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Thread: Obozo gives us change

Created on: 03/08/09 04:17 PM

Replies: 48


Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

Obozo gives us change
03/08/09 4:17 PM

Name any other President that has had this effect on an economy.
Name one.
Only 3 more years of this fiscal idiot.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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East valley Phoenix area

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 6:49 AM

Hey, you REPUGNICANT losers are funny!
I remember when I used to say only four more years.

* Last updated by: motomi1 on 3/9/2009 @ 6:50 AM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 1:00 PM

Name any other President that has had this effect on an economy.
Name one.
Only 3 more years of this fiscal idiot.

Like I said.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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East valley Phoenix area

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 4:50 PM

George Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate to say it but it is his responsibility- no, wait, I don't hate to say it.

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East valley Phoenix area

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 4:51 PM

Hey Toecutter are you really a Canuck?

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 6:30 PM

Aaaah, junior, unfortunatly for you, there is NO evidence to back up your statement. None whatsoever.
Your Bush derangement syndrome is laughable.
It's sad to see someone so blinded by party loyalty that it disables your ability to think clearly.
American's have lost nearly 2 trillion dollars in savings since Obozo has seized power,the stock market has NEVER in 100 years dropped this fast in the first months a ANY new administration. Everytime President Clownshoes speaks, the DOW drops 200 points.
Dividends lost

Pres sucks at his job

Pres welcher

Bush is to blame for everything

You care more for your loser fraud of a president than you do the United States of America.
This fiscal idiot is an embarressment to America, look how this diplomatic moron treated the Prime Minister of great Britain on his recent visit, absolutly shamefull. But what can you expect from this jug-eared clodhopper?

Hey Motomi1 are you really an American? Or a Democrat?

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 3/9/2009 @ 6:31 PM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/09/09 6:54 PM

President Hillbilly-
Diplomatic moron


This putz gives the UK prime-minister a box-set of DVD's? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah
What, didn't have time to grab some coupons for Burger King? hahahahahahahah
...and they are for region one (North America) not region 2 (Europe) so the PM can't even play them at home. Hhahahahahahahahah
And I though Biden would be the biggest embarrasment to the administration, Joe must be gigglin' everyday at the curious antics of President Urkel.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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East valley Phoenix area

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Posts: 76

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/10/09 4:13 PM

Ah Ha! I was alive when you were still putting green in your diapers and in all that time I never, at any time, saw the amount of chaos that the previous administration foisted on the American public but, this begs the question, are you Canuck?

* Last updated by: motomi1 on 3/10/2009 @ 4:16 PM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/10/09 6:28 PM

Ah Ha! I was alive when you were still putting green in your diapers and in all that time I never, at any time, saw the amount of chaos that the previous administration foisted on the American public but, this begs the question, are you Canuck?

Ah Ha??? I beg to differ, I believe I was ridin' bikes back when yer Grandad was pimpin' out yer mom.
You never saw such chaos? Really? You really aren't that old are ya pup?

You still can't accept the FACT that the Obamessiah is the worst failure of a President in the first 50 days of his administration than ANYBODY else. Perod.

You can't defend President Urkel, so you bash the shrub and then go after my country???You lost the fight already
Ya got nuthin' but a limp dick and even worse english.
The question, properly framed, my little hillbilly, is "Are you a Canuck?" Which makes me giggle, cause I KNOW you had to google "Alberta" to find out it was in Canada.
Much like your current "leader" I too was not born in the United States. Half my family are Americans, I have lived in, and traveled through much of America. I am loath to call it "your country" because you care little for America, and more for some corrupt, lying, socialist scum Democrat party.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/10/09 6:36 PM

Since you can't defend Obozo's fiscal policies, let's discuss the FACT that he's a war criminal who has murdered babies ,and should be impeached for breaking federal law.
HHhmmmmmmmmmmm????? Shall we?

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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East valley Phoenix area

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 76

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 10:54 AM

Ah, Ha, so you are one of "those" too. What a surprise!

* Last updated by: motomi1 on 3/11/2009 @ 10:58 AM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 12:49 PM

Ah Ha???
Hahahahahahahahah, I can just see a light-bulb blinking erratically in yer noggin forming THAT thought.
Answer the questions or get off the thread junior. You show up to a gun fight with a stick? Not even a pointed one at that. Sad you are

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 12:52 PM

Our first gunfight... How exciting! -bg

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 1:02 PM


Attorney General Eric Holder, revealed to be the man who, as Clinton's deputy AG, was the driving force behind the sentence commutation of 16 murderous FALN terrorists.

Attorney General Eric Holder's law firm represents 17 Gitmo terrorists and he is a driving force behind the closing of Gitmo.

On Inauguration Day, Obama granted only ABC News an interview, after they paid him $2 million to sponsor his DC Neighborhood Ball.

After three days in office, Obama ordered an attack on homes in Pakistan. Twenty-one people were killed but only five were reported to have been terrorists; the rest of the incinerated and dismembered victims were children, their moms and dads, and other civilians, according to the New York Times, the AFP, the AP and many other news sources.

On 23 January 2009, Obama demanded that GOP leaders stop listening to Rush Limbaugh or else things would not go well for them during his regime.

William Lind, a powerful defense industry lobbyist, was appointed by Obama to be deputy defense secretary, despite all the rants and promises Obama made about never appointing a lobbyist to a position of power in his regime.

On 23 January 2009, Obama lifted the ban on federal tax dollars funding abortion mill operations in Third World countries where eugenics are now again used to control the population.

Two days after seizing power, Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, making it clear that the comfort and happiness of the terrorists therein, and Europe's opinion of us, are far more important than national security and the lives of American families.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refuses to reveal all of the big foreign donors to her husband's "foundation," but the Washington Times says huge sums of money came from the People's Republic of China via a secret 2006 stock transaction.

On 24 January 2009, despite his hundreds if not thousands of pledges and promises of total transparency in his regime, Obama held a secret closed-door meeting with his economic advisors as anger over his $1 trillion "economic stimulus" spending scheme, refusing to allow the media and American people access to what was discussed.

On 26 January 2009, Rep. John Boehner revealed that Obama and his Obamanistas in the Congress had added language in the Democrats' stimulus bill that would allow Obama's infamous voter fraud organization, ACORN, to receive billions of dollars in federal funding under the farcical guise of "neighborhood stabilization activities."

On 26 January 2009, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, stated that the Obama regime seeks direct negotiations with the terrorist regime of Iran.

In a shocking insult to our military's heroes, on 20 January 2009, Barack Obama became the first president in 56 years--since its inception--to skip the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball, which is held in honor of Medal of Honor recipients, Purple Heart recipients, paralyzed veterans and other military heroes. Obama did, however, find time to attend the Neighborhood Ball, which was filled with Hollywood's ultra elite.

On 26 January 2009, with hat in hand and apologizing for the United States, Obama gave his first formal television interview as president not to an American network, but Al-Arabiya, saying America must stop "dictating," a move and statement that was immediately seen by extremist Muslims as a sign of sure weakness and fear.

James B. Steinberg, whom Obama nominated to be deputy secretary of state, told the Foreign Relations Committee in writing that Americans have a free speech right guaranteed by the Constitution to taxpayer funded abortions.

On 26 January 2009, Timothy Geithner was sworn in as Obama's secretary of the treasury despite having serious tax problems and having had an illegal alien housekeeper.

On 27 January 2009, Obama, for some reason confused, attempted to walk through a window to get back into the White House rather than using a door. There were no calls from liberals to have him take a urinalysis to determine why he did this. Hahahahahahahahahaha...moron

Obama's economic stimulus bill includes his plan to force all American to have their entire health care history recorded in a government electronic database that privacy experts say could result in your most private medical issues being shared and viewed by no-one-knows who.

After the House passed what conservative watchdog Michelle Malkin calls the Generational Theft Act of 2009 worth $1 trillion + in debt to the American people and loaded with leftist pork like $335,000,000 for training Americans how not to catch the clap, Obama, who promised to lead a "new era of responsibility," served up $100/ounce wagyu steak for some pals at the White House as shocking numbers of American homeless and jobless struggled to survive.

On 19 May 2008, Obama chided Americans that it is wrong for them to keep their thermostats on 72 degrees and stated, "That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." On 21 January 2009, Obama's chief political advisor, David Axelrod, said Obama will be keeping the Oval Office thermostat so high that "You could grow orchids in there" because "He likes it warm."

President Obama went to bat for accused USS Cole attack mastermind Abu al-Nashiri and told military judge James Pohl to postpone the terrorist's trial. On 29 January 2009, Pohl refused the presidential order. The attack killed 17 American sailors and wounded several dozen.

On 29 January 2009, it was learned that despite his many repeated promises, Obama was stacking his regime with lobbyists, such as William Corr (finance industry) and Mark Patterson (anti-tobacco industry, despite Obama being a heavy smoker), in addition to William Lynn of the defense industry.

In January 2009, more than 1 million homes from Texas to Maine were without power after a winter storm; dozens of people died in the storm. Estimates for some areas said it could be two weeks or more before power would be restored. Obama did nothing to save lives and restore power, instead cranking up the heat in the Oval Office, according to David Axelrod, to tropical levels. No liberals complained about Obama total lack of effective and timely response to the calamity, as they did after Katrina about Bush.

On 30 January 2009, it was learned that Tom Daschle, Obama's nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, is a tax cheat who owes gigantic sums of money to the IRS, and who as a senator took hundreds of thousands of dollars in "donations" from the health care industry, which he will control if approved for the post.

Despite his promise not to conduct foreign diplomatic and national security business before taking office, Barack Obama, it was learned on 1 February 2009, had his advisors from the primarily leftist pacifist group United States Institute of Peace and transition staff (including Ellen Laipson and William Perry) conducting secret, "very, very high-level" meetings in Damascus with Syrian and Iranian officials, according to Jeffrey Boutwell.

During an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer on Superbowl Sunday 2009, Obama mocked and insulted Jessica Simpson by stating she is "losing a weight battle, apparently," after Lauer pointed out Simpson had replaced Obama on the cover of Us magazine. He also stated to Lauer that "People think I'm cool."

Shortly after taking power, Obama appointed Carol Browner to be his regime's energy and environment czar. He didn't tell us that she is a Marxist and a member of the Socialist International Commission for a Sustainable World Society, according to that organization's own website.

Nancy Killefer, nominated by Obama to be his regime's chief performance officer, withdrew her name from nomination on 3 February 2009 after it was learned she owed huge sums to the IRS.

On 3 February 2009, Tom Daschle, nominated by Obama to be his regime's secretary of health and human services, withdrew his name from nomination after it was learened he owed approximately $155,000 in back taxes that were only recently paid back after he was nominated.

On 4 February 2009, in a shocking break with the time-honored tradition of "generals serve at the pleasure of the president," retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni said he was now refusing to accept and position in the Obama regime.

On 4 February 2009, Gallup reported that Obama's favorable poll ratings, even before "Terrible Tuesday," had plummeted a shocking 14%.

On 4 February 2009, it was learned that Obama's Labor Secretary nominee, Hilda Solis, had lobbied for herself as a member of Congress, a clear violation of House ethics rules, and she is a pro-union activist, another ethics debacle that forced her nomination to be placed on hold.

On 4 February 2009, despits his voiciferous complaints about McCain's politics of fear and despair, Obama stated that if his $1.2 trillion "stimulus" bill wasn't passed, a "catastrophe" would befall America, many more millions would lose their jobs, and life as we know it in America would end.

On 4 February 2009, news reports told of Obama's CIA head nominee, Leon Panetta, having taken many tens of thousands in "honorariums" from financial institutions that have taken bailout funds.

5 February 2009: On Obama's orders, military judge Susan J. Crawford dropped all charges against USS Cole bombing mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who led the operation that nearly sank the Cole, wounded dozens of sailors, and killed 17 sailors in Aden Harbor, Yemen, in October 2000.

On 5 February 2009, Obama ordered the pilot of Air Force One to fly him a mere 37 minutes to a retreat in Virginia to hobnob with his fellow Democrats. He refused to take Marine One or the presidential limo to save fuel and money and reduce air pollution, which he says causes global warming.

On 5 February 2009, Obama CIA chief nominee retracted his earlier lie about the Bush administration transfering prisoners to other facilities to be tortured. He totally recanted and said there was no validity to his statement.

In February 2009, Obama, who avoided all military service, told the Joint Chiefs of Staff he did not trust their judgment or war plans in Afghanistan, and ordered them to re-evaluate their future operations in Afghanistan despite the tremendous successes they produced in Iraq and despite the massive number of terrorists being killed in Afghanistan. Obama issued the insult on behalf of senior Democrat leaders who, like Obama, distrust the military and all military personnel.

In February 2009, Obama broke federal law (Title 13 of the US Code) by seizing control of the Census Bureau in order to redistrict voting in 2012 to favor the Democratic Party. This is an impeachable federal offense. Title 13 states the Census Bureau is controlled by the Department of Commerce.

On 12 February 2009, Sen, Judd Gregg, in another humiliation for Obama, withdrew his name from nomination as the Secretary of Commerce, saying his views conflicted too sharply with the radical ideology of Barack Obama.

On 17 February 2009, Obama signed into law the largest spending bill in human history, consisting of $1.3 trillion with interest and made up mostly of special-interest pork projects that the Congressional Budget Office stated will reduce wages for most Americans. Obama flew to Denver on this date to plug green energy technology; he took Air Force One, a Boeing 747 tat is supported by numerous other presidential aircraft that dumped massive amounts of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere.

On 18 February 2009, Obama Attorney General Eric Holder outraged and insulted many Americans when he called America a "nation of cowards" because, in his opinion, they do not want to address racial issues he believes plague America. Holder is black, as is the president, and there have been black senators, black congressmen, black Supreme Court justices, two black secretaries of state, two black Sergeants Major of the Marine Corps, a black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, four black governors and countless other blacks in high office.

On 18 February 2009, the Washington Times reported on how Obama, despite his publicly stated aversion to using the American flag as a false indicator of patriotism, is now using regular displays of numerous American flags as his backdrop to demonstrate his patriotism.

On 18 February 2009, Politico reported that at least six "prominent journalists" who had reported very favorably on Obama during his campaign, had been offered and had accepted jobs within the Obama regime.

In the 3rd week of February 2009, the Federal Election Commission notified Judicial Watch that Obama had in fact received a deeply discounted home loan (a savings of $108,000) from Northern Trust, which supported Obama's candidacies since 1990, that regular Americans could not receive. The loan was far below the normal interest rate at the time, had no origination fee (standard for regular people) and no discount points (standard for regular people), but the FEC claimed Obama broke no laws in securing the super sweetheart deal. The FEC also notified Judicial Watch that it was closing the file on Obama's highly unethical but still legal loan.

On 20 February 2009, in another embarrasing communications and policy gaff, the Obama regime had to publicly slap down Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood's suggestion that the regime might tax Americans for every mile they drive.

According to a Kerry aid on 20 February 2009, Sen. John Kerry, after being admittedly caught carrying a letter from Hamas to Obama that was the first step in establishing a direct and personal dialogue between Hamas and Obama, turned the letter over to the Jerusalem consul general. Kerry is now claiming it is all a big mistake and he didn't know the letter was from Hamas.

On 17 February 2009, on Obama's orders, 16 people were killed in a coalition operation in Afghanistan, but only 3 were terrorists; the others were civilians, including two children and six women. Obama had no comment on the body count of kids and women he has already amassed as commander in chief.

On 20 February 2009, in a move that infuriated the ACLU and human rights groups around the world, Obama stunned many when he ordered his lawyers to file a brief stating, despite his many vehement campaign promises to the contrary, terrorists held prisoner by the US in Afghanistan have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

On 21 February 2009, in a shocking policy statement that sent human rights groups into a blind rage, Secretary of State Clinton said during a visit to China, one of the most repressive communist regimes in history, that "human rights cannot interfere" with the economy, global warming and other issues, which take precedence. This statement stunned human rights groups who believed Obama when he repeatedly stated during his campaign that human rights would be a priority in his regime.

In the 3rd week of February 2009, Obama suffered his first major foreign policy & security disaster when he failed to convince Pakistan's government that it should not surrender control of the restive, terrorist-filled Swat Valley to the Taliban terrorism cartel, even though Obama said he was the candidate who, as president, would be more effective in leading the war on terror there. In the same week, top-secret photos were leaked revealing a US Predator drone base inside Pakistan.

In his second major foreign affairs and security failure of his newly installed regime, Obama failed to prevent the start-up of the Iranian terrorist regime nuclear plant at Bushehr, which is slated for 25 February 2009 according to Iran's government. The start-up will take place despite Obama, during his campaign, repeatedly insisting that his diplomatic skills would turn the Iranian terrorist government off their path to nuclear power.

Despite his innumerable campaign promises to do whatever it takes to win the war in Afghanistan and support our military's efforts there, in February 2009, Obama ignored the sage advice of our most respected military officers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and refused to order at least 30,000 additional troops into Afghanistan, instead opting for just over half of what was requested.

On 23 February 2009, in another embarrasing demonstration of the Obama regime's blatant hypocrisy, the Detroit News reported that of the 18 member of Obama's Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, only two drove American cars.

On 19 February 2009, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano issued the bold lie that no Mexican drug cartel violence had crossed the border. In reality, according to news reports in major papers and in broadcast media in Arizona (she is the former governor of that state) and elsewhere, numerous police departments in Arizona and elsewhere, the FBI, and the Cato Institute, Mexican drug cartel crime is very commonplace inside the United States and 230 cities have Mexican drug cartel cells. Napolitano is believed to have told the absurd lie because had she admitted to the contrary, Obama's plan for open borders and pro-illegal-alien immigration reform would be less acceptable to the American people.

As of 23 February 2009, the Dow had plummeted more than 1,000 points under Obama's economic policies and more than 2,000 points since his election. On 23 February 2009, when the markets learned Obama was going to make a statement on fiscal responsibility, the Dow fell 251 points.

On 23 February 2009, Newsmax reported that Obama's $410 billion omnibus spending bill contains 9,000 earmarks. During his campaign, Obama guaranteed earmarks reform under his regime and clearly promised he would never sign such a bill.

On 23 February 2009, the Obama regime convened what it termed a Fiscal Responsibility Summit (for three hours) at which the regime said there were no special interests represented. In reality, there were 47 liberal, Obama-linked and Obama-supporting special interest groups represented, including 7 unions, 3 health care associations, 2 health policy foundations, 9 ethnic and racial interest groups, 6 senior, women, disabled and gay rights groups, 11 leftist think tanks and advocacy groups, 4 business interest groups, three universities, a law firm and a financial services firm.

On 24 February 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Biden crime family was deeply involved with indicted rogue financier Allen Stanford and his $8 billion fraud scheme. The Bidens own Paradigm Global Advisors LLC, which was marketed exclusively by Stanford and was operated via the Stanford International Bank in Antigua.

On 23 February 2009, Texas Homeland Security Steve McCraw testified before the House Committee on Border and International Affairs that Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano was 100% wrong in her farcical statement that Mexican drug cartel violence was non-existent in the US. The testimony was linked to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's request for an additional $135 million to secure the border to help prevent additional Maxican drug cartel violence from happening in Texas. Neither McCraw or Perry speculated on why Napolitano had told the bizare lie.

During his address to the nation on 24 February 2009, Obama:

(1) Falsely claimed that the automobile was invented in America, which it was not, thus making him look stupid and ignorant

(2) Stated his top three priorities did not include homeland security

(3) Complained about government debt, even though the week prior he added $1.4 trillion to that debt

(4) Complained about banks giving home loans to unqualified buyers, but it was his party that pushed that policy

(5) Falsely claimed he does not believe in big government, yet every expert says his policies will grow the size and power of the government exponentially

(6) Touted his website and claimed it shows details of exactly how the "stimulus" money will be spent, but the website shows no such thing and has been revealed to be a scam by the media

(7) Announced his program to use your tax dollars to help your neighbor buy a new car

(8) Falsely claimed his policies would prevent CEOs from buying new drapes and flying on private jets

(9) Falsely claimed he would never help "a single Wall Street executive" even though his bailous do precisely that

(10) Falsely claimed using tax dollars to create a socialist medicine program would reduce the deficit

(11) Promised to use taxpayer dollars to pay for every American to receive a college education

(12) Stated high school dropouts were "quitting on their country" even though hundreds of thousands, if not millions, served and serve in the military and huge numbers gave their lives for the country

(13) Falsely claimed their were no earmarks in the "stimulus" bill, even though he has never read it and even though hundreds of billions of dollars in the law were special-interest earmarks

(14) Threatened to destroy struggling U.S. companies that do any outsourcing to survive

(15) Said he would end the war in Iraq but refused to say he would lead us to victory there

(16) Failed to inform the American people that under his plan to prevent homes from going into foreclosure, illegal aliens would be eligible to receive your tax dollars to stay in their homes, according to the Center for Immigration Studies
Despite Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano's bald-faced lie that Mexican drug cartels are not operating in the United States, on 25 February 2009 the FBI arrested 750 Mexican drug cartel operatives inside the United States. This was a joint operation between the FBI, DEA and, yes, the Department of Homeland Security.

On 25 February 2009, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), the longest serving Democrat in the Senate, publicly charged that Obama was violating the Constitution and therefore the law by conducting illegal power grabs.

On 25 February 2009, although the president failed to mention it during his speech the night before, the White House admitted under pressure that Obama's socialist medicine program would cost not the cited $634 billion, but actually $1 trillion.

On 25 February 2009, in sworn testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano testified she would fail in her sworn duty to insure all commercial cargo containers entering the United States would be screened for nuclear and radiological weapons by 2012, a mandate set by the Democratic Congress in 2007.

On 25 February 2009, without Sec. of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano's specific permission to enforce the law, ICE raided a Washington State engine plant in an investigation of gang activity by illegal aliens there. Twenty-eight illegal aliens were arrested. Napolitano ordered an immediate investigation because, according to a spokesman, such law enforcement operations are inconsistent with the president's policy on illegal aliens.

On 25 February 2009, during an appearance on The Early Show, VP Joe Biden lied by saying Louisiana, under Gov. Bobby Jindal, loses 400 jobs/day. In reality, according to statistics from the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Louisiana is not only NOT losing 400 jobs/day under Governor Jindal, but actually gaining jobs, and the Louisiana unemployment rate is 5.9% under Governor Jindal, as opposed to the national unemployment rate under Obama, which is at 7.3%

In 2007 as a candidate, Obama said you have to make $1 million annually to be rich. In 2008, he lowered it to $250,000 and kept that figure in his February 2009 address to the nation. Two days later, after he promised your taxes would not go up so much as a dime if you make less than $250,000/year, Obama released his budget that included tax rate increases for those making above $209,000 and also included other massive tax increases via deduction eliminations, according to the Cato Institute and Neil Cavuto.

On 27 February 2009, at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Obama endured his most humiliating event since taking power when he was forced to admit before thousands of Marines that they had defeated the enemy in Iraq, in a war he said during the campaign we shouldn't have fought and believed we would lose. He also was forced to admit in essence that his promises during the campaign of total retreat and surrender within 16 months of his taking power were foolish and that he would leave up to 50,000 troops in Iraq after the drawdown is complete in late 2010.

On 1 March 2009, the NY Post reported that Obama's "urban czar," Bronx Boro President Adolfo Carrion, was neck deep in a pay-for-play bribery scheme that saw him receiving huge amounts in campaign donations from developers who donated the money to Carrion immediately before or after he signed off on their project proposals.

In late February 2009, Obama nominated beleagured Washington State Gov. Gary Locke to be his secretary of commerce. Locke is widely believd to be the most corrupt sitting governor in the country, with investigations into campaign finance law violations, brazen conflicts of interest, money laundering and other shady dealings. Locke has been investigated for giving tax breaks to a defense contractor while being in business with that company's auditor; giving tax breaks to his brother-in-law's company; personally signing, as governor, a federal loan application for his brother-in-law's company;being in cahoots with Clinton Chinagate money launderer John Huang, who was a fundraiser for Locke; accepting illegal contributions from Indonesian businessman Ted Sioeng, believed to be an operative for the government of the People's Republic of China; accepting illegal campaign funds from Thai political operative Praitun Kanchanalak; accepting illegal funds from a Chinese street gang in New York City via a restaurant being used as a front; and accepting huge sums from a Buddhist monestary in Washington State in which the many monks said they did not recall donating any money to Locke.

On 2 March 2009, for the first time since October 1997, the Dow fell below 7,000 as the markets plummeted in reaction to Obama's wild and undisciplined spending spree in Washington.

On 2 March 2009, the Associated Press reported on Obama having turned the White House into a glitzy, ultra-elite party palace on Wednesday evenings, with entertainers like Earth, Wind and Fire, Stevie Wonder and Sweet Honey in the Rock topping the playbills. Conga lines, massive spreads of gourmet food and premium alcohol for all guests are served as America's unemployment rate skyrockets, companies and charities are closing or endangered at record pace, and our national deficit shoots through the ionosphere.

In early March 2009, first the Russian media reported, and then the White House admitted, that Obama had sent a secret letter, despite Obama's many pledges for a "transparent" administration, to Russian Pres. Medvedev asking for help in stopping Iran's ICBM program. Reports stated that Obama offered to scrap our missile defense shield planned for deployment in Europe if Russia intervened with Iran's missile program. Medvedev publicly and insultingly rejected Obama's plea. The embarrassing slap-down of Obama by Medvedev also revealed how Obama is willing to risk US national security by making secret deals with highly untrustworthy politicians and demonstrated to Iran just how desperate Obama is to stop Iran from acquiring the ability to strike Europe with a nuclear ICBM, even though Obama promised during the campaign that his superior foreign policy and negotiating skills would solve the Iranian impasse.

Adding to Obama's embarrassment and frustration with Democrat House members who refuse to support his every desire, on 2 March 2009, Congressional Quarterly reported that a "quiet revolt" was growing among Democrats against Obama's disturbing fiscal policies. The report cited the mutineers stance against Obama's "$410 billion discretionary fiscal 2009 spending package" and their forced sidelining of HR 1106 that would have given judges the ability to modify loans.

On 3 March 2009, Sen. Chuck Schumer humiliated and frustrated the Obamanista regime by releasing a statement directly contradicting the White House's claim that there was no offer of quid pro quo in the secret letter Obama had sent President Medvedev regarding Obama's request for assistance in preventing the Iranians from developing nuclear ICBMs. Schumer, a top Democrat, insisted that the letter did contain a very specific quid pro quo offer from Obama and that he (Schumer) thought that the offer was an excellent idea.

After a 3-hour exposé on the Gunny Bob Show (2 March 2009) that revealed the "Global New Deal" proposal being brought to Obama by U.K. Prime Minister Brown the following day, the White House suddenly cancelled the major press conference slated to be held at the White House during which the socialist twosome were going to discuss their plan for global socialism that would bring financial "security for families in every country." The British were stunned and Brown humiliated by the snub, as the Times of London had reported widely on the much-heralded meeting with Obama. Instead, Obama met with a group of Boy Scouts.

On 4 March 2009, the British media teemed with rage and fury at Obama for Obama's shabby, rude and inexplicable treatment of Prime Minister Brown during his very brief visit to the White House. The PM was expecting proper treatment and enough time to discuss his agenda and mutual concerns, but instead Obama limited him to mere minutes and cancelled a press conference, opting only for a "spray" in the Oval Office with a few reporters. The international insults may have done severe damaged to Anglo-American relations for the remainder of the Obama regime and demonstrated Obama's horrific judgment and arrogance, which caused a major international scandal that infuriated and debased one of America's most important allies.

On 4 March 2009, Obama's nominee to head the National Intelligence Council, Charles Freeman, came under withering fire for his public anti-American statements after 9-11 and his anti-Semitic statements. Freeman has blamed the United States for 9-11 and is an al Qaeda apologist, and his ugly statements against Jews are well documented. Demands are growing for Obama to withdraw the extremist's name from nomination.

On 4 March 2009, it was learned that Charles Freeman, Obama's nominee to head the super-secret National Intelligence Council, which has access to this country's most sensitive intelligence, is a part-time employee of the People's Republic of China. Freeman sits on the advisory board of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), which is wholly owned and operated by the Chinese government. As a board member, Freeman also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Iranian Oil Company in 2006, wholly owned by the terrorist government of Iran, for CNOOC to develop Iran North Pars gas field. The State Department is investigating.

On 2 March 2009, Secretary of State Clinton admitted that Obama had ordered her to send official emissaries to the terrorist regime of Syria to begin a dialogue. Syria has been on the State Department's list of terrorism-sponsoring nations since 1979 for its direct support of terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. The admission made the Obama regime the first administration to openly and directly negotiate with terrorists.

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 3/11/2009 @ 1:09 PM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 1:08 PM

Part 2

On 5 March 2009, Education Secretary Arne Duncan publicly broke with the Obama regime is saying school vouchers for poor blacks in Washington, DC, to attend elite charter schools should be allowed to continue. Obama has said he will sign a bill currently being debated that will outlaw such vouchers. Obama's kids attend such an elite charter school, but Obama believes poor kids should not be allowed there.

On 5 March 2009, ABC News, which had brazenly supported Obama during his campaign, attacked him for attempting to deceive the American public with bogus bankruptcy figures that had been widely and publicly discredited. Using the absurd figures, Obama attempted to frighten the public in order to garner their support for his socialist medicine program. ABC reported that Obama farcical claim that one bankruptcy every 30 seconds is caused by medical bills is totally false and nowhere near accurate.

On 5 March 2009, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, whose was Obama's short list for Surgeon General, suddenly withdrew his name from nomination, citing personal reasons. Gupta's withdrawl added to the list of Obama's humiliations regarding the filling of his cabinet, which has been the most unstable and embarrasing such process in American presidential history.

On 5 March 2009, Annette Nazareth, a leading candidate for the #2 position in Obama's Department of the Treasury, suddenly withdrew her name from nomination, citing personal reasons, thus adding to the freakish turmoil the Obama regime has been experiencing in attempting to fill Obama's beleagured cabinet.

On ABC's "The View" on 6 March 2009, Whoopi Goldberg, an outspoken supporter of Obama during the campaign, went on an embarrassing, shrill rant against Obama's trillion-dollar tax-hike program. She is one of the first Hollywood celebrities who had earlier supported Obama to speak out against him in a very public forum.

On 6 March 2009, Secretary of State Clinton was mortified on the international stage when she gave the Russian foreign minsiter a gimicky "reset" button that she believed had the word "reset" written in Russian, to signify the countries' relationship being reset by the Obama regime. The foreign minister immediately noted that the Russian word was not for "reset" but a word implying hostility for being overcharged. Clinton pretended to be amused by the embarrassing gaff, but her infamous temper and willingness to fire those who had gotten on her bad side likely meant the translator was shown the door.

Before an astounded, head-shaking European Parliament on 6 March 2009, Hillary Clinton stated, "I have never understood multiparty democracy." She then went on to misstate EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana's position and got European Commission External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner's name wrong. Clinton also embarrased herself when she claimed the United States' democracy "has been around a lot longer than European democracy," a demonstrably false statement that visibly annoyed many of the dignitaries.

In direct contradiction to his earlier assessment of the attorney general's judgment anc character, on 6 March 2009, Obama publicly embarrased Attorney General Holder for using insulting language to describe Americans for Holder saying America is a "nation of cowards." Obama said he failed to properly supervise and advise Holder and implied that would not happen again.

On 8 March 2009, USAToday, which had directly and openly supported Obama for president during the campaign, reported that two think tanks are estimating that Obama's job-creation policy would create up to 300,000 jobs for illegal aliens.

On 9 March 2009, billionaire Warren Buffet, an advisor to Obama, embarrassed the president by publicly stating that Obama's "muddled" communications with the people are undermining public confidence. When challenged about Buffett's negative remarks, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs blamed George Bush.

On 10 March 2009, the Washington Post embarrassed the Obama regime when it reported that the "Menendez rebellion," led by Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, had stunned Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Menendez revolted against Obama's more favorable treatment of the Cuban dictatorship, which has held the island in a strangehold since the late 1950s. The Post called the Menendez rebellion a "jolt of political reality" for Obama and his regime.

On 10 March 2009, Newsweek, which had vigorously supported Obama during his campaign, published an article that included nasty descriptions of Obama's shortcomings and failures with only 50 days in office. Among the complaints were how the "establishment" is beginning to think he "may not have what it takes" and that many people "are finding him lacking." The article also stated that Obama is "seeking to govern from the left" and "may be mistaking motion for progress."

On 10 March 2009, after Gunny Bob and others reported on the scandal, Charles Freeman, Obama's nominee to chair the ultra-secret National Intelligence Council, withdrew his name from nomination. Freeman was forced to withdraw after Gunny Bob and his colleagues revealed Freeman's illegal ties to the terrorist government of Iran and the government of the People's Republic of China.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/11/09 6:56 PM

No one in the white house

"The head of the civil service, Sir Gus said the handover to President Barack Obama's administration was severely hindering preparations for next month's G20 summit.
In an extraordinary blunder, the usually-guarded Sir Gus said no-one in the U.S. Treasury department was answering telephone calls.
He said it meant the Government was finding it 'unbelievably difficult' to hold discussions ahead of the meeting of world leaders in London.
Even though the world was in the grip of the worst economic crisis in decades - top of the G20 agenda - Number 10 was having trouble getting in touch with key personnel, said the Cabinet Secretary.
'There is nobody there,' he told a civil service conference in Gateshead.
'You cannot believe how difficult it is.'
The comments will certain anger Sir Gus's paymasters in Downing Street, as well as raising eyebrows in irritation in the White House."

Maybe this is why.........
"You would think this is the time he'd really knuckle down and get to work "
Carol Platt Liebau was first female managing editor of the Harvard Law Review;

It reminds me a little bit of my experience with him when he was president of the Harvard Law Review. You know, I hesitated to say a lot about this during the campaign because I really thought maybe it wasn't fair. That maybe, finally, when he got to be President, this would be a job big enough to engage and hold Barack Obama's sustained interest, because really, is there a bigger job out here?

[W]hen he was at the HLR you did get a very distinct sense that he was the kind of guy who much more interested in being the president of the Review, than he was in doing anything as president of the Review.

A lot of the time he quote/unquote "worked from home", which was sort of a shorthand - and people would say it sort of wryly - shorthand for not really doing much. He just wasn't around. Most of the day to day work was carried out by the managing editor of the Review, my predecessor, a great guy called Tom Pirelli whose actually going to be one of the assistant attorney generals now.

He's the one who did most of the day to day work. Barack Obama was nowhere to be seen. Occasionally he would drop in he would talk to people, and then he'd leave again as though his very arrival had been a benediction in and of itself, but not very much got done.

So, you know, you see that and you think, gosh, maybe that's the way the guy operates, hut then you figure ok, obviously he always had his eye on bigger and better things.

But now he's President...there really isn't a bigger or better thing."

What a buffoon. President Borat H. Obozo
Where are all the Obamanistas now?
Probably wondering if any of their savings are left. Buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

* Last updated by: Toecutter on 3/11/2009 @ 6:58 PM *

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/15/09 1:32 PM


On 11 March 2009, the Taliban responded to Obama's publicly stated plan to engage in dialogue what he called "the moderate Taliban" terrorists. The terrorist group's response made an international mockery of Obama. Said Taliban spokesman Qari Mohammed Yousuf: "The Taliban are united, have one leader, one aim, one policy...I do not know why they are talking about moderate Taliban and what it means. If it means those who are not fighting and are sitting in their homes, then talking to them is meaningless. This really is surprising the Taliban."

On 12 March 2009, in a bizarre, confusing and highly controversial about-face on the state of the economic recession, Obama stated in public that, despite his earlier assessments and warnings that foretold of pending "catastrophe" and "crisis" on a global scale the likes of which had never been seen before, the recession was suddenly "not as bad as we think."

On 13 March 2009, the Wall Street Journal embarrased the Obama regime by reporting that Obama's favorable poll ratings had fallen below those of George Bush during his first 50 days in office. The report also cited how Obama's negative trends were up and his positive trends were down and falling steadily. On the Obama budget, Rasmussen Reports showed the majority of those polled did not support it. The polling data are disturbing so early in the Obama White House.

On 12 March 2009, the Obama regime was again publicly humiliated after yet another nominee withdrew withdrew his name from nomination. Rodgin Cohen was Obama's latest nominee for deputy treasury secretary, but he suddenly dropped out after disturbing information about him came to light during the vetting process which he did not want to enter the public domain.

On 13 March 2009, the Washington Times reported that, despite the recession, skyrocketing unemployment, staggering numbers of foreclosures, businesses closing at record pace, and so on, the Obamas invited "top editors of three of Washington's local luxury lifestyle magazines . . to a meeting where they discussed, among other things, how President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama can embrace Washington's glittery social scene." Courting the glitterati is, the newspaper revealed, a top priority of the Obamas regardless of the state of the economy and the widespread suffering of less fortunate Americans.

On 13 March 2009, Obama's Justice Department, in a filing in Federal District Court, withdrew the now politically incorrect and insensitive term "enemy combatant" as the official definition of terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. It replaced the term with "detainee," which does not carry the stigma of violent criminality of the newly banned term.

This administration is averaging 2 complete failures a day.
He promised "change" and yer gettin' it.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/23/09 12:43 PM

Part #4

On 16 March 2009, extensive reporting indicated the White House is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the growing nationwide backlash against Obama's massive tax increases, which are estimated to total more than $1 trillion dollars. A Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest is scheduled for 15 April 2009. Additionally, Obama is refusing to rule out his proposal to tax health benefits.

Speaking of health benefits, all through the campaign Obama mercilessly attacked John McCain for his proposal to tax the health benefits of Americans, and now Obama is doing the very same thing. Obama tax increases already amount to more than a trillion dollars, including increased and new taxes on everything from all energy usage to business owners.

On 16 March 2009, MSNBC, which openly supported Obama's candidacy, reported that despite Obama's sudden chastising of massive bailout recipient AIG, it was Obama and his leftist Congress that supported the bailout for AIG, which just paid out $165 million in executive bonuses.

On 16 March 2009, the Obama regime, in an effort to fight the Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party scheduled for 15 April 2009, launched Operation "Pledge Project Canvass", which the regime claims, despite its origin in the White House, is a "grass roots" program to support Obama's shocking economic and tax policies. The regime even released a video leftists can download that isntructs them how to garner support for the regime's socialist plans.

On 16 March 2009, Mexico announced its first round of retaliations against America by increasing tariffs on 90 American products imported by Mexico. The trade war was started by Obama after he violated a NAFTA provision involving trucking regulations. The tariff increases will effect $2.4 billion in trade.

On 16 March 2009, Obama feigned outrage upon learning that AIG executives had been paid $165 million in bonuses from the bailout funds. However, Obama withheld from the American people the fact that he signed a bill into law (the so-called "stimulus" package) that contained an amendment from Sen. Chrostopher Dodd that specifically granted AIG executives protection from add-on taxes for any bonuses received that were contractually obligated prior to 11 February 2009.

On 17 March 2009, the Treasury Department reported that the Obama regime and Democrat-controlled Congress have escalated the national debt to a record $11 trillion.

On 18 March 2009, the Examiner reported that Obama had accepted $101,332 in campaign contributions from AIG, which Obama failed to mention during his "outrage" earlier this week, upon learning of the $165 million in bonuses AIG executives had received. After receiving the massive bonus and taking power, Obama, as payback, then signed the "stimulus" bill into law that contained an amendment protecting AIG executives who received bonuses from bailout money.

On 18 March 2009, in an interview in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Syrian terrorist regime leader Bashir Assad publicly praised Obama for his retreat in the war on terror and coddling of terrorists captured by the USA. The embarrassing praise reflected the ongoing contradiction between Obama's opinion and his own State Department's declaration that Syria is a terrorist-supporting rogue state.

Much to the chagrin of the Obama regime, on 18 March 2009, on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program, Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh, and outspoken opponent of Obama's maniacal spending and taxation programs, announced the formation of a "centrist" Democratic Party working group within the Democrat-controlled Senate to oppose Obama's radical, destructive programs, policies, laws and ideology.

On 18 March 2009, during a "town hall" meeting in Costa Mesa, California, Obama, after it was reported on the Gunny Bob Show and in many other media outlets, admitted he was responsible for the AIG bonus scandal insofar as he was the one who signed into law a bill that contained a protectionary clause for AIG bonus recipients written by his close friend Sen. Chris Dodd. Said Obama, "I'll take responsibility, I'm the president."

On 18 March 2009, after he admitted he had lied the day before and was in fact the senator who placed the AIG bailout bonuses protective amendment in the so-called "stimulus" bill that Obama signed into law, Sen. Christopher Dodd publicly accused the president of being the one who ordered him to place that amendment in the bill.

On 19 March 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported that Attorney General Eric Holder had stated publicly that some of the Guantanamo terrorists might be released into American society on orders from Obama. Said Holder: " . . . people who can be released there are a variety of options that we have and among them is the possibility that we would release them into this country."

Adding to the mutiny among many Senate Democrats opposed to Obama's taxation and bailout programs, on 18 March 2009, a second Democrat mutiny, this time in the House of Representatives led by Rep. Mike Ross and made up of 65 House members, sent a letter to Attorney General Holder stating they would adamantly oppose he and Obama's plan to illegally ban a huge list of firearms protected by the 2nd Amendment.

During a disastrous appearance on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno on 19 March 2009, Obama shocked the clearly-not-amused audience when he insulted and mocked Special Olympics children by comparing his bowling skills to their athletic abilities. The audience and Leno did not laugh, the regime immediately went to full damage control, and Obama was forced to personally call the chairman of the Special Olympics to apologize and invite Special Olympians to the White House as a public act of contrition. Obama had no teleprompter to tell him what to do and say during the appearance.

On 20 March 2009, Obama sent a video message via the Voice of America to the terrorist government of Iran (listed by his State Department as a terrorist-sponsoring state), offering an olive branch and saying the US and Iran should come together. The humiliating response was much like the Taliban's response to Obama's outreach: the Iranian regime immediately replied, mocking Obama and the United States and saying that Iran was going to become a nuclear power and there's nothing Obama can do about it.

On 20 March 2009, the Los Angeles Times reported that despite Obama's many and adamant campaign promises to insure his regime is the most open and transparent in history, he issued an order barring all media from an award ceremony in the White House in which he will receive an award from an association of black community newspapers. No reason was given for the decision.

On 20 March 2009, the Congressional Budget Office reported that Obama had miscalculated the projected budget deficit under his economic scheme by $2.3 trillion. The CBO stated that under Obama's plan, the deficit would, in reality, shoot to $9.3 trillion. The report did not speculate on why Obama released the bogus figures.

This the worst President...EVER. Can't the "Telepropmter President" do ANYTHING right?

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Carstairs, Alberta

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/25/09 8:19 AM

wow! I read most of it and was shocked I thought he was going to bring the country around but now I'm scared. I always thought bush got the short end of the stick , he may not have made the right decisions but he made them in the beginning in difficult times. But obama is making chretien look good!

08 zx14
01 zrx12
78 z1r
It ain't easy being green!

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/25/09 5:52 PM

Haha, no doubt, Chretien was an experienced political in-fighter, as much as I could not stand the guy I did vote for him when he promised to get rid of the GST....yeeeeah.
I'm an Independent, I vote on the issues and how they affect my family, what I can't stand is political hacks who will suck the party line no matter what. They cannot think for themselves.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
03/25/09 6:10 PM

Part #5
This list of THE OBAMANISTA REGIME'S SCAMS, SCANDALS, CONTROVERSIES, LIES, DECEPTIONS AND EMBARRASSMENTS, is taken from Marine Corp Gunnery Sergeant Robert Newman, who is not a Republican, and is not associated with any political party.
Gunney's Page
He has said repeatedly that listeners should copy/paste his news items so people will know what a scumbag the Obozo is.

On 22 March 2009, Steve Kroft, while interviewing Obama on CBS' "60 Minutes", humiliated the president by asking him if he was "punch-drunk" when the president kept joking and smiling about the state of the economy rather than acting as if the topic were a serious one.

On 23 March 2009, the Obama regime, in a blatant attempt to mislead the American people, changed the term "toxic assets" to "legacy assets" in refering to the next trillion dollars in taxpayer money the Treasury Department announced it was going to spend in bad loan buyouts. "Legacy assets" has a more positive tone than "toxic assets."

On 23 March 2009, Reuters reported that despite his promise of transparency and openness, Obama had met secretly with deposed Soviet dictator Gorbachev. The precise topics of discussion in the secret meeting were not reported.

In the most shocking presidential power grab attempt in history, on 24 March 2009 the Obama regime announced it would attempt to acquire the power to seize control of any US corporation it deems at risk of failure that could have an adverse effect on the economy. There no provision for such execuive branch power in the Constitution whatsoever for the president to conduct Castro- and Chavez-style corporate takeovers.

On 24 March 2009, Zogby released its latest disturbing poll numbers that showed Obama's steep slide in the polls is continuing. The poll revealed that only 49% of Americans now rate Obama's job performance as good or excellent, a huge and troubling drop since he took power.

During a news conference on 24 March 2009, without a teleprompter to guide him, Obama made the bizarre claim that the "dollar is extraordinarily strong right now," an absurd declaration easily proven totally false with a quick review of currency exchange rates and other international monetary indices.

During a news conference on 24 March 2009, in an embarrassing acknowledgement of his widely mocked reliance on teleprompters (Europeans have labled him the "Teleprompter President") for even the shortest of prepared remarks, Obama and his handlers chose to forego the teleprompters and instead use a gigantic flat-screen TV monitor at the very back of the East Room of the White House upon which were scrolled the president's opening remarks. News media instantly recognized the ruse and reported on it with photos of the huge TV.

On 24 March 2009, Frank Brosens, Obama's latest pick for a top Treasury job, withdrew his name from nomination for "personal reasons" during the vetting process, even though Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner believed Brosens was squeaky clean, which he apparently was anything but.

On 24 March 2009, the Washington Post reported that a Pentagon memo citing the Obama regime's Office of Management and Budget as the source, directed Pentagon officials to adhere to Obama's policy of not using the term "global war on terror" but the less offensive and politically correct "overseas contingency operations."

During a news conference on 24 March 2009, in a verbal take-off on the old Knight Dunlap/Muller-Lyer illusion and the Hollingworth subliminal messaging theory, Obama used the words "invest" and "investment" 18 times in approximately 55 minutes. These terms were specifically chosen by Obama and his handlers to deceive the audience with words that have positive connotations designed to offset the negative connotations inherent in Obama's admitted projected deficit in the double-digit trillions of dollars.

In a direct contradiction to Obama's adamant opposition the day before to China's call for a new global reserve currency to replace the foundering dollar, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in an appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations on 25 March 2009, stated: "We're actually quite open to that suggestion."

In a March 2009 interview in Der Spiegel magazine, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano stated that in her view the appropriate term for acts of terror is not terrorism, but rather "man-caused disasters," as the latter term "move(s) away from the politics of fear . . . "

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Location: Anna Texas

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RE: Obozo gives us change
04/01/09 1:37 PM

Toe Cutter wrote:

This putz gives the UK prime-minister a box-set of DVD's? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah
What, didn't have time to grab some coupons for Burger King? hahahahahahahah

He just topped it by giving the Queen of England an iPod. I would laugh if this wasn't playing out to be such a national tragedy!


2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Obozo gives us change
04/01/09 1:42 PM

Toecutter, you are scaring me! My hat is off to you sir, I thought I'd done my homework on this subject but apparently it is much, much worse than even I could have imagined. You need your own radio talk show to get the word out to the sheeple.....before it's too late!


2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Obozo gives us change
04/01/09 7:00 PM

He just topped it by giving the Queen of England an iPod. I would laugh if this wasn't playing out to be such a national tragedy!

I couldn't believe that when I heard it on the news when I got home.
This pair of Obozo's are incredibly, classless peasants.
At least their "Best-Buy" card is getting a work-out.
The first Ho actually put her arm around the Queen.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Location: Anna Texas

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RE: Obozo gives us change
04/02/09 9:04 AM

I don't get it....... or actually, maybe I do get it. When one sees this sort of thing, there are but two logical conclusions that can be drawn. They (the Obamas) are either incredibly uncouth, uncultured and clueless or they are intentionally slighting an ally that has stood by us, through thick and thin, in two World Wars and through countless other trials. I will say that Great Britain is the one friend we've always been able to count on and the O'bamas (he's one eighth Irish y'know) are treating the Queen and PM like trash. It is disgraceful when at the same time Obama is cozying up to our enemies. I don't think this is a simple case of "Cotton Comes to Harlem",( or more accurately,Cotton Comes to the Whitehouse ) but something much more sinister. He has an agenda and he is relentlessly pursuing it. He knows that historically, he has a certain amount of political capital that he can expend and then it's over. That's why he's pushing the case so hard. When the honeymoon is's over ....and he knows that. I believe he is coldly calculating his every move to inflict maximum damage on this nation and it's economy to further his own far left political agenda. Why else would he relentlessly pursue economic policies that are 180 degrees out from what economic experts know will create growth and a vibrant economy? Why is he laying down for Al Queda when this is percieved as a sign of weakness in the middle east and opens the door wide to more terrorist attacks on our soil? As one conservative analyst pointed out, there is something very peculiar about this guy, simmering just below the surface you can sense an anger and an arrogance. Make no mistake, Obama is doing exactly what he set out to do. What appears on the surface to be incompetence and bungling is actually carefully calculated to achieve maximum effect. If we don't stop him, I fear for what will happen to our nation. I know my words will bring attacks and rebuttals from the leftists and clueless that lurk on this site and I accept that, my vindication will come when I am proven right. American's grab your butt's and get ready for a wild ride. You wanted's coming soon and lots of it!


* Last updated by: Kruz on 4/2/2009 @ 9:10 AM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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