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Thread: ZX14 front end wobble

Created on: 02/05/24 11:40 PM

Replies: 13


Kwiknscary's Gravatar

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ZX14 front end wobble
02/05/24 11:40 PM

Hi guys got a new front tyre put on my 2007 ZX14 the other day took it for its first ride now when I apply the front brake the front end wobbles severely until I slow down to about 80 kmh does anyone think it's just the calipers that need re-alining or something more severe? it's never done it before thanks for your help in advance

* Last updated by: Kwiknscary on 2/5/2024 @ 11:41 PM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/06/24 7:58 AM

My front end setup goes something like this:
1, Front steering bearing repacked.
2. One fork go up the triples to set mm out of the top of the top crown.
3. Other fork slides up the triples, this one floats with the front axle thru both forks.
4. The float up and down settles to a point where the front axle slides free thru both fork hole till it's more squared to those 3 points, then the floating fork is torqued to spec.
5. Axle is retested to float with the least amount of static to spin inside the fork hole = Squared to the frame/to the swing arm.

Brake calipers:
1. These are more very loose of a hand tight of caliper mounting bolts.
2. Bolts screwed up to the caliper, but the caliper can still float.
3. Spin the wheel, hit the brakes, spin again and lock the brakes again.
4. Axle is at the one pinch bolt side of the axle is loose so the forks do not bow out or in, but are static at rest.
5. Brake released, axle pinch bolts were torqued at the one fork, the spinning axle pinch bolts are torqued down. Caliper bolts are torqued down.
6. Front end is squared to the triple trees.

Wheel balance:
1. Using a static balance stand.
2. Spin wheel slow on the stand.
3. Wheel stops, chalk mark a line at 12:00 o'clock.
4. Spin a second time to see the mark is back to 12 o'clock position.
5. Tape a weight at the 6 o'clock position, turn the mark to the 9 or 3 o'clock position and let go.
6. Wheel returns to 12, add more weight.
7. Move wheel to the 3-9 o'clock position and wait for it to move. It does not. Move the mark to the 6 o'clock position and release. it does not. Move to a 3 or 9 o'clock position. It does not move. Wheel is now balanced.

Used and new tire mixed together:
1. Change tires as a set.
2. The above assembly should clear any steering issue.
3. Not resolved, change rear tire and balance.

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/6/2024 @ 8:03 AM *

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/06/24 8:02 AM

sounds like the knuckle draggers that installed the tire fucked it up

about 17 ways they could have done that, balance being a probable root cause. If you know how to check runout and wobble id look at that while im calling the tire shop wrt the shit work they did

or maybe it just tossed off a few weights cause the knuckle dragger was drooling over the tire as he installed then but most likely they just charged you for the balance and didnt do it

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/06/24 4:21 PM

Warped rotor?

I've had weights fly off and not noticed any difference in handling. All my tires have worn and I have never noticed any difference in handling from the balance change. I'm thinking balance would have to off significantly if it causes a wobble.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Kwiknscary's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/06/24 7:47 PM

Thanks for everyone's input I'm new to this site and apparently you can't reply to each comment individually?

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/08/24 3:08 PM

apparently you can't reply to each comment individually?

Above the message box, click the icon that looks like a guy with a speech bubble and you will get the [qote] [/qote] tags. Copy the portion of the response you wish to quote and paste between the tags. You can type "Rook (or whoever)said: in the tags if you want to identify who said it.

That's how we do it here. It's a little cumbersome but it works.

* Last updated by: Rook on 2/8/2024 @ 3:08 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/08/24 4:48 PM

Click B at the top. [b][b] shown without forward slash in closing bracket(s). Now change it to a q in both brackets [q][q]. Cut and paste the quote in between the opening and closing brackets. That's my quick and dirty.

Say I'm mid 20k's in mileage. First round of front pads just replaced. Pad contact created a groove inside the most outer of rim. Very visible being, cough, second hand discs. Needless to say I could use a new pair of discs. Thing is, she's still point straight without flex of any frame being upset about it.

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/8/2024 @ 4:49 PM *

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Kwiknscary's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/10/24 1:27 PM

The floating discs were not floating the buttons had a little bit of rust in them I loosen them with a screwdriver now everything is good again thanks for your replies

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/10/24 3:42 PM

Gotta love cheap and easy fixes !!!!!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/11/24 12:26 AM

I gotta remember to add locked disc buttons to the list. Been sitting awhile, sits outside, gets washed a lot?

Good call scary.

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/11/2024 @ 12:26 AM *

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Kwiknscary's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/11/24 2:02 AM

Bike is always garaged washed when necessary the issue was I used to live on the coast so it would have been the salt air.... it's just coincidental after the front tyre was put on the buttons seized a bit.. replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome

* Last updated by: Kwiknscary on 2/11/2024 @ 11:02 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/11/24 11:06 AM

Ah, A Sea Breeze. This is a job for WD40. You made the thread of the year, scary. I spray WD40 as a bike cleaner. Any bolts I don't wipe off.

Left click while dragging over the quote you want [start at last word of the sentence and drag up] then stop, lift off left click to lock quote in blue. A left click again clears the blue [locked] line = Practice.
Right click over a photo where a window will popup. Find 'open photo in new window' and click on that = Practice.

Always press Ctrl key down first, then the letter.
Press down the B (above) next. What is known as a bracket(s) will popup = Practice.
Ctrl + C is now used after the blue quote line locks. C means copy.
Ctrl + V places the quote into this box. The V means paste.

Cumbersome Combos:
"replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome." First step was to Copy this quote and enter into the body or box here.

Combo 1: I can start with a C&P (copy and paste) and send it in the box. I can type the open bracket in front of the r and the closing bracket at the end of the last word of the quote. The letter q only are in both brackets.

Combo 2: I can click on the italic I at the top left of the menu bar. I then change the I to a q which a low cap works as well. I then run the curser in between the open and closing brackets, then click Ctrl + V to enter the quote.

Combo 3: I can send the quote into the box. I then copy by bluing the quote. I then go up to the menu bar and choose either B for bold, I for it to slant the letters, or U and underline the quote. This the the quick and dirty that shows the quote to stand out from the print you type.

Beauty of Brackets:
Photo: This kind of code called brackets show what a few letters can do on this site and then once practiced and becomes memory to write basic codes, you can take the photo you right clicked, blue the line [C&P] in the address bar, click the italic I and add MG so it reads the code IMG (image) into the brackets. If you don't click it blue an click I only, it will quote everything. That's why it is good to know how to blue a line to narrow down the quote when you wrap it like that to click either the BIU to change it to IMG in the brackets.

Web Address/parts page/website page/or any line of the full line at the very top being the 'address bar' of the browser's website. A normal click over the address bar will blue the web page you are looking at. C&P the line and enter it into the box here. Blue this line in the box and lock it. Press the U to surround the address. Type in RL in both brackets so the code reads a URL: means the address.

With this basic code practiced here sends you to other sites to C&P just the quote you want, hand type the brackets and type out quote if q does not work. Look at how much you can do with [][/] basic code brackets.

Quote = use q [q][q]
Photo = use IMG [img][img]
Web Page = use URL [url][url]
(forward slash eliminated to show written code)

[q]replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome[q]<< Shows the forward slash (/) missing to show bracket placement.

replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome
Shown with forward slash in place.

NOLTT (no one likes turtle type)

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/11/2024 @ 11:08 AM *

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Kwiknscary's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/11/24 11:17 AM

I use my phone to use the forum

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: ZX14 front end wobble
02/12/24 8:10 AM

The only loophole is type out the quote or parts of it and type out the brackets using the B. I'll ask the neighbor next time I see him. He's apple savvy with the phone, see if he knows a few tricks.

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