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Thread: OPP Asshat

Created on: 05/13/13 08:19 PM

Replies: 18


nasty's Gravatar


University of Okoboji

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/13/13 10:10 PM

Bummer... The nice thing about living in the middle of nowhere is I know their schedule in my neighborhood, usually just a couple times a month around noon I'll see one on my highway. Usually, sometimes they will come through at a different time or more often if they get a good run issuing tickets. Erik is right though, that much over and you'd a been parked in some areas here! Especially if its an ahole cop.

2013 Super Fast SE ZX14R
Forever Fearless

“There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I hate imitation; I have a reverence for individuality.”
-Clint Eastwood

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nasty's Gravatar


University of Okoboji

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/14/13 10:04 AM

That's header cash right there.

* Last updated by: nasty on 5/14/2013 @ 10:04 AM *

2013 Super Fast SE ZX14R
Forever Fearless

“There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I hate imitation; I have a reverence for individuality.”
-Clint Eastwood

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/15/13 2:30 AM

")I have two baby seats strapped to the back, I am a tax paying good semritan. Not drawing on entitlement, but really, I'm not a criminal in a nice ride (I worked for it) and he could have dropped it. "

I hope you realize how ridiculous that sounds.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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nasty's Gravatar


University of Okoboji

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/15/13 12:32 PM

Shit happens, bro.

2013 Super Fast SE ZX14R
Forever Fearless

“There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I hate imitation; I have a reverence for individuality.”
-Clint Eastwood

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nasty's Gravatar


University of Okoboji

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/15/13 11:35 PM

I'm a bit jealous, I ain't touched my baby in over a week :(
Another week or so and then I can. It will be like riding her for the first time again!

2013 Super Fast SE ZX14R
Forever Fearless

“There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I hate imitation; I have a reverence for individuality.”
-Clint Eastwood

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 2:17 AM

Wolfman; We all own zx14(R)s, and we all speed. We will all get a ticket eventually. I'm not trying to bust your chops. Getting a ticket sucks. Getting a ticket that you feel you didn't deserve sucks big. Maybe he thought he recognized the car from some past incident, or just didn't like your face. Who knows. Go to court and state your case, maybe you'll get it reduced. I wasn't commenting on the ticket, or how you reacted, just the way your statement sounded to me.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 8:05 AM

Just throwing it out there. I was followed from one freeway to the next before I was pulled over. Yes, I travel faster than the flow of traffic. I now ride/drive the speed limit on the bike and cars fly bye me. Of course I can whip it right up and watch how fast one car was moving if I now stay with it. How's 80 sound is one car passing me?

So as I was being followed all dis time, I had to be moving faster than traffic so office sir had to keep up, right? I'm in the fast lane, no one ahead. I'm not riding over on the blind side of this van that is now about to enter my lane. I am not flying past it either. I saw it come over and as the throttle keeps saying to open is better than lift, would not the drift over and me braking would both sort of meat in the middle is me?

Did I make a move this bike is so safe of doing? Did office sir see that happen as I was being followed on the brisk for miles mind you!? He said he did not see it. How about now? HOW do I respect the officer now? You tell me if I have a case of someone that close tailing me close is the distance far, as you know, and now he did not see the defensive move and me being more savvy safe than some bullshit speed being it saved both the driver and me? I think so.

I am either being cut off running in the slow lane at the speed limit and here comes an exit ramp and they dart right in front of you. Fast or slow, are you on your toes either way now, but no one is doing the speed limit. How about the on ramp to the freeway after that? I now have to keep an eye on the back for rear enders and me with a gap in front, they know to keep clear.

Should I spend the court's time to set a lie detector on the officer's arm so any other fact he brings up, I now match him and lie on the stand too? I want to see that needle fly off the ribbon I ask him if he didn't watch some smoothshit happen?

He said in so many words, 'You looked pretty good handling that jumping onto this part and over that drainage hump. You can go to the end to that off ramp where the hump is a lot lower.' So when there was no traffic on that slow lane to get back on the freeway, I ran off the hump and darted away from that lying sack of alleged eyesight problem.

I'm not saying every cop is a liar. I'm just saying Wolfy may have been justified in that little court gesture. Roll up a window is the same as showing that asshole you could out ride his trained ass. Now tells me he owns a bike after writing me up did I ride away in the roll down of the cement rain ditch.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 9:04 AM

These sportbikes are a HUGE concern for drivers.Maybe they aren't thinking 'all the time' about them...but the koo koo sportbike guys are everywhere.Making life not so 'safe' for other drivers.If you ride a bike like're gonna get targeted.Followed.Pulled over.It happens.You accept it and go with it.Most 'trained' police do not have a clue about the defensive driving that some guys do to avoid certain things.It may actually appear 'reckless'....if they don't ride...they probably don't really get it.That doesn't make em a-holes in my book.But then...I'm strange that way...I have nothing against police or Hwy Patrol.I've had my share of tickets...and in reality...ALL were valid...and I don't feel pissed about getting stopped.Usually,they end up writing it for 'less' than 'well over' the limit.There's a cutoff point here where one MPH can jack the fine up...into over a hundred easily.I've had em drop it to just below the big money limit.They didn't have to.And we both knew I was well over the 'big money' limit;) NEVER win by acting the 'tough guy' or 'pissed at the system' guy.EVERY action has it's consequences.All you have to do is start getting a 'rep' for being a jerk towards em...yer done....besides...all the ones I've ever encountered were polite and why act like an ass towards em?I've actually never met a 'bad cop'...ever.And I've met a lot of em in my travels.I've also gotten a lot more breaks than I should have....tell ya that right now.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/16/2013 @ 9:12 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 9:24 AM

Hey, I wanted to be a motor pee troll office sir and try to be an instructor down the road, but have too much metal in me and am considered a liability to the city I drag someone out of a burning car and oops, my body bumbles right there. So as the chippy was sizing me up about attitude, he flagged off a city cop who stopped just in case. So you know I am not about to give attitude to the uniform. I find a few soiled now and then. It's not the uniform that soils itself is what I'm saying.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 9:52 AM

I'm sorry to hear that Wolfy. Boy that suxs donkey, right there. I got nailed for 101 one time. The offense was called +35 over the limit which is 6 points. It's all behind me now. You're right it will be a monkey on your back for a while. Mine hung on for a year and I still haven't forgotten about the lil bastard. Go with it Wolfy. It will take its course and life will return o a new state of normalcy. Takes time. We're here for ya bro.


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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 3:53 PM

"Green glad you have had good experiences with em. One or two bad ones can sour that attitude!"...had some bad experiences with the MP's in Korea...I certainly don't let that bother me now....but I hear ya....there are good and bad in every area of life....

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 8:31 PM

LOL!No...I wasn't an MP.I just had some shitty treatment by some!LOL!!!

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/16/13 9:26 PM

I know...kinda makes me think my 'troubles' are pretty piddly.I just thank God I live in America.No...not shame on you at all....this is here...that's there.It is disturbing though...maybe I should delete it?

Okay...I deleted it...(for the was a video of Al-Queda murdering some Syrian Govt fighters).

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/17/2013 @ 4:48 AM *

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/17/13 3:13 PM

Sounds like like an awesome career Wolf....way to go!You're needed.

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/17/13 5:36 PM

It truly IS a unique forum....been here quite a while....only one I really feel comfortable being on.Lots of good stuff in the world....hopes,dreams...straight shooters.This forum has em all...that's for sure;)

I can't help it really...I had a rough go growing up as well...I just don't see how people can be so cold....just hard for me to get my mind around...not that I haven't done my share of stuff.Just glad to be here...and in one piece;)I think there IS a special kind of person that rides the 14.It aint for everyone.Takes a person with brains to stay alive on one...that's for sure.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/17/2013 @ 5:40 PM *

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/18/13 1:31 AM

"I like to keep what I do private"
Unless of course you want to brag about it on an internet forum to prove what a great guy you are. Why don't you get a t-shirt that says "I'm a great guy!". Then maybe you'll be treated in the manner you feel you deserve.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/18/13 7:02 PM

"As always Green, you are right on every level!"...I wouldn't exactly say that;)But thanks for the thought though.

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/21/13 12:24 AM

Wolfman; Once again; you are saying all this like it's a defense against a ticket. "I'm a good guy, .......he could've let me off." There's no way he could possibly know if you're a good guy or not. At the time, you were breaking the law. He wrote the ticket he felt you deserved. You trying to defend yourself here, to us, is the ridiculous part. I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed, or fight it, just that you trying to prove to us you're a good guy, IMO sounds like bragging, boasting, tooting your own horn. If it's not bragging to you, then what do you care what I think? Just so you know, I'm a truthful guy, and what I type here is what I would say to your face. I don't mean to be insulting, but I just don't get why you think "good guys" should be treated differently than any other lawbreaker. As for me "knowing who you are", you typing stuff on the internet doesn't make it true. As for me investing in this forum too closely, you're the one trying to prove what a great guy you are by posting here (not to mention posting a thousand times in a month). I don't care what you think of me.

* Last updated by: alg8er on 5/21/2013 @ 12:27 AM *

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: OPP Asshat
05/22/13 12:01 AM

"Sensible smart dude who is honest and has great taste in bikes"
OK, now you're just sucking up!
I was already laughing at the t-shirt comment. I get what you mean about past offenses, and if you had stated it that way, I would've posted differently. Stick with that in court, instead of the character building, and you probably will come out OK. "I'm not a speeder, as you can tell from my record." Will go a lot further than, "I was speeding, but not that fast, and I give to charity". IMO

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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