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Thread: Happy B Day to Rook

Created on: 10/31/17 08:36 PM

Replies: 38


knovikov's Gravatar

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Happy B Day to Rook
10/31/17 8:36 PM

That right buddy, you are 51, and judging from your 10 year old pic, you dont look a day.over 40. I know us men like to dream a bit about what we want for our special day (SEX) and hope you had allocated funds for your entertainment. If I had more balls thats what I would do. Now I'm contemplating a sex doll... Jt would only be a torso so you cant call me a perv.

Anyhoe, thanks for being the goo that holds this site together. From those enlightened to those slightly touched, we owe you a big thanks, but just so you dont think I turned soft - fuck you!

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
10/31/17 9:25 PM

Already sat down and thought the sex doll thing through. Obviously motorcycle mods won out. Thanks for the happy BD wishes, Nova. It was a good one. Another day of life and I think bringing some good on the world. Just a little but every little bit counts.

Just be sincere. Do what you can do and live!!!! Try to remember every second as you live it is worth gold and share that with those around you. It works for me.

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/01/17 8:13 AM

Thanks for sharing your ideology. I tried to apply that last night as I was rubbing one out, and must say, it made it hard to concentrate. Looks like I can only entertain one thought in this head. However, as I was cleaning up, with a gym sock, I realized that I'm a selfish person.

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/01/17 8:23 AM

Funny shit K!

Happy Belated Rook!!

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/01/17 3:15 PM

Thank you Jetfixr320.


* Last updated by: Rook on 11/1/2017 @ 3:16 PM *

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/02/17 2:12 PM

Happy Birthday Rook

Full Muzzy, flies out,K&N, black wind screen, pc3, pm wheels, blue led gauges and lights, scorpip alarm, roaring toyz kickstand and lowering links, tinted turn sigs.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/02/17 3:54 PM

Thanks, Bobby!

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knovikov's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/02/17 6:53 PM

Hey Rook, I'm not sure if you had enjoyed my humor, but it sure beats the cookie cutter duldrums spewed by the majority. Another point of interest I want to bring up is that avatar with a crowe clutching money. The crow's symbolism implies impending death. Did the crowe steal money from its victim?? We all need an explanation. Afterwards I will lay out a theory as to why Kofla posts so many pictures of himself.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/02/17 9:31 PM

Hey Rook, I'm not sure if you had enjoyed my humor,

Yep, I sure did. LOL I don't have a clever follow up but that brought a grin to my face.

Another point of interest I want to bring up is that avatar with a crowe clutching money. The crow's symbolism implies impending death. Did the crowe steal money from its victim?? We all need an explanation.

Actually that is a European rook which indeed is the messenger of the underworld. He's clutching whatever cards were dealt him but you never know, he might win some money with it. This was an old print that was used on the backs of playing cards. My grandmother had a deck like that.

I've used this avatar in the past and recently switched back to it to replace the hairy ass and ballsack on the copier avatar that I used briefly to go with Kofla's thread. That's the real explanation. Not very deep but it's the truth.

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/03/17 7:17 AM

Happy late Birthday Rook. Your attention to detail is one of the things that makes this forum so good.
I hope you had a great day.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/03/17 6:35 PM

Thanks, Mad and bump!

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/03/17 11:00 PM

By God Daron...missed this somehow.Happy Birthday man...really glad to know you and you being here.You're a great guy and a staple for this here forum.51?Just a pup!LOL.Happy B-day bro...and all the best wishes to you always....;)

"to replace the hairy ass and ballsack"...I could have lived happily the rest of my days WITHOUT seeing this twisted side of you!You're not know that.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/3/2017 @ 11:03 PM *

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/03/17 11:05 PM

@Knov..."Now I'm contemplating a sex doll..."...okay.Knov.YOU have TOO much time on yer hands.Fer God's sake,get a grip will ya?

"we want for our special day"...I'll take my license over sex thank you.Waiting until next July or August isn't gonna be fun..tell ya that.Especially when all the bikes come out around here.I've got this king of the hill here and can't even victimize anyone.Just aint right.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/3/2017 @ 11:11 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 5:52 AM

Thanks, Monty.

I could have lived happily the rest of my days WITHOUT seeing this twisted side of you!

...I'll take my license over sex thank you.

Actually, there's a lot of things I'll take over sex these days. Pretty much ANYTHING given the options that exist.

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knovikov's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 7:17 AM

Actually, there's a lot of things I'll take over sex these days.

It can be a blessing, if your interests/work become the focus. Being in the art field, I come across thousands of women each year and the female nature/female collective has revealed itself. The most dangerous kinds are unattractive with a big ego, you can bet they have destroyed many men without consequences. Wonder if it is possible to be scared 'stiff' for intercourse?

* Last updated by: knovikov on 11/4/2017 @ 7:19 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 10:04 AM

Wonder if it is possible to be scared 'stiff' for intercourse?

I can answer that.


Although I think it's possible for romantic memories to substitute for out and out attractiveness, there usually aren't any memories starting a relationship after 30. I think a relationship might have to be a lot closer to platonic when you hook up at this age ...which makes it all the more unlikely. I enjoy acquaintances with the many women I know. To tell the truth they are a lot more likely to click with me right off the bat than most men. However things change real fast when it gets to be closer than a casual acquaintance. Start expressing opinions honestly and suddenly there's all sorts of conflicts. I don't get that with guys. If you disagree with a man, there are not so many personal feelings.

LOL I don't know if anyone remembers the lady I was seeing about 5 years ago. I see her at my gym now and I can honestly say I don't know what the attraction was. She talks to me but I can tell on the inside she can't stand me. I don't know why. She was the one who wanted to end our little thing we had going. I could care less but I do find it amusing. If she can get her big ol self laid by anyone else, more power to her. I'm not doing it again.

* Last updated by: Rook on 11/4/2017 @ 10:05 AM *

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knovikov's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 10:38 AM

'She talks to me but I can tell on the inside she can't stand me. I don't know why. She was the one who wanted to end our little thing we had going. I could care less..'

You just answered your own question. The breakup never fazed you and it drives her mad. Her looks are gone and she knows it and hates what she has become. The hate you sense from her is her way of jabbing at you in public. No one will ever know, because she cannot be exposed. Every woman has a little girl inside of them, my mom and your mom, etc. that never groes up and does/says things that defy logic (wait..add Kofla to that list)

A few years back I was doing an art festival and was placed next to a couple in their late sixties. His wife took a liking to me right away and spent the time joking around and trying to make a buck. This old lady was wearing sweats and had what appeared like a 'goyder' beneath her crotch or it might have been a pee/fecal sack, IDK. So out of the blue, she turns to me says, "you dont want to marry me ... I'm too grumpy" I was stunned and sat immobilized trying to comprehend.

* Last updated by: knovikov on 11/4/2017 @ 10:49 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 11:19 AM

A goyder !! OMG! It's called a "gunt" Nova. and that's why she had on sweat pants. I know a woman who sports a gunt. She's my age and had it quite some time. Shit is definitely happening to the most beautiful of us even when we get out of our teens for most. If you don't actually take some kind of pride or joy in exercise...I don't know what you do. I guess hurry up and get married before it gets too bad is one solution although there is no guarantee that will last either. I'm open to meeting a woman I love being around if I can find that but I'd almost have to be able to say what I just said for me to consider anyone (male or female) someone I love to be around. Most women over 30 hear the word "gunt" and they're going to rip my balls out! I know I sound like a complete chauvinist ass but at least I'm honest. I dont say gunt in front of people who have them but it's something that needs to be addressed in this conversation.

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knovikov's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 11:39 AM

Ok, I looked it up, it wasnt a gunt, must have been a fecal sack. It looked like a giant testicle though. I dared not ask, but it was hard to look away. I took your advice from a few years back and do cardio every day to help sleep.

* Last updated by: knovikov on 11/4/2017 @ 11:53 AM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 2:17 PM

MAYBE...she was a he?Regardless,you took 'her' advice!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/4/2017 @ 2:18 PM *

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 2:40 PM

Yeah Grn, her poor hubby was next to her and my mom would pull the same emasculating shit in front of my step dad. I never accepted that sort of behavior along with endless shit tests. Thats why never married.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 2:42 PM

Maybe it was just a Depends. Lots of people over 60 use those. Mostly us guys. Beats a catheter I guess. I'd wear Depends until I die but I'm not having a catheter.. No way.

Yeah good thing you didn't marry her because not only might have you found out this person had a gunt or a fecal sack or Depends but you might have found out it was a guy. Forget the part about being grumpy.

* Last updated by: Rook on 11/4/2017 @ 2:43 PM *

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 5:26 PM

Here is a pic of the last model I had 8/9 years ago and now its geriatric goyders.

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 5:30 PM

And if you wonder where this thread is going, just think of it as your birthday gift.

Accept the invitation to a journey of your evolution both spiritual and cultural as illustrated by Rook's hairy ass.

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RE: Happy B Day to Rook
11/04/17 6:54 PM

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