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Thread: Tank/tank cover fitment

Created on: 02/19/13 01:01 PM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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Tank/tank cover fitment
02/19/13 1:01 PM

Thought I'd post this just for future issues for you guys with the ABS 2013's.There is a fitment issue with the new abs equipped least with mine there was.It can lead to broken midfairing mount tabs where the tank cover lower projection pops into the grommet.

With mine..the left side of the tank itself was not sitting quite low enough...this caused the cover to show a BIG gap along the left side of the tank/cover seam(I tightened the mount bolts as well...they bottomed,so that wasn't the problem).So big in fact that you could look straight down above the tank and see the upper projection was sticking out that much along that area of the projection grommet.The lower was off so badly that it couldn't be lined up into the grommet at all...not without pulling on the tank cover and trying to line up the projection for assembly.It WILL snap the fairing tab off because of the misalignment and stress...even if it is in the grommet.I called Kawasaki about it...explained what was happening.They noted it and were very cool.I have a fix for it....which worked perfectly.Just so you guys know....if yours looks not okay(the fitment of the tank cover)along the left side.I would guess Kawasaki will definitely address this's a quite simple fix really,but they probably may not have even realized at the factory that this is something that needs to be corrected.That cover gap is common...on all the 14's....but this one was too least a good 3/8ths or more along that sweep,and I managed to snap the tab off installing as well.On both sides...which is not cool.The top projection fits fine...the lower doesn't come far enough down to fit into the fairing grommet.Once it's pushed in there,it's pulling up on the fairing tab...which in effect opens that gap up more than it should.Something has to give...the tab breaks.The upper one is welded to the tank,so it can't break off.Lowering the tank as I did completely resolved the fitment thing...but the tabs are still not there(broken off).It fits okay and everything without the tabs on there....smooth and unnoticeable...but should be corrected at the factory.They wanted me to take my bike to the dealer and have em replace the fairings...I said no.But they were willing to.I'll just keep it as is fits perfect and doesn't appear to be any problem with the panels seating together and looking smooth and right.Just a heads up guys...and if you DO have a problem with's the number to call...1-866-802-9381...ext.5.They want to here from others if this is a call...they'll be cool about it.

BTW...I had all the tabs and stuff correctly I wasn't installing the tank cover incorrectly.They ran the abs lines under the tank....and I think they somehow allow the lines to push up on that left side someway....causing the tank to not be low enough....seemed like that to me anyway.Once I got the tank 'lowered'....everything fit right,and the gaps were gone.I'm surprised a bit that the assemblers didn't see this or think it just wasn't that big of a deal....maybe it's not to some people.But eventually you're gonna break those tabs trying to fit that cover on there down the line.I think so anyway.The lower cover projections are WAY OFF the way it is.

Just an 2012 did NOT have this lines running under the tank.All projections and bodywork fit perfectly,without drama.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/19/2013 @ 1:12 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/19/13 7:09 PM

.Once I got the tank 'lowered'....everything fit right,and the gaps were gone.

Grn, get a camera and start posting GenII tutorials!

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/19/13 8:41 PM

No way...I'll leave that to YOU my the master here with yer how-tos.....

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/19/13 9:02 PM

I don't have any before pics...but the gap was totally not okay.

Here's some pics of the fitment after the 'mod'...WAY better than factory actually....on both sides..You can see the gaps are way less...still there...but nothing like before.I think with a bit more tweaking on that rear left side...I can get that cover to fit up against the tank more than it is...I was kinda in a rush at this point to button everything back this was the 'test' run...I'm way happy how it improved.It can be moved 'up' farther against that tank that's not a problem.It appears wider there than it actually is.It's the camera position.

Believe looks much better in person than it does with these camera shadows and all going on.The 'line up' of the knee pads on that one picture above...the right's an optical illusion...they lined up fine looking straight on at em.The fitment between the cover,inner upper fairing(s)(RAM duct covers),and midfairing at the junction of those three lined up perfectly without the lower tank cover projections in their grommet tabs on the midfairing(s).So that worked out fine.I didn't know if it would,but it did.No gaps in those three parts.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/20/2013 @ 11:36 AM *

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Location: UK

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/20/13 10:11 AM

I have a 2012 model and this is an issue on mine. Being a UK spec bike it has ABS.

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/20/13 11:12 AM

The two front cushions on the bolts(front tank mount bolts) are stopping the tank from coming all the way down.Lowering the tank and having the line(s)damper squeezed will not hurt the ABS functions.It will certainly make your fitments a lot more aesthetic.The attachment points on all those tabs and projections there will be way better.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/20/2013 @ 11:15 AM *

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tlr1000's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/25/13 9:01 PM

Grn14 did you leave the cushions out or can they be replaced with thinner type?

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/26/13 9:21 AM

Well...I cut the under cushion part off(the bottom flange of the rubber cushion).I washered the top underneath the metal push the tank mount tab(s)down as it tightened.So isn't cushioned at the tab/tower.It is however's not moving anywhere.I 'may' add a light cushion under there...maybe...but I personally don't think it really needs doesn't move or vibrate any right there with it tightened.It's up to you if you want to.I called Kawasaki and told em about it....their concern....was vibration....they did not say "don't"....only that they don't recommend it(because it wasn't tested at the factory with this configuration).But I can't really see how any vibration coming from the airbox or whatever would cause any wear can't move.Not after it's tightened down.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/26/2013 @ 10:11 AM *

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carabuser's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/28/13 3:06 PM

Hey Grn14,

What did you use to clean your tank, before you put the gel protectors on the
side ? Got some coming from the UK,


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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
02/28/13 5:39 PM

I just cleaned it off with some Meguiars Scratch X...lightly.Buffed out.

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Joined: 10/30/12

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RE: Tank/tank cover fitment
03/07/13 12:16 AM

Use alcohol or prep-sol type of cleaner. Never wax or cleaner wax. Need to get oils, and waxy stuff off. Apply decals, pads or protectors and then wax. Also, don't forget to lube your grommets and bushing ... saves them and easier on/off.

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