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Thread: Wheelie = loss of power

Created on: 04/12/09 03:39 PM

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Location: north east UK

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Wheelie = loss of power
04/12/09 3:39 PM

Hope you can help, I went riding to day and performed a wheelie in 1st gear but came down to the ground like a tonn of bricks, and i flicked instantly in to second gear. Then i lost all power from the engine, just nothing. Switched to 1st it continued to loose revs the after 10-15secs just came back. Is there a sensor or something that makes it do this when shocked like a crash sensor or something? Or did i just jolt the electrics? Its an 08 special edition model.

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RE: Wheelie = loss of power
04/13/09 8:58 PM

I'm sure Hub will have a much more spot on answer than I do. I can only speculate.

Yes indeed there is a tip over sensor that should shut the bike down if it the bike tips to far to the left or the right. I tipped my poor baby one time and the sensor did not shut down immediately, it took about 2 seconds. After the TOS shut the motor down, the multi function meter flashed a code (don't remember the code #). The code disappeared after a few hours and I ran it again without an issue. The TOS is a switch that works sort of like a tiny seasaw. I can see how a hard bump from any angle could jar it all the way to off position. Since the bike never actually was on it's side, the switch would have simply swung back to the ON position.

I think you may have tripped your TOS but the wheel was keeping the motor turning giving you some engine noise and tachometer reading. In other words, you were coasting in gear without ignition - almost the same as a 0 throttle decelleration.

Do you recall if there was any engine noise when you pulled the clutch to downshift? If no noise, the motor was shut down. Did you notice if the meter was flashing a code? I so, the code may have cleared within a few seconds since the bike would have basically roll started itself. Roll start and the code clear would have been the bike returning to normal behavior.

There's my hypothesis. I wouldn't worry about it if it was just a badly shaken TOS. At least you know it works. Careful on the wheelie landings. Frame steering stem area cracking may be a much bigger problem than TOS tripping.

That must have been a whopper. I don't think I've heard of anyone tripping TOS on wheelie landing yet. Of course, that's one of those little things a lot of us would just keep to ourself. Thanks for sharing your experience. Speaking up about this stuff is a valuable alert to everyone else. Hope Hub a/o others can draw some possible conclusions too.


* Last updated by: Rook on 4/13/2009 @ 9:18 PM *


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Location: north east UK

Joined: 04/12/09

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RE: Wheelie = loss of power
04/14/09 6:34 AM

Thanksfor the help. I guess it could be that TOS just got jolted at the impact from the front wheel. And yeah I dont like admitting it but hey we all make mistakes. If you have any advice on how to make it a little more smooth in a wheelie i'd be much abligied.


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