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Thread: Busted big time

Created on: 08/29/10 09:08 PM

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Rook's Gravatar

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Busted big time
08/29/10 9:08 PM

Finally got it. Strange thing is that it wasn't during a speed test, it was just riding. I was stuck behind traffic on a 1 lane and when it opened up to 2 lanes, I hit it and pulled up ahead of everyone. Saw a car on the overpass ahead get moving pretty fast and it looked like he was going in reverse--that seemed odd. I slowed down. Thought it could be a cop, and it sure was. He lasered me at 101. 35+ over, 6 points and $512 ticket. Bye bye clean driving record. I'm not worried about the 512 or the 6 points. What really concerns me is what is going to happen to my insurance. I'll be calling a traffic attorney in the morn. ANyone have any advice beyond that? Please don't make any mean comments. I know I'm a dumass and I don't deserve to have gotten away with all the shit I have.

I'm not too happy right now. fearing my insurance will skyrocket on my cage and the bikes. and wondering what the hell to do with my two 200mph motorcycles that I am afraid to ride over the speed limit with. There is no way I can take any chance on getting busted again. I road 150 miles home with cages passing on my left the whole way. My risk level is surpassed. I don't even want to speed in the socslled "safe zones." I can't chance any surprises any more.

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RE: Busted big time
08/29/10 9:34 PM

101....pretty good Rook.Way to go!"Clean driving record" be so fortunate.Luckily here we don't HAVE to get insurance on a bike.It used to be 250 a year for my zzr.Haven't seen those prices since I got my 12.(over 5 years ago...and several speeding tickets).None at 100 though!Good One Bro!Just funnin ya Rook.Hope ya know that.Sorry ya got popped on that deal.Pay yer fine...and slow up some.(yeah,ME tellin YOU to "slow up some"....sheeeesh).Thank God they start droppin off at 3 years.Couple of em didn't even get turned in to the state!Talk about LUCK!This is the ONLY bike I know of where saying"I didn't realize I was going that fast" actually is the truth!WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

* Last updated by: blue07 on 8/29/2010 @ 9:36 PM *

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RE: Busted big time
08/29/10 9:38 PM

SHIT rook I wish I could help ya but most of us are doe doe's some of the time,hey myself you can see I aint never gunna change!! just gotta keep out of the built up areas to have our fun.can ya just shop around for a better deal on insurance mate!! I obviosly don't know the system in the USA though, hey man best bloody luck anyway's

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RE: Busted big time
08/29/10 9:50 PM

FIN HELL just a thought (hypothetically) speaking imagine if I got busted doing 292 kmph in a 110 kmphZONE fuck they would lock me up!!an take my ride AWAY permanently ( QUEENS PLEASURE HERE) hey aint shit no

* Last updated by: bean07 on 8/29/2010 @ 9:53 PM *

2006 CBR1100xx with a few mods + V Star 1300A Cobra swept exhaust,Fi2000 EFI,Big air kit, Rad cover/Guard,Forward controls/pegs,Pillion mini boards,screen,rack,Saddleman seat a few chrome bits.

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RE: Busted big time
08/29/10 10:40 PM

I have no legal advise, your lawyer will handle that.

Last fathers day, I took my bike to the other side of town to save on gas money. After visiting the store, I needed gas, headed another direction to the station. Got behind some traffic and when I could, I twisted the throttle around everybody. I got to my exit, and as I was taking a left, I saw two California Highway Patrol cars just catching up to me, another motorcycle CHP arrived shortly. I pulled over and he said he got me at 93mph in a 55 zone. He gave me a break and wrote me up for 80+. Cost me $212. I have no idea how many points that is but a friend said they double the points for commercial drivers, which I am.

I parked the bike and now I do track days. No commuting or local trips on the bike. I do plan on some more group rides, not looking for any just yet.

Good Luck!


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RE: Busted big time
08/29/10 11:01 PM

Rook... nice work pal everyone gets busted speeding every now and then!! Can't speak to USA state traffic laws or court systems, but if you are will to admit guilt and own up to your mistake I am sure they will show you some mercy and reduce the ticket at the court house. You say you have a clean record so I am sure they wud have to problems doing that for you.... I know here it is one of the options on the back of the tickets... Here going that fast over wud be automatic court and the judge wud decide the penalty... Definately check with a traffic specialist in your area they can give you advice for sure....

For insurance at least in Alberta here we have private insurance and if you have a clean record, but get a ticket the insurance doesn't always go up...

Oh and if he used laser they are very accurate and tougher to challenge in court than a radar ticket or an estimated speeding ticket... as they point the laser at a flat spot on your vehicle pull the trigger and it gives them a reading of the speed and distance from the instrument that vehicle is... and the officer wud have to estimate your speed prior to pulling the trigger to get your speed....

Anywho good luck Rook and hopefully u don't get screwed with higher insurance...

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 7:01 AM

Rook if it was in WI forget about it you are going to pay out the ass don't ask me how I know. The good news is you can buy down the points in WI just like you would do on a mortgage. The last ticket I got in WI I just paid it and took the hit on my insurance however my buddy that already had 6 points in WI went to court and he said he was given the option to have the points removed from the ticket if he paid. I think it was 8 or 9 bucks a point to have them removed. I know it seems a little unfair that a rich bastard can drive as fast as he wants and never worry about losing his license. In Wisconsin you can't get supervision like in IL so I guess it helps them collect more money. To hell with the attorney that’s just more money you will have to put out. Besides they can't get you supervision and they can't get the points removed for free so there is only option is to prove the cop was wrong which is not likely. Another option would be to go to trail but you will have to pay more money to the attorney, court cost and pay for each juror that’s right you pay for your own jury trail win or lose. Call the clerk of courts office and see what it will cost you to remove the points. Having 6 points on your license is risky because the max before your license is suspended is 12 points in WI that leaves you little room the screw up for an entire year. My insurance increased 65 bucks every six months which I was not worried about at all really over three years thats only $390 bucks an attorney would have cost more than that plus he wouldn't have been able to do shit. If you think you can be a good boy for the next year pay those crooks and just move on. NESBA and STT are having a a few more events this year in the midwest just in case you need to get the speed thing out of your system.

* Last updated by: willidx4 on 8/30/2010 @ 7:05 AM *

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 7:20 AM

Good advice from WilliD and the others Rook. You and I had talked just recently about this being bound to happen sooner or later. High speeds on public roads are fun for awhile but eventually you have to pay the fiddler. You were lucky this time, in Texas, over 100 mph will get you jail time and forfeiture of your motorcycle. You need to take it to a track or organized speed event like the Texas Mile or Maxton.

As an alternative, it sounds like it may be time for you to start experiencing other things in life corners. In the twisties, you can have the same thrills as a high speed blast but keep your speeds within reasonable limits. As a side bonus, if you fall off it's not likely to be as serious. I gave up the super high speed stuff on public roads years ago, too risky. I only ride the roads with lots of corners anymore, that's where all the skill is in riding anyway, why do you think I bought a 600? I'm not impressed because somebody can twist the throttle and go fast in a straight line, heck even a beginner can do that but when someone goes smokin by me in a turn, hard on the gas and in complete that's a rider!

We all get tickets, I've had two in the last 5 years, they go with the territory. Just pay 'em, be more careful and move on, it happens.

* Last updated by: Kruz on 8/30/2010 @ 7:22 AM *

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loadedmind's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 7:33 AM

Rook - SWEEEEET! Finally! A Performance Award! ::8^):: I got nailed not too long ago for speeding. While I agree, to a degree, with what has been said, I disagree about not worrying with a lawyer. I would consult with them and see how likely the outcome would be that you'd be able to get away from those points. Some lawyers are better than others. At least give them the opportunity to tell you whether they can help you or not. Please keep us posted on what you decide and the outcome.

* Last updated by: loadedmind on 8/30/2010 @ 7:45 AM *

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 8:10 AM

Hi, Rook.

A couple of thoughts for you...

I don't know how the traffic courts are in your area, but here it's best just to show up and say you were distracted or something, and they almost always reduce the fine and the points. I don't know if a lawyer is worthwhile, but then I hate lawyers, so don't go by me.

I watched the video you posted a short time ago, and it made me realize how blessed I am to live where I do. I hate riding around in town or on freeways, and only do so to get OUT of town. A few minutes in any direction, and I'm out on a mountain road with almost no traffic. I would not want to ride at all where you were riding in that video. Do you have opportunities to get "out of town" and on some good clear roads from time to time?

I was out on a ride with one of my sons about a month ago. We were on a REALLY fun road than runs down the east side of the Black Canyon here in Colorado. It's maybe 30 miles of mountain roads, and you might see one car going in your direction and a couple coming the other way -- and that's on a Saturday. Anyway, my boy told me to go ahead, because he is not nearly as fast through the corners as I am. He's very conservative and careful. He was on his FJR-1300. Anyway, I went ahead and stopped at the parking lot at the end of the road to wait for him, and I waited and waited. I saw two park ranger cars going back up the road with their lights on. I figured that someone had had a problem, and John had stopped to help. I had NO thought that it could have been HIM that had a problem. I headed back up the road and found him sitting at a turn, with a park ranger and a state patrol officer -- and no bike.

He had gone into this turn too fast (he thought), and the turned tightened up quite a bit halfway through it. Instead of leaning the bike over further, he panicked a bit, stood her up and tried to brake. Problem is, he only had a few feet of asphalt and then was off into the dirt and gravel. The bike put him on the ground and went over the cliff. It stopped about 30 feet down, but it was totaled -- did a few flips on the way down.

Anyway, long story short, 3 broken ribs and a broken bone in a foot later, we are heading to a track day at Miller Motorsports on Labor Day, and I've decided that when we're on the road, I'm going to tone it down a bit, and also that I'm going to stay with those I'm riding with from now on. (I didn't get back to him until about an hour after his crash. Not good.)

I remember this corner. When it tightened, I just leaned her over further -- further than I felt comfortable with, but I knew that she could handle it, probably because I've had some track day experience with this bike.

So I would echo the comments of those who have suggest finding a track day somewhere and giving that a try. I'm going to cool it a bit on the road from now on and save it for the track. You'll meet some great guys at a track day as well.

Best of luck with the traffic court. Hope it turns out a lot better than you think. -bg

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 8:22 AM

well. thanks, guys. do you know how interested i am in riding motorcycles now? about zip. all the techniques I have used to avoid getting caught speeding are still very risky. There are cops in the twisties and the speed limit is much lower so 35+ is just as easy to attain (actually I at least double my speed on most corners). You can speed in the areas that you know the habits of patrol but whos to say the cops don't try something different and surprize you? That's what happened here. I always am watchful for cops on the road ahead and have seen them parked almost every time .Not this time. Not up on an overpass. Not a f----cking half mile away (2085 ft according to the ticket). This was some little ---f--ck small town with a speed trap manned by a state cop. 100 mph burst is all it took. And we all know that is easy to do with out even looking. I honestly didn't know how fast I was going---just knew it was fast. I'm not worried about buying back points--I haven't had a moving violation in the cage in 10 years. I drive like a granny becaus eI have always owned pieces of sh1t cars and they're no fun.....just practical. $512 is nothing and I can always keep driving like a grandma. The insurance is a problem. That is what is going to cost me.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, 2024 ZX-14R

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 8:24 AM

Thanks for posting everyone. I'm not pissed at anyone. I know I sound mad now. I'm just mad at myself.

And before anyone says it...I know you're all thinking it.... YES, I admit I look like the biggest dumbest shit that ever walked the face of the earth for posting those vids and then getting busted a few days later. Talking to Kruz yesterday, he made a good point--- should have invested in a radar/laser detector. iknow, Iknow. Don't think I'll be trusting what's left of my driving record and insurance to that, though. Maybe when my insurance goes back down some damn day.

* Last updated by: Rook on 8/30/2010 @ 8:35 AM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, 2024 ZX-14R

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 8:59 AM

The insurance hit might not be as bad as you think. I thought mine was going to double for sure but it didn't it only went up 130 bucks a year. When I got the ticket I had a Passport detector setup on the bike and it did not save me but it did save me dozens of times prior to that ticket. I was hit with a laser just like you by the time I heard the thing it was to late he all ready had me. Don't let the cops ruin it for you to hell with them just think how many thousands of times you have been speeding and got away with it. The way I see it you are still way ahead of the game. Rook 1000 cops 1 big deal.

* Last updated by: willidx4 on 8/30/2010 @ 9:00 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 9:13 AM

The insurance hit might not be as bad as you think. I thought mine was going to double for sure but it didn't it only went up 130 bucks a year. ...Don't let the cops ruin it for you to hell with them just think how many thousands of times you have been speeding and got away with it.

Thanks, Will. Let's just hope things go fine with the insurance. I've heard that there is no defense against lazer and that's one reason I haven't been too interested in investing in a detector.

Just talked to traffic attorney. He said he could negotiate to reduce the offense to a 4 point violation which would take it out of the "serious offense" catagory and probably look much less egregious to my insurance. The negotiation will take place by phone and it will cost me $250 whick I will be very happy to pay to try this. The whole matter wont be resolved until ~December. Which means that as of now, my insurance doesn't know anything and that makes me feel a tiny bit better already.

I'll let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for not reminding me I'm a dumdsh!t. I think I learned a valuable lesson.

* Last updated by: Rook on 8/30/2010 @ 9:39 AM *

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scottjkyl's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 9:36 AM

rook dont waste your money on a laser detector if your detecting laser then theyve already got you. if you really wanna beat the laser you have to jam it check out this link

* Last updated by: scottjkyl on 8/30/2010 @ 9:44 AM *

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 11:05 AM

Thats nothin compared to my 104 in a 40! haha

Rook, there's a good chance that if you DON'T bring it up, the insurance company will never know. I've had two wreckless tickets that never increased my premiums. They only check your driving record if you give them a reason to. They have to pay for a copy of your driving record, so its not like they go around checking everybodys all the time.

And, the ticket will only be on your record for two years. So, even if it does go up; you will be getting a decrease after two years. Cheers!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 11:15 AM

Thanks Slow and Scott. Just got back from traffic atty. He said the method is to negotiate a lower penalty in exchange for not taking the matter up in court. So give the guy $250 and I wait. The only problem i can see is that the ticket was received in a town 150 miles away. Seems like I should have picked a lawyer near to the offense. It would cost an arm and a leg to have an attorney drive 150 miles for a court appearance....if it actually went that far.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, 2024 ZX-14R

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 11:51 AM

correction that was 109 dollars per point not 9 dollars a point

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 11:58 AM

He said he could negotiate to reduce the offense to a 4 point violation which would take it out of the "serious offense" catagory and probably look much less egregious to my insurance. The negotiation will take place by phone and it will cost me $250 whick I will be very happy to pay to try this.

Hey at least that will give you some breathing room in case you have another mind fart. Like I said those bastards are never going to lessen the fine one cent. From my view it’s all one big scam the layers get paid, the state collects money, the cops get full day overtime and the insurance company has a reason to jack up your premiums

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 12:12 PM

^^^I agree, it's just a way for everyone to swoop in and pick at my carcass. That's okay though. I'll play along. Will, I'm really far from being one of those rich bastards who can afford to ride fast because they can easily afford to buy back points. Still, this kind of crap weighs so heavy on my mind that I would just rather shell out and forget about it---lesson learned.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, 2024 ZX-14R

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 12:59 PM

I remember this corner. When it tightened, I just leaned her over further -- further than I felt comfortable with, but I knew that she could handle it, probably because I've had some track day experience with this bike.

One reason why I never go fast down a road I don't know, a lot can happen and it's almost always bad. I'll pick a section of road and memorize the corner entry speed, braking markers etc. and pick up the pace gradually each time I go through it allowing a bit of buffer for gravel, stray dogs, drunk farmers etc.

You also brought up a good point about trying to keep up with a faster rider, one reason I hate group rides, you can get suckered into a turn way faster than you think and when panic sets in...the results aren't very pretty. Somebody told me a long time ago you have to ride your own ride. Sorry to hear about your son, hope he is recovering well.

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 1:05 PM

Sorry to hear about your son, hope he is recovering well.

Thanks, Kruz. Yes, he is recovering well. I think he'll be able to ride next Monday at our next track day (Miller Motorsports full track: 4.5 miles around!). Only chance to do the full track this year...

I was probably a couple of miles ahead of him by the time he got to this turn, so he was all by himself. That won't happen again. He just made a mistake... -bg

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 1:37 PM

I've heard two schools of thought about the laser/radar detectors and can draw on my own experience here. With the new instant on radar and lasers if the cops are targeting someone way out ahead of you you can get scatter emissions and may get a warning in time to slow down. If you are running out in front like Rook apparently was, they've got you. The last time I had one I got a big ticket running 25 over in a sports car. I was all alone on the freeway early in the morning and when I heard the alarm go off I smoked the tires. It probably saved me a few bucks cause I was slowing rapidly when he locked me up. I currently don't use one because the numerous false alerts can be nerve wracking and take a lot of enjoyment out of the riding experience. When I see a clear section of freeway ahead of me I instinctively slow down now, not speed up. If you are running in a pack of vehicles then they can't get a clear line of sight bead on you, larger vehicles ahead and to each side block the view. The freeway overpass is a tough scenario, they can pick you out of even a pack of cars from the high vantage point. Every time I have been busted it was while I was in the far right lane closest to the shoulder where they like to hide in the shadows under the overpasses. Another favorite spot is on the back side of a hill where you can't see them parked on the side of the road until you crest the top. They got you in that case since radar and laser travel in straight lines you won't pick up the scatter even if you have the detector. I wish I had the smarts to build a combined laser/rader jammer that would melt the laser gun right in their hands LOL! I agree with some of the others, except in school zones and work zones it's all about generating revenues for the state and local municipalities,lawyers, judges etc. My experience with a traffic ticket lawyer was not good. He forgot to appear in court for me and a warrant was issued for my arrest for failure to appear. All lawyers are dirt bags...period. I know that sounds harsh but I've hired four of them at various times in my life and all of them screwed me over. That includes my low life lawyer brother-in-law who wouldn't even talk to me when I called him for legal advice when my daughter got a DWI. His excuse was he practices Contract Law and doesn't do criminal law. I just wanted some advice to help my daughter out and he didn't have the time to talk to me. If my sister ever leaves that clown I'll never talk to him again. OK rant over! LOL!

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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loadedmind's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 2:23 PM

I don't have any personal experience with laser detection, other than being on the business end of it, so I'll shut my yapper on that one. I WOULD like to know, however, if anyone that has a laser jammer has evidence of it working from personal experience. I've been thinking about investing in one as our police force seems to be going toward laser more and more.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Busted big time
08/30/10 3:30 PM

Loaded, my advice is just don't ever bother with going fast. If you have to do it, on the road, the best place is out in the boonies AFTER you have ridden over the course. That should reduce your chances of getting nailed pretty much. I just started to forget what the 14 is. You know---100 mph is nothing for that bike. The only way to safely ride in traffic is to ride like the cages. Don't pass 'em even though you can. That's how I'll be riding now.

Thanks for the advice on lawyers, Kruz. I know how you feel, my friend. You might be right about a lot of lawyers but not all. Tough to pick. I spoke with an atty from the local where the citation was issued. He came right out and told me it would cost $750 to ask the judge for mercy and more if it went to court. He indicated that it is usually pretty hard to fight a lazer reading in court. He also informewd me that it I should not expect the judge to knuckle under if a trial is requested. They usually don't make deals to avoid a trial. They might have mercy if I ask nicely and have a good driving record.

I want to thank everyone for chiming in. It helps to hear from you guys. It probably doesn't seem like a huge deal but avoidable problems have a way of really gnawing at me. Time I wise up.

--Oh--and the 6 point violation, that is something I really don't want to leave on my record if at all possible. If the insurance co sees that, that 6 pointer is up in the DUI catagory. Serious shit.

Cross your fingers for me guys, please. Say a prayer.

* Last updated by: Rook on 8/30/2010 @ 3:37 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, 2024 ZX-14R

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