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Thread: This is Biden

Created on: 11/26/21 10:50 AM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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This is Biden
11/26/21 10:50 AM

THis is Biden......

And just WHERE are our abandoned people and allies?

If THIS doesn't show the world and Americans that this 'president'will willfully abandon American Citizens and Allies of America for political reasons,I don't know what does.The people pulling the strings are TRAITORS...and he's going along with their agendas.Shameful isn't a hard enough word for what he's done so far in office.Along with his advisors and such.They all need to be tried for treason.Each and every last one.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/26/2021 @ 11:18 AM *

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RE: This is Biden
11/28/21 10:03 AM

"we choose truth over facts"...joe biden.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/28/2021 @ 10:07 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
11/29/21 6:49 AM

"Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us." - Tolstoy

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; This is Biden
12/21/21 9:11 AM

Hey, you voted in the flipflopper. No I won't cut the pipeline. Yes I cut the pipeline. Yes we will pay for college tuition. No we wont pay for your choice and commitment to pay it back. Yes we said we will open the borders and raise taxes is someone has to pay for it. No the entry has yet to stop. No we don't care about your vote being we are in power and illegals have now the right to keep us voted in. Yes we are after the black [suckers] vote again you have yet to listen to Thomas, since pointing out the crime the dems did back in the '60's, and will shit change at the chad box? [Lettuce add in the rest of the other dummies and those caucasian shittyits]... Nope.

Diddle dent I told you so about the caravans-a-coming, the illegals voting to keep the dems in power? The green and the oil/gas, keep it in the ground? It's oxy/hydrogen = water, hello? And lie after lie, and you didn't see it then, [the told you so], and think things will change?

Joe is now lower [than Donny] is that happy voter count asked now. Then the tax and spend, putting the brakes on all of it? Years of planning while Donny was commander, and then the virus was not planned in? Oh we've got nothing else [is this party], put the plan in place.

And the killing fields of now Joe in the lead in deaths? We have a plan to slow this down, chad us and find out.

Then on a happy note, more restaurants of the newcomers bringing in granny's recipeeeee, it's the chaleda...

... Another Mango, pees ...

* Last updated by: Hub on 12/21/2021 @ 9:26 AM *

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doubleD's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
12/24/21 10:48 AM

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RE: This is Biden
12/24/21 11:07 AM

You just KNOW Putin's having a VERY hard time not cracking up at this absurd old guy claiming to be the US president.
Biden's waving hello like some 6th grader saying 'hi' to mom.
With all Joe's screwups as tragic as they are,ya gotta have some pity on this guy.He's definitely not well.

Turning out(and has been since January)this is one big game.And we're watching it ruin America's position as the world leader.'we the people' did NOT vote this guy in.No way he won fair and square.No way.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/24/2021 @ 11:11 AM *

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Joined: 12/10/16

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RE: This is Biden
03/25/22 11:27 AM

doubleD's post is when Putin decided it was time to make a plan... Biden is such a limp noodle there's no medication available that would give him a backbone or a frontbone!!!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
03/31/22 9:39 AM

Journalism today...
Flipflopping the flipflopper

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RE: This is Biden
03/31/22 10:38 AM

Joe supposedly not knowing.Wow.In all the deals and schemes.Doesn't know about his son.Geez.Traitors all.

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RE: This is Biden
04/08/22 9:23 AM

Honestly.This IS bad.Just think what the rest of the world(leaders)think.THe liar about 'unity' is shunned by his own party that 'cried for unity'.They're cannibals.Joe shouldn't be there.He has NO CLUE.He's befuddled.
His wife has no heart.To allow this.They put him in there,now they can't find the cahones to dismiss him gracefully.
THIS is NO legitimate presidency.But they're getting what they wanted,as harris said.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 4/8/2022 @ 9:28 AM *

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Twin Cites So Burbs, MN

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RE: This is Biden
04/10/22 11:04 AM

Or, sleepy Joe's handlers and family are saving us from super bitch Kamaltoe.

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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RE: This is Biden
04/13/22 12:18 PM

Ile be damned

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
04/13/22 2:17 PM

We already have Superwoman in waiting when Osama Obama decided to swap out demented Joe

* Last updated by: cruderudy on 4/13/2022 @ 2:19 PM *

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
New BBW '14 14R

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RE: This is Biden
04/13/22 9:17 PM


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RE: This is Biden
04/14/22 11:17 AM

I wish I could unsee that...

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
05/05/22 6:53 AM

This is Biden- or his administration's [cough] makeup. Why is that guy there?

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: This is Biden
05/05/22 10:30 AM

And this is dated? And this guy is still employed by US. This is insane. Where are the American people in this?

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RE: This is Biden
05/06/22 9:19 AM

"We have a plan...and you can't do ANYTHING to stop it".

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RE: This is Biden
05/06/22 9:20 AM

Scumsucker mayorkas.

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RE: This is Biden
05/06/22 9:22 AM

'Biden's doctor'...c'mon man.Kidding,right?

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RE: This is Biden
05/27/22 7:59 PM

"Will you remember that, Texas, Oklahoma, Pencil dicks..."

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


Behind you,skewed to the right

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RE: This is Biden
05/30/22 6:09 AM

This asshat wants to destroy everything. How bout fixing the dumpster fire you started first.

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


Behind you,skewed to the right

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RE: This is Biden
06/04/22 5:43 PM

Who the hell is he talking about?

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


Behind you,skewed to the right

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RE: This is Biden
06/07/22 10:47 AM

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


Behind you,skewed to the right

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RE: This is Biden
06/10/22 8:04 AM

Ile be damned

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