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Thread: BLM?

Created on: 06/05/20 12:54 PM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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06/05/20 12:54 PM

“We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome explained. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”

Great.All we need is an ISIS 'armed group' 'running around keeping the peace' about goin after the dealers and criminals that terrorize black neighborhoods.The gangs.MS 13.Instead of telling people 'it's so the police don't mess wit ya'.

The govt and people better put an end to anything related to this kind of 'roving militia' behavior.Unless they want a real civil war.The Dem and Lib leaders either can't understand the seriousness of this,or they're simply ready to go along with it and come what may.The Federal Gov't will 'pick up the tab and pieces' when it blows up in their faces.Again..our president will be called upon by these leaders to 'help us'.This announcement is a warning,and a extreme danger to anyone.

It's exactly a watered down version of ISIS.But it won't stay that way if it takes hold.
Now that ISIS sympathizers and recruits around the world see that America(certain groups I mean) is actually considering something like this,you can bet they'll be trying their best to get fighters into this country by any means.My guess...the southern border areas first.They've already smuggled a hellofalot in through there already.This country has MANY ISIS sympathizers in it just waiting for a call to arms.
All these events recently are a prelude to 'us against them' for thousands.Maybe millions here.One thing for sure,it's only leading to military action using real ammunitions.These treacherous subversives(Libs,Dems)(Dem Socilaists)are seeing this being prepared.They're right there in the middle of it.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 6/5/2020 @ 1:08 PM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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06/05/20 2:11 PM

yannhi, you wanna take this one?

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Hub's Gravatar

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06/05/20 9:20 PM

Gullible people... you said it. Donny has split the country too. All BS. I just got around to reading Malcolm X's book. He mentions how the dems and republicans were at each other's throats when he was living. So nothing has changed there. Dated a Bronx lady long ago, and her father came from Jamaica. Had nothing so don't give me any crap about America. He put her thru college and it takes hard work so the American dream is alive and well. Name the current immigrant that made it here.

Bridget Jones diaries had a line in it. Something about, 'In Africa, it is said a village raises a child'. I'm more after the cause and effect. Candace Owens pointed that out to me. Maybe she is a Sowell fan, because Thomas just deals in numbers. A commie converted to a capitalist. And when Thomas mentions the prosperity pre-60's, not me, but he says the dems changed everything and it sure looks like the same knee to the neck kind of problem.

Private schools out point a public education, and it's the dems and the teacher's union... follow the money. If they can't see Donny dropping that crime bill the dems aimed at the one community that keeps voting them back in, that I don't get?

And those Thomas Sowell vids are going way back, is as current as today and nobody listens. Living thru it and learning from it... who is missing the link to the problem? That dumbshit shovel ready did nothing for 8 years and to hear Thomas let the shittyit have it... Heaven!

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Rook's Gravatar

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06/05/20 9:48 PM

I don't consider there to be any connection between Floyd, the protests and police brutality any longer. Although each are important issues in their own right, there are too many absurd conflicts between them all to take the present situation seriously. My attention is now fixed on the violence and damage that is taking place throughout the country.

NO, BLM should not police the protests or the riots. That's another absurdity. BLM can't keep rioters out of their protests, how are they going to keep rioters out of their police force? Who in BLM is stupid enough to even suggest such a thing?

On the bright side, a hurricane causes about 21.6 billion in damage on average. The five day LA riots of 92 killed 50 people and cost about a billion dollars in property damage. We have about 11 deaths caused by the George Floyd riots and insurance companies project the property damage to be only a quarter billion. If it makes you feel any better, we can weather another 8 months of riots before we hit hurricane status. Only thing is people know where to run to safety well in advance of a hurricane.

* Last updated by: Rook on 6/6/2020 @ 12:32 AM *


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Hub's Gravatar

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06/05/20 9:58 PM

What is this damage barometer? Here, why don't you list the cause and effects first.

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Rook's Gravatar

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06/05/20 10:00 PM

What is this damage barometer? Here, why don't you list the cause and effects first.

Because then I would feel like I have to offer a solution and the only solutions I have to offer are as absurd as the protests.

It is more difficult to be black in a white country. Should I feel badly because I'm one of the white ones and not one of the black ones? I'm not one of rich or famous ones either. Will the rich and famous all feel bad for the rest of us and treat us special?

* Last updated by: Rook on 6/5/2020 @ 10:02 PM *


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06/05/20 10:15 PM

Dem traitors trying to defund the police.They're gonna call BLM soldiers to come on in and act like they're in Somalia or something?Cause that's what it'll end up being.BLM attacking the American Police departments.Yet they're actually looking at this.I don't care WHAT color a roving armed militia is.It spells nothing but danger to average citizens and the Police.IF this does happen,Trump will be forced to use the Military.Then it REALLY hits the fan...with LOTS of innocent people getting murdered.LOts of foreign leaders in the middle east and such are HOPING,PRAYING anarchy comes to the US.China must be rejoicing in all this.Set up virus to disrupt the US mainly.Trying to start a civil war.There's others as well.
REAL patriots won't stand by defenseless,tell ya that.Hope everyone in the US sees what's happening.If they care about America.It's NO coincidence that virus was manufactured and released when our president started putting the screws to China and stood up for all Americans by doing it.We NEED 4 more years of Trump.He's the only leader that won't accept any defeat through these times.

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06/05/20 10:27 PM

"Donny has split the country too"...whattaya mean he's split the country.It's been nothing but Dem attacks and accusations and smearing and on and on since Trump took office.He didn't split anything.The F'n media and leftists 'screamed at the sky' night and day about how 'racist' he is.Still doing it.Taking everything he says and twisting it to stir people up.THAT's who's 'split the country'.The president's done more for this country that's good than virtually ANY president before him.Congress and the rest have been completely bent on ruining everything he's done and is trying to do.Sickening.Nope.The President hasn't split the country.But lots of others are certainly working overtime to see that happen.
Just take one example i.e.the killing Solemani.A known top echelon Terrorist.Plotting and planning deaths for Americans,Carrying some out as well.Trump stopped that.But what happened?OMG...Trump's an...fill in the blank.Instead of cheering the president on for saving lives,he gets hammered and slammed for doing it.WHO in the hell thinks like they do?Only people with such narrow minds and run by emotions they can't realize that SOMEWHERE here a family will see their loved one again because this asshat got done.Selfish people.Makes me sick.

And Biden gets a pass.If ya want a traitor...there ya go.It it for himself and his traitorous buds.Obama...same thing.Puppet for Soros and the leftist elite.Screw the American people.Let it fall apart.They'll be 'safe' in their ivory towers.That's what THEY think...if it really does go ballistic.Which it could.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 6/5/2020 @ 10:37 PM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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06/05/20 10:43 PM

Here's my 3 if not the top 3 on the list if I have an ounce of sanity left about one's fact vs the truth.

1. The vague justice system. A somewhat slanted justice system. Where the real meaning of justice is for the gov to be on your side, not against you. Especially the 10 basic amendments being trampled on.

2. The police not honoring their oath. The search without your permission. The right to lie to you. And when I say lie, 'we have a perp that matches your description' and work you over verbally to entrap oneself, and find out it was not even close to the description. The meeting before the rotation should be to warn you about your pension, your
non/mis/malfeasance, and your oath for everyone's civil rights or out you go. Time to clean up some pensions so the city doesn't bleed from being this side of bankrupt covering those pensions, let alone the insurance company doesn't see a change and says this damage is on your dime and drops all riot insurance, let alone the civil suits $ettled and pending on the the police force, caused by their abuse is over with or it's the same old fire sale next kneejerk is not 'reasonable'.

3. BLM is only going to matter when the culture quits pulling the chad on the democratic mess they put themselves in. If they cannot see some common sense heard from Thomas and Candace, then BLWM when the next erection cums again and again, it's multi climax my neighborhood one more time for the chad... yeah right you made a difference.

NOLTo Candace or Thomas

* Last updated by: Hub on 6/7/2020 @ 12:53 PM *

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06/05/20 10:52 PM

The f'n cracker needs to hang up his spurs.This WHITE guy stirring up racism with his comments.He ought to be ashamed saying stuff like this...and he's done this with other races as well.He's just one of many that doesn't consider others before he opens that racist mouth of his.Probably paid off by Soros or someone with an agenda to destroy the US.
Imagine what's going through the black community's minds after hearing this white guy tell em they aren't smart enough to vote however they feel.And those black him the green light.Appalling.
LOTS of black people see and hear this and deduce..'yep,whites trying to run our lives,demean us.Hold us down'.He's an idiot.Should NEVER be allowed anywhere NEAR a presidential platform.He thinks he's
affirming black people.He isn't.He's only stirring resentment against white people.Along with plenty of others.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 6/5/2020 @ 11:05 PM *

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06/05/20 11:01 PM

Well Hub,How is this the president's fault?That's what I asked in reference to 'he's split the country too'.All this stuff you mention has NOTHING to do with the president.It's all on THOSE people making decisions.He's not running the country.He's only trying to guide it forward for everyone.So he says some things against Dem blowhards.That aint nothin.They've been doing it to him since day one.Yet THEY don't get called out for 'splitting the country'.Always 'orange man bad'.It's all BS.And the numbskulls suck it up.

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Hub's Gravatar

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06/05/20 11:07 PM

Let's see, if I read history or however it's distorted these days, I read not one republican owned slaves. The dems did, give or take one prez who turned good old party, was the read. Then the dems and the jim crow laws. They must have dominated the house and senate is my guess. Why couldn't they see it then as is now? And now we continue with the biden-blunders band, with their latest hit, 'you ain't chad enough' or 15% of you, you's is. And hilly too, don't forget her songs.

Do I see a pattern? Duh!!

I wish I could make these into satirical jokes but they play well by themselves.

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06/05/20 11:18 PM

Dems by and large are racist as can be.There's simply NO way around it.It permeates everything they do.Even having black congress people and such in there.Dem run cities.Dem deciet.Dem lies.All of it.It's a sham from the beginning.I don't know why blacks can't recognize it.I just don't know.(although plenty actually do,and vote accordingly).

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06/05/20 11:31 PM

LOL, same as saying Soros should be broke with all the money he has been shelling out for the same guy to wind up in every commie move? It's propaganda. Same satire I threw out there as if saying donny is to blame. It says Malcolm saw the same parties as if we went back in time and are here today is nothing has changed is what I meant. So to blame donny for the country to be this way? The lies from the facts is the head game. For Soros to keep shelling out money for any and all causes, it's how you separate the poopapaygainday vs the fictional facts.

Poop is the shit you hear. Pay everyday you keep parroting that shit. Gain is who is the most stupid that bought it is the gain you are up against if you Koflathink. Day is everyday goes by and the public is basically stupid to believe it is my guess. Same old rut that can easily be fixed without a fire or be fired upon.

Now, hold your dick, bend over, look under your legs, put your other hand over your asshole and repeat after me:

I ____ (say your name)..... Do solemnly swear _____ (swap hands) _______ Not to be a dickshit, shitdick, I stink like a democratic chad I do.... Please shit down.

Your honor,

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Rook's Gravatar

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06/06/20 2:05 AM


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06/06/20 2:13 AM

lol.Well don't believe soros is behind everything.But he sure contributes to stuff.Downfall of America I do believe that.

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06/06/20 2:27 AM

The date on the interview says it all. Exploit the crisis, find the solution, detrimental results, how simple and complex are the policies...

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Hub's Gravatar

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06/06/20 2:41 AM

He's the old scapegoat. A capitalist thru and thru, so you gotta think he's not a commie troublemaker, nor would he bring down the currency game he's good at? The chinese/russians would wipe him out, so I'm not going to swallow he's taking part of bringing down the country. It makes no sense to me.

Thomas is pretty consistent so do we kick the can down the road, same old politics? Only way to break from the dems chains is to chad their ass like Thomas says; close to the end of that vid.

* Last updated by: Hub on 6/6/2020 @ 2:42 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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06/06/20 10:45 PM

Let's find out what every minority needs so that they can be equal to the majority and make new laws for them. This means we adopt a state of mind where every minority is not equal to the majority which is what the minorities generally are complaining about. Lets have laws for gay people, latinos, blacks, poor, short people, ...etc. Who will be left in the majority to follow all the old, normal laws?

* Last updated by: Rook on 6/6/2020 @ 10:45 PM *


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Hub's Gravatar

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06/07/20 2:49 AM

Candace Owens describes George Floyd as a symbol of a “broken culture in black America today” and insists that “he was not a good person”.

Now according to Sowell, he lived in the pre-dem culture, where you see the broken culture in the hip-hip lyrics. So I'm just guessing here, but I'm sure Candace read some of Sowell, because she has now swung right with him, blames the left like Thomas for the broken culture.

That's what pretty much Thomas and Candace point out... Demeddling. Especially Sowell's take on it. It's something like; the left exploits the (1)'crisis', you now parrot their (2)'solutions' or they scream (3)'detrimental' results will occur, it is so complex to solve something simple, it turns out to be (4)'bad politics' by the left. Better he explains it to you.

Rook, Lemme give you the antidote eliminating that demeddling virus you got yourself into. You did stay 6 feet from Mad or Kofla, did't you?

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yannih's Gravatar


Queenstown New Zealand

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06/07/20 5:24 AM

I Kneel for D-Day Anniversary Hero's NOT Black Lives Matter

Not bad...

* Last updated by: yannih on 6/7/2020 @ 5:28 AM *

2012 Metalic Spark Black Kawasaki ZX-14R. Yoshimura carbon R-77 slip ons,Custom dyno ECU flash,Striker rearsets,Hyperpro RSC steering damper,HM Plus quickshifter,ASV C5 levers,Hel SS transparent red front/rear brake and clutch lines,Kawasaki/MRA vented spoiler screen,Carbon heel guards,R&G radiator guard,Powerbronze carbon rear hugger,ZX-10 front fender with fender extender,Yoshimura frame sliders,M-Factory rear stand stoppers,Escort Redline radar detector,Techspec tank grips and tank protector,Versys 1000 fender eliminator,Kaoko cruise control,Moto red oil cap,Oxford heated grips,Red magnetic oil drain plug,Red and black Bagster Spider rear seat bag (for touring only).

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Rook's Gravatar

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06/07/20 9:57 AM

Rook, Lemme give you the antidote eliminating that demeddling virus you got yourself into. You did stay 6 feet from Mad or Kofla, did't you?

I was being sarcastic except for the last sentence.


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yannih's Gravatar


Queenstown New Zealand

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06/07/20 10:49 AM

I will personally kneel down to no man, only God almighty is worthy of my submission.

Are you saying you wouldn't kneel for the fallen who paid the ultimate price for the freedom you have today?
Cause if I had three knees I'd be down on all of them for those guys...

* Last updated by: yannih on 6/7/2020 @ 10:58 AM *

2012 Metalic Spark Black Kawasaki ZX-14R. Yoshimura carbon R-77 slip ons,Custom dyno ECU flash,Striker rearsets,Hyperpro RSC steering damper,HM Plus quickshifter,ASV C5 levers,Hel SS transparent red front/rear brake and clutch lines,Kawasaki/MRA vented spoiler screen,Carbon heel guards,R&G radiator guard,Powerbronze carbon rear hugger,ZX-10 front fender with fender extender,Yoshimura frame sliders,M-Factory rear stand stoppers,Escort Redline radar detector,Techspec tank grips and tank protector,Versys 1000 fender eliminator,Kaoko cruise control,Moto red oil cap,Oxford heated grips,Red magnetic oil drain plug,Red and black Bagster Spider rear seat bag (for touring only).

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yannih's Gravatar


Queenstown New Zealand

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06/07/20 11:15 AM

Are you saying you wouldn't kneel for the fallen who paid the ultimate price for the freedom you have today?

I notice you didn't answer the question.

2012 Metalic Spark Black Kawasaki ZX-14R. Yoshimura carbon R-77 slip ons,Custom dyno ECU flash,Striker rearsets,Hyperpro RSC steering damper,HM Plus quickshifter,ASV C5 levers,Hel SS transparent red front/rear brake and clutch lines,Kawasaki/MRA vented spoiler screen,Carbon heel guards,R&G radiator guard,Powerbronze carbon rear hugger,ZX-10 front fender with fender extender,Yoshimura frame sliders,M-Factory rear stand stoppers,Escort Redline radar detector,Techspec tank grips and tank protector,Versys 1000 fender eliminator,Kaoko cruise control,Moto red oil cap,Oxford heated grips,Red magnetic oil drain plug,Red and black Bagster Spider rear seat bag (for touring only).

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yannih's Gravatar


Queenstown New Zealand

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06/07/20 11:22 AM

Fair enough.

2012 Metalic Spark Black Kawasaki ZX-14R. Yoshimura carbon R-77 slip ons,Custom dyno ECU flash,Striker rearsets,Hyperpro RSC steering damper,HM Plus quickshifter,ASV C5 levers,Hel SS transparent red front/rear brake and clutch lines,Kawasaki/MRA vented spoiler screen,Carbon heel guards,R&G radiator guard,Powerbronze carbon rear hugger,ZX-10 front fender with fender extender,Yoshimura frame sliders,M-Factory rear stand stoppers,Escort Redline radar detector,Techspec tank grips and tank protector,Versys 1000 fender eliminator,Kaoko cruise control,Moto red oil cap,Oxford heated grips,Red magnetic oil drain plug,Red and black Bagster Spider rear seat bag (for touring only).

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