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Thread: Another ride report...once again with no pictures

Created on: 09/04/18 07:29 AM

Replies: 2


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

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Another ride report...once again with no pictures
09/04/18 7:29 AM

Well well. We decided to ride on a holiday weekend , against better judgement from my past. We were George, Ducati 748, My son Aaron, 2003 Z1000, Aryan, 2000 CBR600 and myself.
Up to Alices for eggs and coffee at 8 am. Breakfast finished we headed down Hwy 84.
There's a complex of corners where you go through a left and immediately followed by a right. The right has a spring so the road is always wet there. Me, Aaron and George ride through, followed by a car then Aryan.
We get to La Aryan. Eventually turned around, head back up. There's Aryans CBR sitting on the shoulder along with a guy on a CBR1000. Aryan has lowsided. He's fine. Bike is mostly fine. Rashed, right footpeg mount broken, but it starts and is rideable. Get to the store and bum some zip ties and put his peg back on. As crashes go it's a good one. Now here's the trouble. He just had a new Shinko Verge tire put on. So naturally he blames the tire. He was going literally 20 mph, leaned over about 10 degrees. The tire had nothing to do with the crash. I used to run recaps for Dogs sake. What he did was what a lot of beginners do. Low visual horizon. Looking right in front of his tire so anything he sees is a surprise. Coupled with tensing up and I'm betting, he hit the brakes. I'm going to continue working with him but he has a bad habit of blaming outside forces for his fuck ups.
Later, back at the store, we then witness an older rider decide to pass a car IN AN INTERSECTION, on the left. Car turns left, hits bike, he flies into a ditch. Result, he has cracked hip, bike totaled, car messed up.
At that point we decide it's time to go home.
I hope your weekend of riding was better!


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Twin Cites So Burbs, MN

Joined: 07/19/16

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RE: Another ride report...once again with no pictures
09/04/18 12:39 PM

I put over 3k miles on a rear 200/50 Verge 011 on my '16 14R, and thought it to be a decent tire. I just took off a 3k mile rear Apex 010 190/55 and replaced it with same. I really like these Shinkos, and the price can't be beat. So, the tire was not likely at fault. Like you say, target fixation or counter-steering "freeze". Anyway, glad he was not hurt.
As a side note, I'll be at Deal's Gap next week with the new Apex 010 Shinkos and will be able to determine what a value they truly are. Or aren't.


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extrapolator's Gravatar

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RE: Another ride report...once again with no pictures
09/04/18 9:25 PM

Dang Mad! That's some crazy shiz! Low side at 20, then the guy passing in an intersection ... WTH?!?

You were probably right to consider those as warning signs


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