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Thread: Sprocket change

Created on: 02/14/12 09:43 PM

Replies: 33


Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 7:21 AM

Grn, you've got nothing to do, paint a link and a tooth. Count how many times the chain comes around? I forget if it was 65 times to get to the realignment marks to line back up, but do you now see a wear pattern every 65 revolutions on the same plain? Link over one tooth, she now wears in a new 65 times around is the wear that was in a groove sort of.

Key that link, you have this wear spot that might turn high spot. Ever hear that wahhh-wahhh coming down the road all hi/low chiming in; that added wear? If you lost o-ring, you could have pushed grease up in there, saved yourself a whole bunch of parts and time having someone doing it.

I was the only idiot in the shop key'inn your chain to sprocket so you couldn't wahhh-wahhh me, I worked on your bike, now point a finger?

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 8:16 AM

Nobody worked on my sprockets or chains...except me(take that back...a mech DID install an "endless" link on one chain.I had to remove it...he got it too tight).No,I never got the wa wa's.But I have heard that before on other bikes.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/16/2012 @ 8:18 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 8:54 AM

Conference: ZX-14 Conference
Forum: ZX-14 Maintenance
Thread: Sprocket change
User: Grn14
Nobody worked on my sprockets or chains...except me.No,I never got the wa
wa's.But I have heard that before on other bikes.

Good thing. I was going to call you on it.

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 9:05 AM

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/16/2012 @ 9:09 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 10:00 AM

Hey GAG GUY, you don't learn anything handing off your job to someone else. You need to be in the thick of it. Y0u have to Rook up. You know, tool up, so you can run with the bad guys, not the gag guys... Come'inn thru... Shelep aside a gag guy is coming thru.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 10:01 AM

It's still win tear write?

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RE: Sprocket change
02/16/12 3:51 PM

"You know, tool up, so you can run with the bad guys"......apparently you completely left out the KEY sentence(naturally) in my statement above,

"(I had to remove it...he got it too tight)".Which means 'Frosty'....I installed a new one in it's place.Dwweeb.Amazing really...he's a paid trained Kawasaki don't know shit remember?My replacement went just fine.Having no skills and all.

I'll have my flashed ECU back in a day or so.....roads are fine now....nice and clean.Winter?....not here,not now.I'm sure you read that other post there...about the 212 HP at the rear wheel?Are you gettin this picture now?And that's only for starters.

Already have a Sheriff's officer friend gonna clock me on my secluded straight.No top speed limiter either.....Gonna be a GREAT season!

While you're markin yer sprockets with a felt pen,I'll be joinin the 200 mph club.Officially and categorically recorded on the best Radar Equipment available I'll have er on my cam as well....just cause I can

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/16/2012 @ 4:04 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Sprocket change
02/19/12 10:12 AM

AWESOME! can't wait....summer is on, Grn is going fast and he even has the cops on his side.

while you're at it Grn, maybe test out some of those laser jammers? You get 5-6 people to throw in $100, you have a laser jam system free and if it works...??

...they will come after you anyway if you were doing over 200.

The asylum presents:

200 MPH

staring GRN14


* Last updated by: Rook on 2/19/2012 @ 10:23 AM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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RE: Sprocket change
02/19/12 1:11 PM

It's for real alright.He said he'd do it...just let him know when.I don't think they're usin Lazer here yet.It'd be just a one time thing....I'm not gonna run my bike this time 'topped out' like every fifth ride or somethin.I don't see why it wouldn't hit 200...with this HP and TQ.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/19/2012 @ 1:15 PM *

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