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Thread: bad gas reminder

Created on: 08/15/11 07:07 AM

Replies: 4


Joined: 06/08/09

Posts: 67

bad gas reminder
08/15/11 7:07 AM

spent the last few weeks,on and off during all free time checking fuel pressure and relays and after losing patience several times
we pulled the tank and fuel line and noticed the gas wasnt strong smelling as normal......drained the tank and
flushed it added fresh premium and heat to find the problem was water in my fuel. bike would previously start but crapped out died and then wouldnt start... dont really know for sure how or why the water ended up in the fuel
but dont want anybody else havin to deal with this like I did. almost took it to the stealership to have em
diagnose it.

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RE: bad gas reminder
08/15/11 8:40 AM

Why you diagnosing houndog. Good call!
Few theories:

1. Low level gas tanks cause condensation in a higher humidity climate = Keep tank full.
2. High level gas ~ After you filled it, sitting for months of drops up top = Water is heavier than gas/oil.
3. Hot air rises, you go home after a ride with low gas, I'll gas next time out. That hot air is a good adder to the wet, damp cave that take is in. Dripping water off the top of that cave.
4. Water accumulates where it is, remember, heavier than gas; settles after all those half filled tank runs.
5. Water level is now suckable at said whatever the suck level is, it is now sucking in water.
6. Water flood back when was the last time you filled up is stay away from that place is the other theory. Where is their separation filter or whatever they use for rain down the holding tanks.

So goes one theory, where you live, how much [level] you leave on the tank walls... Foothe note: I top off my tank so as no condensation down the road [if] I park it for awhile; I covered my ass. If you hear her sing a purge in the garage? Probably too low a gas level. Has lots of air to expand and now load that rubber party noise maker.

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Joined: 06/08/09

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RE: bad gas reminder
08/15/11 9:31 AM

hub your right, the tank was about on e and I parked it and didnt ride for about
3 months due to wifey issues,her ecu needs to be flashed or something??? anyhow thats
a new topic. didnt realize that condensation would do that...we drained out about a cup
of gas and sloshed it back n forth till it seperated and it was about a 1/4 water??

I live in kansas city and the weather was record breakin heat during the day and then
a record breaking temp change from hot to cold and back in 24hrs........

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: bad gas reminder
08/17/11 5:59 PM

jon; you don't want to gas up when the station is receiving a delivery either. There's always water and crud churned up.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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Joined: 06/08/09

Posts: 67

RE: bad gas reminder
08/17/11 6:11 PM

thanks Ive done that before...never thought about it though

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