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Thread: I can't believe this!

Created on: 04/23/09 09:43 PM

Replies: 62


Joined: 02/08/09

Posts: 43

I can't believe this!
04/23/09 9:43 PM

The U.S tortured people?! I'm ashamed to call myself a U.S citizen if this is what America believes in. Why does it not supprise me that it was done on the good old Republican watch. Anyone involved in this Dem or Rep should be put away!

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Joined: 02/08/09

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/23/09 10:12 PM

Im not a fan of FOX news by any means, but I give credit when its due.

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reevesmreeves's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/24/09 8:41 AM

I'm ashamed to call myself a U.S citizen if this is what America believes in

who lopped your balls off dude?! i don't think any one would be opposed to you leaving. your attitude is why our nation has/is gone/going to shit. a slap in the face to those that put their lives in danger for YOU!

i know everybody else is ignoring your post, but your views are so skewed by the media it's not funny, it's sickening.

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/24/09 10:35 AM

reeves wrote:

who lopped your balls off dude?! i don't think any one would be opposed to you leaving. your attitude is why our nation has/is gone/going to shit. a slap in the face to those that put their lives in danger for YOU!

i know everybody else is ignoring your post, but your views are so skewed by the media it's not funny, it's sickening.

Freaking hilarious reeves! Benasaki, if you'd take a moment to turn off your MSNBC and pull your cranium out of your rectum you'd realize that we live in a dangerous world with people who would love nothing more than to saw your head off. Oh.. and that'd be after they sawed the heads off your wife and children and made you watch. Dude wake up and start thinking for yourself. If you don't like this country.... leave, I hear the Taliban is looking for recruits.

These are our enemies, despite what that lying, ignoramus traitor Obama has told you, they are real and they are not going away....ever!


* Last updated by: Kruz on 4/24/2009 @ 2:17 PM *

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otrfab's Gravatar


Carstairs, Alberta

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/24/09 5:25 PM

Hey Kruz don't send him up here we have enough of our own

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It ain't easy being green!

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Joined: 02/08/09

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/24/09 6:49 PM

your attitude is why our nation has/is gone/going to shit. a slap in the face to those that put their lives in danger for YOU!

Haha, funny one kid. This nation has gone to shit under the watch of the BUsh admin. We are only trying to turn it back to right. This country has never tortured. The USA takes pride in that. Well, atleast we use to.

No, people didn't put their lives on the line for me. They put their lives on the line for a president who lied and sent them into war to fight daddy's lost battle.

if you'd take a moment to turn off your MSNBC and pull your cranium out of your rectum you'd realize that we live in a dangerous world with people who would love nothing more than to saw your head off.

1)You talk about me turning off MSNBC but yet your quoting what FIXED NEWS has been spewing the last few days. Thats to funny!!

2) If you didn't notice, I actualy showed a clip from FOX NEWS. Hmm, can't put 1 and 1 together?

If you don't like this country.... leave

Wow, we havn't heard that one from republicans in a while. Sorry, but if we dont like the country, we change it!!

China, Russia, North Korea, and lets not forget north vietnam when our service men were there tortured. Isn't it ironic that all those countries are communists?

If I can remember my History correctly. Wasn't it during WWII a lot of the germans wanted to SURRENDER to the US because we DIDN"T toture?

Those were good attempts to stick up for your boss who screwed this country up, but its not working. My country doesn't torture, and who ever does/did will be punished. If you dont like those terms, im sure there are other country who would welcome you. *cheers*

So let me get this right so Im not mistaken. All of you are ok with torture?

* Last updated by: Benasaki on 4/24/2009 @ 7:06 PM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/24/09 9:00 PM

Apparently Nancy Pelosi is, er,wait-no,she just claimed she was NEVER BRIEFED about interrogation procedures-funny she was one of ONLY EIGHT high ups that DID get told.(Of course,a thorough investigation about WHO was told will undoubtedly get "lost" in the heat of the moment-kind of like where that5 billion dollars went right after it was allotted to -WHO AGAIN?(fuggin Lefty's grabbed and ran with that one-nary a PEEP in the Media about WHO STOLE OUR(yes,even yours Benasaki)money!!!!You can only blame somebody else so long-eventually you'll have to look in the mirror(in her case,it would not be a bad idea to get started-she looks like the cat dragged her in.Along with our lovely miss Billery Clinton.Oh yeah,and bubbly Barney Franks didn't know nothin either after bein told at least TWICE by the Bush Whitehouse that UNLESS something was corrected soon,they'rd be a serious meltdown in the near future.According to him,everything was JUST FINE.These guys ought to be tried for in the least,Perjury if nothing else!!!So who's REALLY ruining America's image in the world-bunch of dumbf&^% self serving pricks gettin all they can right now-Don't worry though,PAYDAY'S COMING! Next time you see a newscast or video with miss piggy, er,I mean Pelosi-check out her EYES-She aint got any!!!Just Black orbs in there-Scary!!!And like I said before-If it weren't for the righteous layin down their lives for the REST OF US,we'd be ridin BEEMERS now and singin Heil Hitler!(yes Benasaki,dying even for you).Get with it will ya?Perhaps we ought not hurt any of those wonderful haters,just pull out of ALL nations and let em come on over and lob a few nukes our way.That's what you want Benasaki? Even yer REVERED OBAMA would be gettin his head chopped off(slowly)cause he "collaborated with the enemy(us)".And you and your family wouldn't be spared either-you're AMERICAN(?)Obama has shown the world "he just don't got it".Geez,the guy can't even get his protocol right.Who's making a laughingstock out of America?Check this out-he goes overseas and tells a bunch of wannabees(human)that "America has been arrogant" What the fu^%?Speak for yourself thanks.America has helped EVERY ONE OF THOSE COUNTRIES represented there.If it weren't for "arrogant" America,most of em would be sittin in the Gulag or worse.Obama's screwed up.He says"I'm going to give ALL Americans FIVE DAYS to review the spending package" Sh&%!Even the Dems weren't allowed to see it!Then he says-America has been arrogant" WTF does he know? He's lived his sheltered,GROOMED life at ease on the Gov't's dollar."I don't want my little girls to be groveling for an education" Dream on dude-YOU won't have to WORRY about THAT!!What do you know about struggling?Couldn't even keep your appointments at the Senate.Must be nice.Wonder if my boss would let me come in whenever I chose?And he was gittin PAID-by US "arrogant" pricks to just DO HIS JOB.What a crock-Who's ruining our image and standing.I imagine the world thought Clinton's headjob(handjob?"I did NOT have SEX with THAT woman")F-n liar at the Whitehouse was a real lesson in "American" Integrity.Nothin like "fightin for what's right" and cheatin on yer wife(and family,AND country).That I'm sure sent a REAL POSITIVE MESSAGE to all those out there.And President Bush takes out this murderer(with the blessing of the UN)and gives a people hope-for the first time,and He's "destroyed our standing in the world".At least we were safe and unattacked during his watch.Time will tell about this next Guardian.(?)And that whitehouse spokesman,Gibbs-what a piece o work that guy is!He's gotta be makin stuff up on the fly-they sure aint tellin him NOTHIN!Have any of you EVER heard a workable Answer to ANY QUESTION he's EVER been asked?I take that back,he's obviously having Obama write his responses.And I'm sure that NONE OF THIS administration's "circus" isn't being watched around the world,as our enemies plot to place a final blow to America's heart.America's been duped-looted.Worst bunch of criminals in there at one time in decades.Bush isn't without fault either.But this crew in there now-these thieves are goin for it NOW -fabricated the crisis and manipulated the markets to create this present situation-well planned-but short lived.And they of course KNOW this.They won't be there long.This is their time now.I hope the voice of sanity and honesty get through soon.The world's watching.I'm praying.(ride safe all!!!)

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/24/2009 @ 10:22 PM *

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painterdude's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 9:15 AM

The U.S tortured people?! I'm ashamed to call myself a U.S citizen if this is what America believes in. Why does it not supprise me that it was done on the good old Republican watch. Anyone involved in this Dem or Rep should be put away!

Humm. My brother often says that the liberals are wrong on ..well on everything.

This wonder kin Benasaki would demand that war criminals who wish to kill and maim Americans, not be physically harmed but would more than likely defend vigorously the right of women to kill the most innocent and defensless among us - unborn babies -and see zero contradiction.
This stance reveals clearly the base root of confused and ingenuous thinking that dominates the lib mind set.

Say what you will about Bush who was not perfect, he managed to free a people and bring a country to a place where hope was blossoming and the future looked promising. That was at huge cost to the "arrogant " US who took not a dime of oil from the country as the libs whined the war was definitely all about. Wrong again.

I predict we will watch as America looses the whole mission in Iraq and has to retreat in utter defeat ..loosing thousands of lives at great cost for less than nothing. America will be kicked to the curb of international status further than she has already fallen. Lying there, weak and impovershed, bled to financial ruin by Obama's spending spree, she will be a target for takeover ..
and oh ..ya the invaders will torture the innocent..
but in a libs mind
that kind of torture
is fine. They allow it on babies

One other thing that is really troubling. The libs just swept away the twenty years Obama spent under the "Damn America!!!" Rev. No worries. Imagine if a Repblican had that kind of background for twenty years !!
Obama actually wanted to install this hate America guy as his spiritual advisor until political pressure became so great he couldn't.
I think it is logical that because Obama sat under a hate America message for twenty years and looked up to the pastor spewing this stuff, there might be some hatred against America in him and he might actually be fine with bringing Amerrica down.
Now that is logical ..and therefore naturally something a liberal mind set would not understand of Messiah Obama.
Libs really need to stop drinking the cool aid.

* Last updated by: painterdude on 4/25/2009 @ 9:23 AM *

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painterdude's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 9:30 AM

ah... Hub ..
drop the crap English.
You can make more of a cogent impact without it messing up your ability to communicate.
just saying

for the zillionth


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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 11:34 AM

I say again-watch(if you can)some of the Saddam Torture Videos freely available on the net.Far cry from waterboarding.Personally,I'm glad he's gone.Thanks to Pres.Bush and the rest of us who believe in freedom and justice.And the brave men and women who gave(and give)so much for others(All ENLISTED I might add).They WANT to be helping-yes,by choice.Thanks all you guys and gals!!!!(Harry Ried-"the war is LOST"-he ought to be tried for aiding and abetting the enemy-nother Tokyo Rose).

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/25/2009 @ 11:36 AM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 12:57 PM

What the fack is benasaki the I-hate-America commie doin' back in here?
I ran you off once already Benasaki/Gorillaglu, you don't even own a Zx14 or any motorcycle for that matter.
You little bitch, I posted your challenge and ya cut'n'run like ALL democrats.
"Torture"???? Ohhhh, they got water up a terrorists nose? For shame!! No sleep? Sounds like my typical workweek.
31 terror attacks on US soil were prevented by playing rock music to a bunch of child-killers.
You call THAT "torture"?
You're a fucking idiot.
But then, we ALL know that.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Joined: 02/08/09

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 3:41 PM

blue07.. paragraphs are you friend. I tried reading through that mess but it didn't make much sence. Try it again and i'll be happy to read it.

[quote]This wonder kin Benasaki would demand that war criminals who wish to kill and maim Americans, not be physically harmed but would more than likely defend vigorously the right of women to kill the most innocent and defensless among us - unborn babies -and see zero contradiction.[/qupte]

Ah, right wing nut at its best. Thank you for stereo tpying myself as a liberal baby killer. This just goes to show how narrow minded you are. I unlike many of the other republicans here follow the constitution. I keep my religion and polotics seperate.

You seem like such a holly roller, it kind of makes me wonder why you would OK violence. Thats not what jesus would do now is it? You should go to church and pray a little bit harder for that one.

Say what you will about Bush who was not perfect, he managed to free a people and bring a country to a place where hope was blossoming and the future looked promising. That was at huge cost to the "arrogant " US who took not a dime of oil from the country as the libs whined the war was definitely all about. Wrong again.

Just stop now and save yourself the humiliation. Iraq connected to terrorist attacks, then they had WMD's now freeing people. Wow, could we change the story one more time?

I predict we will watch as America looses the whole mission in Iraq and has to retreat in utter defeat ..loosing thousands of lives at great cost for less than nothing. America will be kicked to the curb of international status further than she has already fallen. Lying there, weak and impovershed, bled to financial ruin by Obama's spending spree, she will be a target for takeover

Im starting to think you just ramble on without even thinking about what your saying. We dont have a mission in Iraq. The only mission we have is to find a way to get out since we fucked up. This Iraq war is the same thing as me coming up to you saying you stole my wallet. So I kick the shit out of you and then later that night I discovery my wallet was at home all this time. Whoops!! So, how do I say sorry about kicking your ass for nothing in the nicest way?

but in a libs mind
that kind of torture
is fine. They allow it on babies

You've got issues if this is all you can keep thinking about.

I say again-watch(if you can)some of the Saddam Torture Videos freely available on the net.Far cry from waterboarding.Personally,I'm glad he's gone.Thanks to Pres.Bush and the rest of us who believe in freedom and justice.And the brave men and women who gave(and give)so much for others(All ENLISTED I might add).They WANT to be helping-yes,by choice.Thanks all you guys and gals!!!!(Harry Ried-"the war is LOST"-he ought to be tried for aiding and abetting the enemy-nother Tokyo Rose).

This is probebly the sickest thing i've read today. Talking about brain wash. Well since we invaded Iraq to free people, why dont we attack North Korea as well? Way to think of it as "well its not as bad as what they did" Your starting to sound like the 8 year old down the street who told me he threw rocks at the neighbors house, but not as much as timmy.

What the fack is benasaki the I-hate-America commie doin' back in here?
I ran you off once already Benasaki/Gorillaglu, you don't even own a Zx14 or any motorcycle for that matter.
You little bitch, I posted your challenge and ya cut'n'run like ALL democrats.
"Torture"???? Ohhhh, they got water up a terrorists nose? For shame!! No sleep? Sounds like my typical workweek.
31 terror attacks on US soil were prevented by playing rock music to a bunch of child-killers.
You call THAT "torture"?
You're a fucking idiot.
But then, we ALL know that.

Ah! Toe sucker!! I was wondering when you'd drop it. Run me off? haha, more like copying and pasting articles from your right wring blog and claiming everything was facts. Got kinda old and pointless after a while. Kinda like teaching Calc 3 to a 6 year old. Just isn't going to happen. Good to see you though! Hope you have fun with this one hun :)

p.s wtf is Gorillaglu?

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East valley Phoenix area

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 8:56 PM

Name calling is a typical propaganda method common to govts and individuals who wish to supress any ideas but their own. It is the resort of people who have no other means to defend their position other than by being louder and labeling their enemies as something they are not. A typical name calling technique would be to label someone as a "baby killer" with no real proof other than distorted views of like minded individuals. Better to argue with facts, not from biased sources, than to call names and make baseless, unproveable accusations. It is possible to be critical without using lies, deceit, and name calling, we should all practice it along with respect and manners.

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painterdude's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 9:17 PM

Benasaki all I can say with the responses you just gave validate the sterotype of the liberal mindset in full flight. Your sweeping disregard to what was said is breathtaking and frightening actually,because you represent so many others like you.
Just for fun lets review...:
I wrote
This wonder kin Benasaki would demand that war criminals who wish to kill and maim Americans, not be physically harmed but would more than likely defend vigorously the right of women to kill the most innocent and defensless among us - unborn babies -and see zero contradiction.
This stance reveals clearly the base root of confused and ingenuous thinking that dominates the lib mind set.

Your response:

Ah, right wing nut at its best. Thank you for stereo tpying myself as a liberal baby killer. This just goes to show how narrow minded you are. I unlike many of the other republicans here follow the constitution. I keep my religion and polotics seperate.
You seem like such a holly roller, it kind of makes me wonder why you would OK violence. Thats not what jesus would do now is it? You should go to church and pray a little bit harder for that one.

hummm I get the "nutter" title and I am a "holly" roller . We can presume from this being holy is a perjorative - a net negative and being an evil roller would be fine?? lol.
Being pushed on a defining liberal issue they carry into politics -the killing of the unborn - you do not stand up and say ,.."No I do not agree with the killing of children in the womb!!". Nope instead you slide away and attempt to push killing the unborn into a religuuuuuuuuuuuuus issue ..saying you keep your religion and "polotics" seperate.???? What is religious about allowing killing of kids in the womb??. WOW !! Thought it might be a human rights issue ..NO ??
As to the attempted snarky comments on Jesus, Mr Benasaki you need to read your Bible re what is says about the state. I could help you get edumicated in that department if you wish but I doubt you have any interest in things Biblical
or holy.(which is bad)

* Last updated by: painterdude on 4/25/2009 @ 11:25 PM *

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painterdude's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 9:30 PM

motomi1 wrote
Name calling is a typical propaganda method common to govts and individuals who wish to supress any ideas but their own. It is the resort of people who have no other means to defend their position other than by being louder and labeling their enemies as something they are not. A typical name calling technique would be to label someone as a "baby killer" with no real proof other than distorted views of like minded individuals. Better to argue with facts, not from biased sources, than to call names and make baseless, unproveable accusations. It is possible to be critical without using lies, deceit, and name calling, we should all practice it along with respect and manners

You should listen to yourself carefully as this flow is one of the funniest I have seen in here. Contradiction is the inspiration for humor.
You set out to label people who label people who you believe should not label people ..hillarious

Humm curious ..Who by the way " labelled" anyone a baby killer in here? Mr Brenanski of course did that to himself in his retort. However it is not a pujorative(sp?) term to be labled such as it is legal to end human life in the womb and quite PC in our society. It's what we do.

* Last updated by: painterdude on 4/25/2009 @ 9:37 PM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 9:31 PM

Benasaki-I think you got the wrong writer in your statement"paragraphs are your friend",and then your quote-it wasn't mine.Sorry Ben-mine are FULLY UNDERSTANDABLE-I got "A''s in English Composition-4 years of College writing as well.Straight A's in high school in English.Was the team leader in Jr High for Spelling.I think I know how to connect two thoughts together thanks.You might try a little spelling brush up yourself though,before you try to criticize someone else's writing skills(ya think?).I guess you're saying that the torture videos were created by the Bush administration starring the "Iraqi actors" and that they weren't authentic?As a tool for "brainwashing"?And what brainwashing might that be?These videos were taken by the Saddam faithful,something to entertain him and his sons on a Friday Night .And I suppose the Vids of the Blackwater guards being dragged through the street,beaten,mutilated,burned and hung from the Bridge-I suppose those are "propaganda" as well,right? How bout making the "convicted" drink gasoline,then shooting them in the stomach-not real huh?Have you even SEEN the videos? Pretty hard to fake getting your hand chopped off,or (I didn't finish watching this one)those getting their heads cut off. Where Good men do nothing,Evil flourishes.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/25/2009 @ 9:49 PM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/25/09 11:43 PM

motomi1 wrote
Name calling is a typical propaganda method common to govts and individuals who wish to supress any ideas but their own. It is the resort of people who have no other means to defend their position other than by being louder and labeling their enemies as something they are not. A typical name calling technique would be to label someone as a "baby killer" with no real proof other than distorted views of like minded individuals. Better to argue with facts, not from biased sources, than to call names and make baseless, unproveable accusations. It is possible to be critical without using lies, deceit, and name calling, we should all practice it along with respect and manners

You should listen to yourself carefully as this flow is one of the funniest I have seen in here. Contradiction is the inspiration for humor.
You set out to label people who label people who you believe should not label people ..hillarious

Hahahahahahahaha..too freakin' right mate!!!
motomi don't much like anyone slaggin' his political allies like benasaki/Gorillaglu. Benasaki has acted the asshat repeatedly throughout this forum.
He is just here to be a troll. He does not own a motorcycle at all, let alone a ZX14.
Benasaki has also gone under the user-name Gorillaglu on this site. He is a fraud, liar, and phony.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 11:28 AM

Hey Toecutter-haven't heard from ya in a while-doing okay?Able to get out and ride?Iffy weather here-maybe able to go out next Thursday or Friday.Be safe there Bro!-take care.(good to hear from ya!!)

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 3:24 PM

Howdy Boys!!
Been crazy busy at work, (for Benasaki/Gorillaglu , thats who pays for your welfare,fackcommietard ) I'm also the admin for our local-yokal bike site, with that, fam, and tryin' to squeeeeze a ride in here and there......

Then I happen to drop by and see how the wild men of the Zx14 world are doin'...and here is some sidewalk-commando, terrorist-lovin', America-hatin' punk, spewin' out his usual libtarded hate. This chicken-shit who doesn't say where he's at, or anything at all cause he's a typical libfuck coward.
I on the other hand, am easy-peasy to find. The clanging of my brass balls can be heard across the prairie as the sound bounces off the walls of the great Rocky Mountains. Oh yes.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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hamr56's Gravatar

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 7:12 PM

Honestly if I hear anymore of this terrioist drivel I am going to puke. Frats across america do worse to their fricken pledges. Maybe Benassski or Commisaki what ever you go by maybe you need to watch the video of some of the torture that they do to us. Better yet did you forget the shit that was pulled on us on Septemeber 11th. You and your lame assed president will cause this country many pains before you are dispatched by the exact people you are trying to make nice with.

Since Obuma tried to make nice with these wackass types Kim Jung ll showed how much he thinks of these "talks" by flying a missle immediately after dumbass got done speaking. You think anyone respects this country when we stand up for our enemies. The enemies that killed all those americans on our soil. Do me a favor and put your head back between Barney Frank's wrinkled thighs where it belongs.

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 8:11 PM

Apparently Nancy Pelosi is, er,wait-no,she just claimed she was NEVER BRIEFED about interrogation procedures-funny she was one of ONLY EIGHT high ups that DID get told.(Of course,a thorough investigation about WHO was told will undoubtedly get "lost" in the heat of the moment-kind of like where that5 billion dollars went right after it was allotted to -WHO AGAIN?(fuggin Lefty's grabbed and ran with that one-nary a PEEP in the Media about WHO STOLE OUR(yes,even yours Benasaki)money!!!!You can only blame somebody else so long-eventually you'll have to look in the mirror(in her case,it would not be a bad idea to get started-she looks like the cat dragged her in.Along with our lovely miss Billery Clinton.Oh yeah,and bubbly Barney Franks didn't know nothin either after bein told at least TWICE by the Bush Whitehouse that UNLESS something was corrected soon,they'rd be a serious meltdown in the near future.According to him,everything was JUST FINE.These guys ought to be tried for in the least,Perjury if nothing else!!!So who's REALLY ruining America's image in the world-bunch of dumbf&^% self serving pricks gettin all they can right now-Don't worry though,PAYDAY'S COMING! Next time you see a newscast or video with miss piggy, er,I mean Pelosi-check out her EYES-She aint got any!!!Just Black orbs in there-Scary!!!And like I said before-If it weren't for the righteous layin down their lives for the REST OF US,we'd be ridin BEEMERS now and singin Heil Hitler!(yes Benasaki,dying even for you).Get with it will ya?Perhaps we ought not hurt any of those wonderful haters,just pull out of ALL nations and let em come on over and lob a few nukes our way.That's what you want Benasaki? Even yer REVERED OBAMA would be gettin his head chopped off(slowly)cause he "collaborated with the enemy(us)".And you and your family wouldn't be spared either-you're AMERICAN(?)Obama has shown the world "he just don't got it".Geez,the guy can't even get his protocol right.Who's making a laughingstock out of America?Check this out-he goes overseas and tells a bunch of wannabees(human)that "America has been arrogant" What the fu^%?Speak for yourself thanks.America has helped EVERY ONE OF THOSE COUNTRIES represented there.If it weren't for "arrogant" America,most of em would be sittin in the Gulag or worse.Obama's screwed up.He says"I'm going to give ALL Americans FIVE DAYS to review the spending package" Sh&%!Even the Dems weren't allowed to see it!Then he says-America has been arrogant" WTF does he know? He's lived his sheltered,GROOMED life at ease on the Gov't's dollar."I don't want my little girls to be groveling for an education" Dream on dude-YOU won't have to WORRY about THAT!!What do you know about struggling?Couldn't even keep your appointments at the Senate.Must be nice.Wonder if my boss would let me come in whenever I chose?And he was gittin PAID-by US "arrogant" pricks to just DO HIS JOB.What a crock-Who's ruining our image and standing.I imagine the world thought Clinton's headjob(handjob?"I did NOT have SEX with THAT woman")F-n liar at the Whitehouse was a real lesson in "American" Integrity.Nothin like "fightin for what's right" and cheatin on yer wife(and family,AND country).That I'm sure sent a REAL POSITIVE MESSAGE to all those out there.And President Bush takes out this murderer(with the blessing of the UN)and gives a people hope-for the first time,and He's "destroyed our standing in the world".At least we were safe and unattacked during his watch.Time will tell about this next Guardian.(?)And that whitehouse spokesman,Gibbs-what a piece o work that guy is!He's gotta be makin stuff up on the fly-they sure aint tellin him NOTHIN!Have any of you EVER heard a workable Answer to ANY QUESTION he's EVER been asked?I take that back,he's obviously having Obama write his responses.And I'm sure that NONE OF THIS administration's "circus" isn't being watched around the world,as our enemies plot to place a final blow to America's heart.America's been duped-looted.Worst bunch of criminals in there at one time in decades.Bush isn't without fault either.But this crew in there now-these thieves are goin for it NOW -fabricated the crisis and manipulated the markets to create this present situation-well planned-but short lived.And they of course KNOW this.They won't be there long.This is their time now.I hope the voice of sanity and honesty get through soon.The world's watching.I'm praying.(ride safe all!!!)

If you got A's in your english class then the stories are right. No child left behind was a failure.

Since Obuma tried to make nice with these wackass types Kim Jung ll showed how much he thinks of these "talks" by flying a missle immediately after dumbass got done speaking. You think anyone respects this country when we stand up for our enemies. The enemies that killed all those americans on our soil. Do me a favor and put your head back between Barney Frank's wrinkled thighs where it belongs.

Ah, smartest one we've had today! Who was in power as Kim Jung ll decided to go ahead with his nuclear project? No, wasn't bush was it? Well if it was, what did bush do about it? Oh wait, thats right. He decided not to talk to him. OOOOhhhh boy, talk about pressure.

Who says we are standing up for our enemies? Sounds like your putting words in my mouth now. I believe what the terrorists have done was horrible, and they shouldn't get away with what they have done. But as you "might" remember. Ronald Reagan signed the 1988 U.N. Convention Against Torture where we committed ourselves to prosecuting people who torture. Now are you saying Ronald Reagon was wrong?

Being pushed on a defining liberal issue they carry into politics -the killing of the unborn - you do not stand up and say ,.."No I do not agree with the killing of children in the womb!!". Nope instead you slide away and attempt to push killing the unborn into a religuuuuuuuuuuuuus issue ..saying you keep your religion and "polotics" seperate.???? What is religious about allowing killing of kids in the womb??. WOW !! Thought it might be a human rights issue ..NO ??
As to the attempted snarky comments on Jesus, Mr Benasaki you need to read your Bible re what is says about the state. I could help you get edumicated in that department if you wish but I doubt you have any interest in things Biblical
or holy.(which is bad)

Well doesn't suprise me you'd want to keep the religious talk here since its what the right has done for the past 8 years. So i'll respond to your "killing baby" issues. I myself do no believe in abortion, but I do believe its a womens choice to decide what she can and can't do with her body. I also believe that if a women chose to have an abortion, its between her and god.

It would be a human right issue to some if the embryo was actual human. But im sure you'll try and judge me on my opinion now as to whats human and whats not, and decide your opinion is right

Instead of helping me refresh on the bible, maybe you should go back and read a few passages. particulary the one about those who have no sin may throw the first stone. But, like many catholics these days. They pick and chose from what they want to believe from the bible.

* Last updated by: Benasaki on 4/26/2009 @ 9:01 PM *

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 8:41 PM

Well Mr. Ben-for you-I'll say it-"the Obama Deception" video is available for all to watch on YouTube.Judge for yourself-you may be enlightened as to WHO your(and my) present President really is-as well as his "top picks"-enjoy!

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/26/2009 @ 8:42 PM *

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 8:57 PM

Well Mr. Ben-for you-I'll say it-"the Obama Deception" video is available for all to watch on YouTube.Judge for yourself-you may be enlightened as to WHO your(and my) present President really is-as well as his "top picks"-enjoy!

Really? Thats it? I bring up torture and how wrong it is for the U.S to do it and how it IS agains the law to do so. Which it seems like the Bush administartion BROKE THE LAW!!! and you want to talk to me about who obama really is? Yeah, sounds like you have your priorities straight.

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/26/09 10:34 PM

That's adminiSTRAtion-not adminiSTARtion.You forgot the "t" in "against" Say it with me Ben-"I will learn how to spell on the zx14 forum if it takes me forever" (obama is spelled with a CAPITAL "O") (BTW-you DIDN'T watch it ,did you?You couldn't have in one hour! Remember-it's one down,five up-and it won't shift into second from neutral sitting still.

Quote from Obama-speaking about children's healthcare-"So you take your son or daughter to the emergency room because they're having trouble breathing,and,and so the doctor puts him on a breathalyzer,I,I mean, not a breathalyzer, a,a, you know,one of those,those things to help him breathe..." (and you thought CONSERVATIVES were stupid! (I believe the item is called a Ventilator) I think that's what's called a "Freudian Slip"(you know what that is,don't you Ben?) Okay-for your homework tonight,I would like you to write 50 times-"I will honor the Bush ADMINISTRATION AGAINST all criticisms foreign and domestic,accepting the fact that He had the guts to face tyranny abroad,and save hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives from certain death under the hand of the most vicious ruler since Hitler"Due tomorrow. And no,Ben,using the excuse "I died" will not be acceptable for NOT completing your assignment.Your ONLY alternative to this will be 10 minutes of supervised water sports,which will help increase your breathholding capabilities,thereby enhancing your future plans of become a NAVY SEAL (you do want to help others,don't you?)

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/26/2009 @ 11:56 PM *

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RE: I can't believe this!
04/27/09 12:22 AM

I don't know about "politically" correct-If waterboarding is the WORST form of interrogation methods we have,perhaps we should switch to something milder,like maybe chopping fingers and feet off, or maybe partially severing a neck or two. Throwing off a three story building might be less torturous-ya think? I imagine those dear folks that watched their loved ones JUMP from the Twin Towers,they might think a little differently about getting information concerning future catastrophes and the senseless waste of others.It's NEVER as serious when it happens to someone else.Isn't that how we should all view it?No thanks.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/27/2009 @ 12:28 AM *

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