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Thread: Butt Gapping The 405

Created on: 06/04/24 12:42 PM

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

Posts: 13795

Butt Gapping The 405
06/04/24 12:42 PM

Here I am on Saliba's Slabs a.k.a. the 405. Ass gap cracking all the way almost. Brutal is the taking of the underbelly exhaust sparking the ST1100 if in the diamond lane. Then if I stayed to the right which is my MO and remain at the speed limit shit happens. The traffic moving onto the freeway is another jump off the seat that gaps moving to the next lane.

I mean the rim whacking I hit if the rise is up, the drop down of the rise of the overpass if up is the jump down; no blending into the road again. The whack of the throttle to move over to the next lane and not be blocked in. Who knows, I don't look but say 80/90mph is a whack from 65mph, I passed a pickup moving into the lane I was in. So when I passed him, he had a shot of my ass crack on the gap over another brutal blend of the Saliba.

The ST takes the bumps harshly but a little better. With the 14 it just stays straight as an arrow. Not a wobble or upset to be found.

So it's a matter of trips to find where the Saliba machinegun paving's are and steer clear... HA, too many lanes and think one is smoother than the other.

What a bike.

* Last updated by: Hub on 6/4/2024 @ 12:43 PM *

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