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Thread: Close call!!

Created on: 01/18/14 06:22 AM

Replies: 4


fieldgrade's Gravatar

Location: Georgia

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Close call!!
01/18/14 6:22 AM

Thought I'd post here since there's more traffic.Was on a back road yesterday on my n1k getting a better handle on my right turn in curves (I'm a lot better in left turns)and was doing about 70mph.I've seen things in the back of pickup/work trucks blow out of the bed that you would think wouldn't have.Especilly trucks with pipe racks where the workers put things on there and forget to tie them down because they're in a hurry to leave the job site.Came around the curve and met two work trucks.First gave me a wave and the second,well,about that time something flew out on the road in front of me.Looked like a piece of paper wrapping but was trying to dodge it because I wasn't sure what it was and it was going all over the road.It was a six ft fiberglass ladder that came from either out the back or off the pipe rack.Never did flip up where I could see exactly what it was till I got right on top of it.It was coming at me and kinda going to the side but spinning around in the road and all this happened within seconds and I barely missed it by a foot,it that.Wind was blowing hard so may have taken it a little back to the center so it was really hard to judge where it was going and where I should go to avoid it.All this just to say that besides watching other drivers,you need to watch trucks hauling...anything just in case something flies out onto the road.I had very little time to figure out my "plan of action".The thought of something flying out like that just never crossed my mind until that close call.

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maverick1441's Gravatar

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RE: Close call!!
01/19/14 8:10 PM

I drive a service truck every day so my thoughts are more in line with that happened to you man. Glad your ok and keep those peepers scanning for trouble.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Close call!!
01/19/14 9:14 PM

Yup...glad ya made it.Speaking of shit in the road.I came around a fast 100 mph anyway...exited over the small crest...what's RIGHT THERE?A complete exhaust pipe with muffler...laying diagonally in my lane.Swerved,missed it...but about a wake up call I also refuse to follow any work truck...especially rock haulers...BIG ROCK haulers.Log trucks?Yup...same deal.Them's a no-no.

One of the ironic things about riding here...when you're behind someone...9 out of ten times when you turn on your passing signal...they'll try and do you a favor by pulling over somewhat on the shoulder...bad move.You end up dodging finger sized rocks an the're moving at o them nail know it...had it happen last year...hit me right in the visor...thought I got hit by a bullet at first...big ass gouge in the right eye portion.Had to duck the one that flew across the frontend and over the windshield...just missed my left shoulder.If it'd hit my bike...I'm sure I'd have been needing a new upper cowl or whatever.Would have done some damage if it woulda hit me.I couldn't get around him cause we were in a curve,had to back off and that's when it happened.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 1/19/2014 @ 9:36 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Close call!!
01/19/14 9:43 PM

Same thin happened to me one time in the heavy rain. I didn't see it until I was almost on top of it. Thank God it was not in my lane cuz I didn't have time to move an inch. Saw the truck a short distance up the road pulled over, some guy running his butt off back down the road to grab the ladder.

Yeah, i was driving a truck a few years back...had a hour trip to deliver in the wee hours of the morning. Checked the back to make sure we had everything. left, arrived. The overhead was left open the whole way. Popo even passed me and didn't stop me or make any attempt to signal. nothing fell out. Lesson learned. it happens.

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jtemple's Gravatar

Joined: 07/07/12

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RE: Close call!!
01/20/14 8:05 AM

I just about took a flying tractor trailer tire carcass in the head going about 85 last summer.

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