grabbed my keys, the thought of getting my gun was at the front of my mind. Even though i was mad as hell, or because i was mad i didnt. My wife says it was a blessing for him as well as myself because it would have been like the shoot out at the okay coral. The thought of them having guns also was a reason i didnt ride right up on the clown.
As far as security, i didnt do the eye bolt thru the drive way. But i have installed motion sensor lights around my place. And now park my bike in the back yard. I hate that i have to do this.

LOL the damn cats set the sensor lights off also, so now im up looking out the window alot. I always told my boys not to shot the cats with the bb gun, but imma have to make an amendment to that rule.

Also, found out if i install an alarm on my bike it will lower my insurance premium. Now all i have to do is find the right alarm. Definintly gettng a wheel lock for it.

the alarms i've looked into getting:
tw-1000 by internatrix
gorilla with 2 way paging
Scorpio sr i600....this one is expensive

Guess this might be a Hub question...With the alarm and the electopods lights whats the draw going to be on my battery, will i have to have one or the other?
How is the installation. THey all claim to be easy and can be done in 1 hour. But that sounds like advertising BS.
if you all have any experience with these or others let me know. The two way paging sound like just the thing and has a proximity sensor on it.

* Last updated by: ttate508 on 7/15/2009 @ 12:55 AM *

Monster Booty...Energy, Energy

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ttate508's Gravatar

Location: Montgomery, Al

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 12:52 AM

I messed up and searched you tube for bike theives....that will piss you off to no end. The ease that they steal your pride and glory is mind blowing. And taking a life over a vehicle is stupid but, the thought someone has the disreguard to take something i've been wanting and dreaming about since i was 17 yrs old, makes you want to kneecap the

* Last updated by: ttate508 on 7/15/2009 @ 1:03 AM *

Monster Booty...Energy, Energy

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 12:56 AM

Glad you still have yer bike!Up here,we're allowed to shoot an intruder,OR someone stealing property.Bike thief,horse thief-no different.The draw on your bike won't be too much,if ya have a batteryTender,you could just leave er hooked up-no problem with battery drain then.If you could get yer bike in the house(or garage),that would be the best.I'd NEVER EVER leave my bike outside.No way.Even with an alarm on it.Glad you stopped em in time there!!!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 8:08 AM

ttate508 wrote:

But i have installed motion sensor lights around my place. And now park my bike in the back yard. I hate that i have to do this.

You're the only one who knows the exact layout of your property and what is the safest location for the bike should someone go after it again. Out in the open, you could see what was going on at least but now you're exposing your baby to the elements 24-7-365 when you have a perfect home for it. If you're concerned about it happening again, maybe consider building a steel cage around it in the garage?? Sounds pricey but not many crooks would go through the trouble of making 12 cuts to remove 6 bars.

Otherwise, you got comprehensive insurance. It probably would only cover bluebook but that is something - more reason to put some real miles on that thing. If there isn't a problem with crime in your neighborhood, you might just have been spooked. I'd just make it as hard as possible to steal the bike as you can. The motion detector lights will always be a great security measure and convenience for your family when outside the house at night. I think multiple locks and eye-bolts would be the best and cheapest protection you could get. Look into some big honking locks from the hardware and get one designed for a motorcycle for good measure. As far as chain, I'd just check into the price of the strongest chain your hardware supplier has. All motorcycle security chain can be cut in under 12 seconds with a bolt cutter - I saw the video.

&#x27;08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE Now Deceased

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hamr56's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 4:19 PM

I am so glad those losers didnt get your bike. I have ADT setup for my house. It works well and gives me a break on my insurance, plus I get a military discount so it works out to be really cheap, like less that $20/month for my system. Keeps everything nice and safe, if you get a bike lock it still does not protect the rest of your items. Heck the signs alone tell the theives there are easier targets down the block.

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juicey69's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 6:50 PM

glad to see that you're ok,f#$%^ thieves.

Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles ..." - Hunter S. Thompson
08 Midnite Blue

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/15/09 9:09 PM

'nother thing that crossed my mind when i was thinking about security measures was a wood box. You might build a real beefy one cheaper than a steel cage and it would be a heck of a job to break into it. A steel enclosed trailer with the hitch and wheels removed would be a good way to go too and then you could also tow you bike when you wanted. <<I was told that trailers usually leak though. Still a lot better than the sun and elements beating on it.

&#x27;08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE Now Deceased

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hamr56's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/16/09 8:15 PM

Not sure about the leaking part, but I guess if one bought an old trailer, or a cheap one it could. I personally have had one for five years to haul my 4 wheelers and it has never leaked for me. Not a bad idea though Rook.

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MattTheHat's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/18/09 12:57 PM

Last April, the band of village idiots broke into my place out in the country and stole my dirt bike, my son's dirt bike, my wife's 4-wheeler, my daughter's 4-wheeler, my 4-wheeler, a farm trailer, and a BUNCH of other stuff. They kept coming back every few nights. They also tried to steal a farm tractor, but weren't able to figure out how to hot wire it because the wiring harness was messed up. After about four hits we installed some game cameras. Sure enough they came back within a night or two. The time stamp said 2 AM. So I waited for them and sure enough, like clock work, come 2 AM they showed up again.

I was going to block the gate once they got in and then Crocodile Dundee their asses, but they spotted my Expedition as they came through the gate. I was well armed, but wasn't expecting anything to happen until I blocked the gate. So all I managed was two shots. It was really dark and I couldn't even see the sights, and they were at least 30 yards away. I aimed my trusty 1911 the best I could for the center mass of their big 4x4 pickup. Turns out one bullet punched a hole in the radiator and the other popped one of the head lights.

To make a long story short, I followed them and called 911. They went off road before the law got there, and they were never arrested. Their truck, however overheated a few hundred feet from where they left the road. Of over $25k worth of stolen property, all I have yet recovered is my dirt bike, and that was a total fluke.

DON'T BE STUPID LIKE ME: IF YOUR BIKE ISN'T INSURED FOR THEFT, DO IT NOW! If they don't come back, their idiot friends will. At least two or three different groups of guys hit our place.

And before you grab your gun, check the law in your state. Here in Texas, we have the "castle law" which basically says that if you catch them in the act on your property, you're okay to shoot.


* Last updated by: MattTheHat on 7/18/2009 @ 12:57 PM *

"If it has breasts or a motor, you're gonna have trouble with it."

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/18/09 2:47 PM

Just amazing. I don't know what else you could have done, Matt. Sounds like you would have had to just grab everything you could and move if you didn't defend your property.

&#x27;08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE Now Deceased

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ttate508's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/19/09 12:56 AM

In Alabama we have an Imminate Threat Law... thats the only way you can kill someone. LOL my brotha said i should have shot them then dragged one of the bodies onto the door seal.
Got to love Texas! Definitely a "survivors will be shot again", state.
As for the insurance, thats a must. Im waiting for my SR I600 to come within the next day or two. If nothing else will give me a little peace of mind.

* Last updated by: ttate508 on 7/19/2009 @ 12:57 AM *

Monster Booty...Energy, Energy

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MattTheHat's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/19/09 5:29 PM


I finally came to the conclusion that if I didn't do something, I might as well let them have it all.


Yep, Texas has us covered fairly well. There's even a statute that allows you to shoot a thief running down the street (and no longer on your property), as long as you have a reasonable belief that you can't replace what he stole. IE, collectibles that are very rare or family heirlooms and such.

I did learn that if they want to get in, they will.


"If it has breasts or a motor, you're gonna have trouble with it."

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scottjkyl's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/21/09 3:57 PM

ive found that my rottwieler is the best deterrent he takes no prisoners lol

08 zx14se Brocks CT Duals, Brocks street map, Driven 16/43 sprockets,EK ZZZ Chain,MRA Windscreen, Roaring Toyz Diamond Cut Grips Pingel Elec shifter, Hyper-Pro RSC Damper, BlackChrome Wheels, Sargent Seat,Factory Pro Velocity Stacks,PCIII USB,Bonneville Pro, TPX Radar/Laser Detector, TPX Laser Jammer, Goodridge Shadow series braided lines front and rear, Rifleman 1/5 turn throttle, Fusion LED Stage IV Kit, DDM HID's 10,000k

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/21/09 5:01 PM

Yep, Texas has us covered fairly well. There's even a statute that allows you to shoot a thief running down the street (and no longer on your property), as long as you have a reasonable belief that you can't replace what he stole. IE, collectibles that are very rare or family heirlooms and such.

I have 30 year old cans of oil I can... I mean, I can't replace the year looms.

How about if I house sit an da shit ain't my shit is now how about the law and my hand/dye is eye think I can take him from ear, office sir... "You don't think in the air, Sir.' 'I took my shot.''I Top Gun'dis'Ass is I thought that was a receipt was the TV was going back, but he was running out the back with it..."

Was I the owner of the house? Do I know an antique from a boutique? Hair pieces is her pieces of shit aint worf shit if year dead. I'd follow him home and take out the rest is New Rules!

You do not want to make me Gov of your State.

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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MattTheHat's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/22/09 11:34 AM

You do not want to make me Gov of your State.

Could ya'll imagine? I could just see the media surrounding Hub's Goober-natorial speech! They wouldn't understand a word, and they *sure as hell* wouldn't know what to make of his famous video dildo.

That would be about as golden as it gets! You'd get my vote, Hub!

But yeah, Hub, you house sit for a neighbor, or hell, even if you neighbor tells you to watch his place, all the same laws apply. Good stuff!


"If it has breasts or a motor, you're gonna have trouble with it."

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bgordon's Gravatar


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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/22/09 11:58 AM

Heck, I'd move back to California to vote for Hub for governor! -bg

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billeason's Gravatar

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RE: F'ing would be bike theives
07/22/09 5:51 PM

There's alot of laws in Tx that the rest of the country should follow. The law on frivolous law suits is one we could all use. How about grounding the bike with a 120v hd ext cord? I think you would hear them when they try to steal it. HEE... HEE .......................Bill

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