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Thread: still about the clutch master cylinder and lever

Created on: 02/14/23 04:59 PM

Replies: 2


Alom's Gravatar

Location: New Zealand

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still about the clutch master cylinder and lever
02/14/23 4:59 PM

hi guys, for my 2019 zx14r, I had tried to upgrade the Nissin clutch mc to Brembo 16RCS mc. but I failed because the shape of the Brembo lever. The Brembo lever is too short. It hit the light switch assy when I hold it. I checked with our Brembo dealer. They had no solution on the issue. I had to give it up.

I found a video couple of days ago. A 2012 zx14r equipped a Brembo clutch mc. I can confirm the lever must be a kawa part. The mc assy should be from a H2R after I searched online.

It looks like there is only one modify I need to do. it's the clutch safety switch. I have compared them by photo of parts. I may need to make a connector of 14r's to plug in the h2r's. It should be ok.

The reason for changing the clutch mc is the lever make me feel very sticky when I hold/release the lever. I already lube it even grind the surface of lever. I can't improve it.

anyone done this before? Thank you for any posting.

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doubleD's Gravatar

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RE: still about the clutch master cylinder and lever
02/15/23 5:16 PM

Why change the OEM Clutch lever MC?
I know in 2012 (my Bike) the Brembo lever MC was not a factory item.
My MC has worked fine for 10+ years.

* Last updated by: doubleD on 2/15/2023 @ 5:20 PM *

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Alom's Gravatar

Location: New Zealand

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RE: still about the clutch master cylinder and lever
02/16/23 1:42 AM


The reason for changing the clutch mc is the lever makes me feel very sticky when I hold/release the lever. I already lube it and even grind the surface of the lever. I can't improve it.

Maybe I should say the lever is too heavy. Anyway, the Nissin one is not good for me.

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