Ah, A Sea Breeze. This is a job for WD40. You made the thread of the year, scary. I spray WD40 as a bike cleaner. Any bolts I don't wipe off.
Left click while dragging over the quote you want [start at last word of the sentence and drag up] then stop, lift off left click to lock quote in blue. A left click again clears the blue [locked] line = Practice.
Right click over a photo where a window will popup. Find 'open photo in new window' and click on that = Practice.
Always press Ctrl key down first, then the letter.
Press down the B (above) next. What is known as a bracket(s) will popup = Practice.
Ctrl + C is now used after the blue quote line locks. C means copy.
Ctrl + V places the quote into this box. The V means paste.
Cumbersome Combos:
"replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome." First step was to Copy this quote and enter into the body or box here.
Combo 1: I can start with a C&P (copy and paste) and send it in the box. I can type the open bracket in front of the r and the closing bracket at the end of the last word of the quote. The letter q only are in both brackets.
Combo 2: I can click on the italic I at the top left of the menu bar. I then change the I to a q which a low cap works as well. I then run the curser in between the open and closing brackets, then click Ctrl + V to enter the quote.
Combo 3: I can send the quote into the box. I then copy by bluing the quote. I then go up to the menu bar and choose either B for bold, I for it to slant the letters, or U and underline the quote. This the the quick and dirty that shows the quote to stand out from the print you type.
Beauty of Brackets:
Photo: This kind of code called brackets show what a few letters can do on this site and then once practiced and becomes memory to write basic codes, you can take the photo you right clicked, blue the line [C&P] in the address bar, click the italic I and add MG so it reads the code IMG (image) into the brackets. If you don't click it blue an click I only, it will quote everything. That's why it is good to know how to blue a line to narrow down the quote when you wrap it like that to click either the BIU to change it to IMG in the brackets.
Web Address/parts page/website page/or any line of the full line at the very top being the 'address bar' of the browser's website. A normal click over the address bar will blue the web page you are looking at. C&P the line and enter it into the box here. Blue this line in the box and lock it. Press the U to surround the address. Type in RL in both brackets so the code reads a URL: means the address.
With this basic code practiced here sends you to other sites to C&P just the quote you want, hand type the brackets and type out quote if q does not work. Look at how much you can do with [][/] basic code brackets.
Quote = use q [q][q]
Photo = use IMG [img][img]
Web Page = use URL [url][url]
(forward slash eliminated to show written code)
[q]replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome[q]<< Shows the forward slash (/) missing to show bracket placement.
replying to comments on this thread sucks arse... So cumbersome
Shown with forward slash in place.
NOLTT (no one likes turtle type)
* Last updated by: Hub on 2/11/2024 @ 11:08 AM *
Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time