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Thread: Gauge cluster

Created on: 10/21/14 09:19 PM

Replies: 7


Grn14's Gravatar

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Gauge cluster
10/21/14 9:19 PM

Hey guys,,,here's 'new one'...maybe some of you are getting some buzz up front and can't determine where it's coming from?Okay...remove windscreen.Now look at the back of the gauge cluster...see that one center nut in there?The small silver one? gently on the gauge top towards the rear of the bike.Do you see ANY small gap between the housing mount attachment point(where that nut is)?I discovered that that bolt where that nut secures the cluster to the bracket in there can start to pull away from the molded cluster piece....leaving a very small gap between the washer and the cluster part.Now...remove small nut...add a small washer in there...(now you'll have TWO washers)and gently retighten that nut...but don't overdo it.Some blue locktite will help to keep it from backing out over time.I happened to notice this just last might explain the light buzz I was hearing at around 4k rpms in 1st or second.The gauge cluster was moving forward and backward just a bit...enough to vibrate at speed.But not all the time.You can't crank down on that don't want to pull that factory screw out of the molded seat it's be careful.Chances are...most are just fine...but for those with a buzz going on...ya might check that.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/21/2014 @ 9:22 PM *

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Rktsled's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/22/14 8:02 AM

Grn14, Thanks for the tip! Had a buzz on mine after putting on a ZG windscreen, knew everything was snug but took it all apart again to double check. There are small rubber pads glued on each side of the gauge cover and one had come off while installing the new screen. There isn't much clearance and when fitting the screen in place I evidently pushed one of them off, the double sticky tape isn't to strong! Fortunately the rubber pad was still hanging where I could reach it, used some 3M weatherstrip adhesive and glued BOTH pads on the cover, won't come off now!

Had the same problem with the rubber pads on the cowling that covers the rear seat, 3M to the rescue again, they won't come off again either!!!

2013 ZX-14R with lots of mods, quick and comfortable.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/22/14 8:17 AM

I know the pads yer talkin about...mine did that did fastening the pads back in stop the buzz?

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/22/2014 @ 8:18 AM *

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Rktsled's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/22/14 4:38 PM

Yep, stopped it dead. Used 3M black weatherstrip adhesive and would have ahard time getting them to come off now. If you want anything stuck good 3M is the stuff to use!

2013 ZX-14R with lots of mods, quick and comfortable.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/22/14 7:18 PM

I found the same thing grn, except it was play on the bottom two housing tolts. So I shimmed them up and that rattle went away. But then I noticed the gauge cover was vibrating agasint the gauge cluster housing. A small powder was present where it was contacting, like the two were sanding each other (or one or the other). A couple pieces of sticky velcro (soft side) was my temp fix for that. Gonna take it apart again and buy a rubber edge gasket for it and also shore up the tip over sensor as it flops around, that might be where my last and fairly minor rattle is coming from.

But I don't care if the think this bike!

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/22/14 9:02 PM

Nothing worse than an itch ya can't scratch!I refuse to live with 'buzzing"....Not with my 14.Honestly though...while lots of guys found the tip over sensor to make some noise...non of my 14's ever did that one.And really...this teensy buzz is the ONLY noise I've had on any of my 14's...I couldn't just let it go...even if it was "once in a while"...I don't think anyone else would have even noticed was that faint.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/22/2014 @ 9:05 PM *

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Rktsled's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/23/14 8:12 AM

As I have said before, this is my 3rd ZX and I have never had ANY problems with any of them except how to keep the front wheel on the ground!!! LOL The noise from my screen was my fault from not installing it properly and like you I don't think most people would have noticed or bothered with it, I couldn't let it go either!!!

2013 ZX-14R with lots of mods, quick and comfortable.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Gauge cluster
10/25/14 8:25 PM

Just FYI, the rattles I've had were there before i ever took it apart. I was pretty surprised how loose the windscreen bolts were brand new. I could literally push the windscreen down and separate it from the mounts. Tightening these bolts was the first thing I did to try to eliminate vibrations.

Could be my bike might be a tad more buzzy at around 4k, it's pretty buzzy right there. Makes my camera shake like like a mad hatter!

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