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Thread: cold temps

Created on: 11/28/17 05:45 PM

Replies: 9


Joined: 07/07/17

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cold temps
11/28/17 5:45 PM

What temps are told cold for doing twisties I am just an average rider, but not affraid of the cold, what temps will the tires lose their grip 40,s or 30's

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Philadelphia, PA

Joined: 02/17/12

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RE: cold temps
11/28/17 9:42 PM

How is the BT-30 Evo (rear) working out for you, how many miles on the rear tire so far?

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: cold temps
11/28/17 10:18 PM

My experience isn't that much with cold riding but I've noticed severely reduced traction on days in the 50-60 range overcast. This primarily comes as being easier to over power the rear tire. It's a warning sign to me to be smoother with inputs and lessen aggresion levels.

It's one of those things where it's more of a learning experience for yourself, your tires, your conditions. Can you ride twisties in the 30s? Probably, but for most people it will be much slower going than 80s. I would treat 30 degree riding probably somewhere around wet riding especially because you could run across patches of ice unexpectadely. Also things like morning dew can also play an additional role in pucker factor... I can't be certain but I've had the rear end get all squirrely on me and I tend to think given the time of day (mornings) and locations (shady) that the likely cause was dew on the road. Also in watching some track vids where people have wrecked, the obligotry "why did I wreck in the fist turn on the track I wasn't even trying to go fast" videos it seems like dew on the track could be an issue along with cold tires.

Just my thoughts.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: cold temps
11/29/17 2:29 AM

30 degree riding with a supersport bike this weight is quite risky.The pavement's cold.The tires are cold.I've done it when there was snow and slush on the road.VERY dangerous and easy to cross up.40's?Doable,just watch the road ahead and be proactive with braking and accelerating.Certainly wouldn't go rippen like it was 70 out.No way.ABS and Ktrc 'on'.Still won't save ya if ya start slippin.Maybe straight line...yeah.But NOT in curves.With minimal grip.
You won't have much fun if you're constantly afraid she's gonna give way.And ya never know the 'limits' in conditions like that.In good slip in a curve is enough to actually ruin the ride,even if ya don't dump her.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/29/2017 @ 2:33 AM *

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Joined: 07/07/17

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RE: cold temps
11/29/17 11:10 AM

Kofla, got about 3,500 out of the rear, mounted Angel gt's f. and r. only 200 miles on them, will start a new thread on them.

Ya I wouuld agree with 40% would be the safe limit. Done 50 with no problem. I just run 35 PSI f. and r.

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RE: cold temps
11/29/17 12:40 PM

You nail any ice leaned in(or even straight vertical),you're pretty much finished.No electronic stuff is gonna save ya.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: cold temps
11/29/17 4:10 PM

It depends also on geography. I'm told 50 F in Texas is still good riding weather even if you push the bike about to it's limits.

I have ridden extensively from the UP of Michigan to South Wisconsin. 50 F is too cold to push it my hardest and I have never lost chicken strips. 70 F is ok. 90+ F is best. Our days are short and the roads don't get warm except right in the Summer season. If it's less than 50, I would not even try to corner hard at all. I have had about the softest tires you can find and they still will slip. I'll do straightline high speed runs in cooler weather but forget the hard corners.

I now try to get my bikes in storage before the last 50° day.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: cold temps
11/30/17 5:52 PM

LOL I fired up the 14 today to test the DJ reinstall and newly added Ignition Module! The bike hasn't run in 3 months and it was 41° out. She cranked over about 15 to 20 times and I think the starter just stopped. Could possibly low fuel pressure because that tank was as empty as possible for removal. I tried again and it backfired and started up! Love it.

Everything works but I'd much rather let them sleep until it warms up. The 14's going to get roused out of bed several times this winter though, poor baby.

* Last updated by: Rook on 11/30/2017 @ 5:53 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Joined: 07/07/17

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RE: cold temps
12/03/17 5:36 PM

well, I went for a 100 mile ride today. Temps were mid 40's and sunny. Lowered my tire pressure to 35 f & r.. Did a moderate pace through the twisties. Stopped and felt the tires, they where warm, thanks for all the replies

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: cold temps
12/04/17 8:44 AM

I went for a 300 mile ride yesterday. Clear skies, temps in the high 40s to mid 50s. All the shady corners were
wet. Traction seemed fine UNTIL we left lunch to come home. The first 2 right handers I had BIG slides. Took it easy after that until I got the tires warmer. Talked to the other guys. One had a big slide in the same corner. We suspect something was on the road.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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